Chapter 2

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^^what I imagine Echo looks like, but you can imagine anything

My walk to hell is usually pretty uneventful. Same with today, I just ate my granola bar and listened to music on my old iPhone 6. I know it's kind of an old phone, but it's better than nothing. I'm fine with it, it does what I need it to do.

Sadly, I see those dreaded school gates come into view. Just like every day, I'm earlier than everyone else. I like it this way, I can get to my classes unbothered and get a seat in the way back hoping to disappear. Since this is the first day, I'm going to have to check my schedule a few times to know what classes I have next. I really hope I don't have any of those Barbie bitches in my classes. Oh that's right, you don't know who they are. The Barbie bitches is just what I call them, my main bullies. No one in this school likes me, but they are the people who go out of their way to bother me. The 'leader' of them is Molly. Then there are her minions: Amy, Claire, Emily, and Abby. They're the school sluts, Molly being the worst of them all. She will literally spread her legs for any guy. I hate them so much. I think they would actually be quite pretty if they were nicer and less... fake.

Unfortunately, I'm sure I'll have to see them soon. Here is my schedule:

Geometry R    Room B-207
Art                     Room C-125
Study hall        Library
Spanish 2A      Room A-106
Global 1R         A-245
Study hall (days C and E)        Library
Living Environment lab (day A) Room B-103
PE  (days B, D, and F)                     Room GYM A
Living environment A    Room B-103
Lunch                   CAFE
English 10A        B-262

(The classes that are italicized are the ones that switch depending on the day. Fun fact: her schedule is based off of mine)

My schedule is fine I guess. The class order doesn't really bother me, it's who the teacher is and who is in the class. Which, I guess I'll just have to wait and find out. I'm most excited for art. My mother used to love art, it was something me and her used to do together. When she passed, it was something that made me feel closer to her. It's kind of like my get away from all the chaos in my life.

(Skip her going to her locker and walking to math)

Once I got to my math room, I took a seat in the back. No one is here yet, like I expected. So I just put my headphones in and listened to music waiting for class to start.

People slowly started filing in to class. I slowly sink down into my seat looking at the floor. The slamming of books on a desk close to my seat startles me. I look up to see none other than Molly. She does that creepy smirk she does when you know she has something bad planned.

"Hey guys look it's the freak!" She says in her horrible screechy voice loud enough for not only her minions to hear, but also the whole class. Everyone starts laughing. Remember what I said about teachers not caring? This is one of those teachers, Mr. Wilder.

Not having anything to retort back, I just shrink down more in my seat wishing it would swallow me whole.

"Aw does the ugly freak not have anything to say back?" Molly says in a mocking voice. I really wish she would just shut up. I'm so embarrassed right now. Not really wanting to talk, I just glare at her from under my hood. She looks a bit taken aback that I actually did something. Oh no, what have I done... she looks mad.

"Did you just glare at me?!" Her voice is so screechy I couldn't help but wince. I noticed a few other people wince too. Lost in my thought, I didn't notice her retracting her hand about to slap me. Hard. I was not expecting it, and I'm not going to lie it hurt like a bitch. What made it worse is that everyone started laughing.

I couldn't take this anymore. I got up and ran out of the class at lightning speed. They didn't try to stop me because 1. They don't care and 2. They weren't expecting me to run. I grabbed my bag of course don't worry.

I figured I would just hide out in the bathroom until art next period. On my way there, I accidentally bumped into someone. So hard I fell backwards into the ground. Crap, crap, crap! It knocked my hood down. Now they can see my face, and the bruise I can feel forming where Molly slapped me. I quickly pulled my hood up and muttered a 'sorry.' I looked up just enough to see who it is I bumped into, Ethan. Oh god. Wait, is that pity I see swirling in his eyes? I haven't seen him look at me with pity in so long. I'm so confused. Deciding to just shake it off, I continue my rush to the bathroom.

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