Chapter 5

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^^what I imagine Jace looks like

(Back to Echo's POV)

When I walked inside I froze on the spot. My father was actually home, which would be fine except there is a girl sitting next to him.

Is this some date? Is my father dating again? I know mom isn't with us anymore but how could he do this to her! Is she just a one-night stand or are they an actual thing?

Only when my brother walked in after me did they realize we got home. Ethan, too, froze upon seeing them. I'm sure as many thoughts are going through his head as they are mine. I can feel tears prick my eyes, struggling I succeed in holding them back. I look over and see Ethan is having the same problem.

"Oh good you guys are home! This is Samantha, my girlfriend!" Our father says, causing my tears to finally start falling, along with Ethan's.

"G-girlfriend..?" I manage to stutter out very weakly.

"It's nice to meet you guys!" Samantha says with a fake smile. She seems so fake, I don't like her already. This seems like one of those 'evil step mom' type of situations.

Not being able to say anything else, I run up to my room and straight into my bathroom. I immediately break down, letting out the sobs I was holding back. It's becoming too much. I can't do this. Crap, crap, crap I can't breath. I think I'm having a panic attack. Trying to calm down, I see my razor that's on the counter. With shaky hands, I grip it and pick it up.

Do it.
You know you want to.
Your dad and his 'girlfriend' would want you to too.
This world is better without you.
Everyone at school would be relieved.
You're a burden.
Ethan hates you.

That last thought is what put me over the edge. Dragging the razor across my skin for the first time since my mother died, I see the familiar crimson colored liquid begin to pour out. It looks so pretty. It's a good thing red is my favorite color, I think I'll be seeing a lot of it tonight.

I lost count of how many cuts I did after 15. When I first ran into this bathroom, I wasn't thinking 'this is a perfect opportunity to kill my self' but now... I think I want to. I'm already seeing black spots clouding my vision.

What is there left for me anyway? My father and brother don't give a fuck about me, I constantly get bullied at school, and my safe haven is dead. Because of me.

With that last thought, I do one final deeper cut. Now submerged in my favorite color, little life left, I feel free. I can be happy. I feel my eyes start to close, and the razor in my hand slip out onto the floor with a loud thud.

Just as my eyes were about to close, I see Jace and Ethan burst through the door with worry clear on their faces. Their mouths were moving but I couldn't hear anything. My last thought before everything goes black is

People always care when it's too late...

Ethan's POV

(Back to when Echo just ran upstairs)

Seeing Echo leave, I did the same. I couldn't stand here and watch my dad all happy with someone other than mom by his side.

Running into my bedroom, I called Jace. My best friend. I told him everything that just happened, and by the end of the story I'm a sobbing mess.

"I'm coming over right now don't do anything rash." He said quickly and cut the call.

I decide to listen. What would I do otherwise? So I just sit and wait for him.

After what feels like years but was only minutes, he knocks on my window since my dad is downstairs.

"Hey Etha-" Just as he comes in, we hear a semi faint thud sound. We both look at each other worriedly, it sounded like it came from Echo's room.

Both having the same idea, we rush into her room only to find it empty. The bathroom door is closed, so we make our way over to that. It's unlocked so we hurry in, and see Echo on the ground in a pool of her own blood. I see her eyes start to close. Oh god, no! I should have realized she is struggling too! On top of this all, she's being bullied. How could I be so stupid?! I didn't know it was so bad she would kill her self!

"Stay with me Echo!!" I yell hoping she doesn't pass out.

"Echo keep your eyes open!! Please! Don't leave me! I need you!!" Jace yells. We look at each other with tears pouring out of our eyes as hers close. I can't help but notice the small smile on her face. I can NOT watch my sister die!! I have to apologize! I'm such an idiot! I love her!

With shaky hands, I call an ambulance as fast as I can.

"911 what's your emergency?" The dispatcher asks.

"My sister! S-she tried to kill her self! Come quick! She's bleeding out on the bathroom floor!" I all but yelled.

"Okay sir, help is on the way. Stay calm." This is beginning to annoy me.

"How can I stay calm when I see my baby sister bleeding out in front of my eyes?! Please hurry!" At this point I'm a mess and so is Jace. He hasn't once taken his eyes off of her lifeless-looking body.

"I understand sir. They are going as fast as they can." They better be. She can't die on me.

Jace's POV

I can't do anything but stare at her body lying in a pool of her own blood on the floor. I should have been here for her. I may have never admitted this, but I love her. I never even got to tell her. Hell, she doesn't even know I like her! Now she may never know.

I have to stop thinking like that. She will make it. She has to. And when she does, I'm going to tell her.

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