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This isn't some fucking fairytale. I'm stuck in a constant storm. It's been raining for so long. I don't really remember a time it wasn't raining and was actually sunny. I don't know if this rain will ever stop. No, I'm not talking about actual rain. I mean this metaphorically. A huge factor of this dumb rain is the hellhole some people call school. Which, unfortunately for me, today is the first day of.

Your probably wondering Who is this little bottle of sunshine? Well, I am Echo Donovan. I am the younger sister to Ethan Donovan, and daughter to Benjamin Donovan. My mother... well my mother is dead. My mother's name was Jade Donovan. She was always my safe haven. Whenever I had a bad day, she would always be there to comfort me. My father and brother blame me for her death. I don't know why, it wasn't my fault. I miss her so much.

Do you know what I was left with? I was left with bullies at school, a brother and father who couldn't care less about me, also that same father is always working. When he is home, he is a complete asshole to me and is usually drunk. Pretty amazing life, right?

Hi guys! Thanks for reading my book. All of the chapters are in Echo's POV unless I say at the top otherwise. And if I'm going to switch POV's in a chapter, then I will say that too. Enjoy!

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