Chapter 8

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I'm so glad I'm finally allowed to leave the hospital. I wasn't in there too much longer, but that one day was dreadful. Signing the release forms, we head home. I don't want to go back home. I can't face my father yet, plus what if Samantha is there? She only said one sentence to me and I already hate her.

I didn't even realize we had already pulled into the driveway until I heard the car door slam shut making me jump slightly. Taking deep breaths, I emerge from inside the car. All three of us walk in silence up to the front porch.

"I'm kind of scared..." I admit to them, sending them worried glances.

"It's going to be okay, Echo. You have to face him eventually anyway. You can get it over with now. We will be right behind you." Jace says, I see Ethan nod in agreement. This does help calm me a little bit, knowing that they are here for me. More deep breaths, Echo, it's okay.

I open the door apprehensively, only to find it empty. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. My relief is short lived because I hear someone clear their throat so I obviously look up to see who, only to see none other than my father.

At least his 'girlfriend' isn't with him. Wait he looks mad... really mad. And drunk... this can't be good.

"Where have you been?!" He yells at me, making me flinch.

"U-uhm t-the hospital" damn it I stuttered. He's never hit me before, but he's really scaring me right now. Usually he just ignores me or sometimes yells at me, but this seems worse than ever. At least this time Ethan and Jace are behind me.

I hear my father scoff before he throws his empty beer bottle at me, barely missing my head and luckily missing the boys too. They are both frozen in their spots right now, thanks for the help I think sarcastically. Before I can even say anything, my father stalks over to me like a predator would to its prey. At this point I'm terrified. He grabs me roughly by the arm and slaps me in the face. Hard. This seems to snap the boys out of their daze because they quickly pull me away from father.

"Why the fuck did you slap her?! What kind of father are you?!" Ethan yells. Both him and Jace are seething with rage. It's basically rolling off of them in waves.

"The little brat deserves it. I thought you were on my side Ethan." My father says while rolling his eyes. That was what put Jace over the edge. He storms over to my father and starts punching him, meanwhile I'm frozen in my spot. I know this sounds awful, but I don't think I would stop him even if I could.

Ethan gently grabs my chin forcing me to look at him instead of the scene playing out in front of us. His gaze softens when he looks at me, but he still looks anything but calm. If Jace wasn't already beating up our father I think Ethan would be.

"Are you okay?! Do you want ice? Can I do anything? Shoul-" he starts rambling. It's nice to know he cares now, even if it's not under good circumstances.

"Ethan! I'm okay, thanks though..." I say sheepishly. He only nods, still looking as mad as before, but not at me.

By this point my dad is unconscious, so Jace (finally) stops beating him up. That didn't seem to relieve his anger at all. He starts walking over to me and I tense, I don't know why he's walking over to me. Before I can even register what he's doing, he pulls me into a hug.

"Are you sure your okay?" He asks rather quietly. This hug seemed to calm him down tremendously. I nod into his shoulder, still tense from the unexpected contact.

"I hate to break up the moment, and I know this isn't really a good time, but we should really talk." Ethan says. I sigh, knowing this was coming. I mutter an 'ok' before walking up to my room with them trailing behind.

Once we get there, I sit on my bed while Ethan takes my desk chair and Jace takes the bean bag in the corner.

"Ask away" I don't really want them to ask, but I think I'm beginning to trust them again.

They share a glance before Ethan says "who gave you that bruise I saw on your face when we bumped into each other?" Of course he started with that. I should have guessed. I guess I'll tell them the truth, what's the worst that could happen..? Deep breaths, Echo.

"U-uhm it was Molly... I have m-math with her and she embarrassed me so I glared at her. She wasn't expecting it since I never retaliate when she b-bullies me. She was so mad, so... she uhm, slapped me." By the end of my short summary, they both look exasperated.

"How long has she been bullying you?" Jace asks. I kind of have to think about this one.

"No one has ever really seemed to like me. You probably realized, but I'm more of a loner. It was always fine until I made it to high school. That's when the bullying really started. I'm sure you guys already know some of the things that have happened. Like the video that took place at lunch, with the spaghetti..." I trail off at the end. They look even more mad than they did before, if that's even possible.

"U-uhm... do you guys have any m-more questions?"

"For now, I think we are okay. But you have to promise us something Echo. Tell us when this happens again. We want to be here for you from now on. Please." Jace basically begs, while Ethan agrees with him by nodding.

With a sigh, I say "I promise..." I'll try my best. I don't add that part on though. They seem pleased with my response. I want to change the topic before they remember to ask about why I tried to kill myself, I feel like the answer is rather obvious, but they are probably going to want to confirm.

"So, uhm, I'm hungry... can we order pizza or something?" At the mention of pizza, their faces light up a bit from before.

"Sure, but let's go to my house. My parents are on a business trip this weekend and aren't home." Thank god. He probably realizes we don't want to stay here with our so called father downstairs, currently unconscious. So, that's what we do. Go to Jace's house, order pizza, and watch movies. This is the best night I've had in years.

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