Chapter 7

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(Back to Echo's POV)

All I see is an empty black void. Am I dead? I hope so. I have to be, right? I saw all the blood, I lost so much so I must be. If I am then why does my body hurt so bad? I don't think you feel this kind of pain when your dead.

My eyelids feel so heavy. I try to pry them open with no success, so I try again but I get the same outcome. Why can't I open my eyes?

I stop my futile attempts when I hear two familiar voices and one I don't recognize.

"When will she wake up doctor?" Ethan says some what... frantically?

"She should wake up soon, anytime today." The other person says, I guess a doctor. I must be in a hospital. So I guess I'm not dead? I don't know if I should be happy or sad, but I can't help but feel disappointed. Now I'm going to have to wake up and deal with this cruel world once again.

I hear someone mutter a 'thank you' from right beside me. That sounds like Ethan's one friend, Jace. Why would Jace be here? Now I'm probably just imagining things. I've never told anybody or even shown it, but I've always kind of had a crush on Jace. He's the only person to show me some kindness since my mother died. I also can't deny he is attractive.

I hear the door shut and someone sigh. I'm guessing the doctor left, but I wouldn't be surprised if Ethan and who I think is Jace left. Only now do I register the warm hand that is lightly gripping my cold one. Now I'm confused, I have to know who this is. With my newfound determination, I open my eyes successfully this time.

It's so bright in here. I wince and squint my eyes, I think they heard me.

"Echo?!" Ethan says. This time I open my eyes slowly, adjusting to the light better. I am so thirsty right now, my throat feels like sandpaper.

"Oh thank god, Echo! Your awake!" I look over and see Jace was the one who said that. So I guess he is here. Wait is he the one holding my hand? I look to my hand and I was right, he is. Does he like me? Don't be stupid Echo, of course he doesn't!

"W-water" I manage to croak out. They get the memo and Ethan goes to the sink to get me water, while Jace helps me sit up so I can drink easier. I nod as a thanks, not trusting my voice to talk right now.

"We were so worried about you..." I barely hear Ethan say this. They were worried? Why? No one has cared about me since my mother died.

Probably seeing the look of confusion on my face, Jace says "We care about you, Echo. I'm so sorry. We feel awful. We were terrible to you. I-I really like you, Echo." He's crying..? For me? Now I'm even more confused. Wait did he say he likes me?

"I-it wasn't your fault. T-that mom died, I mean. I should've realized sooner. I-I guess I just blamed you because I w-was struggling and wanted someone to put it on. I should have realized t-that you were struggling too. I'm s-so sorry. Please forgive me!" Ethan basically begs. He is bawling at this point. I know I shouldn't, but I kind of feel bad...

I manage to give a small smile and say "It's okay, I forgive you guys. I shouldn't hold a grudge. J-just please... please don't leave me again. I don't think I can take any more. I almost didn't this time." I choke out through sobs. They both rush over and hug me so tight I thought I would explode. Maybe they really do feel sorry... I wasn't lying with what I said though. It's all true.

When they release me from that death-hug, I think how I just want my brother back. He can help me through this, I know he can. I pray this isn't some sick joke. I still have my doubts, but he seemed so sincere. Actually, now would be a good time to ask what Jace meant by he really likes me.

"J-Jace?" I see him nod. "What did you mean by you 'really like me?'" I see him stiffen before he takes a deep breath.

"I guess it's now or never," He lets out a nervous chuckle. "Echo, will you go on a date with me?" To say I'm shocked would be an understatement. I mean, yes I do like him, but what if this is a joke? I guess I can only hope it's not.

"Uhm... s-sure" I say giving him a small smile.

His face breaks out into an ear to ear smile so big I thought his face would break.

His smile is so sexy-

What?! No, Echo, stop thinking like that!

In one swift movement, he pulls me in for a big hug. I feel a genuine smile forming on my face. I haven't actually smiled since... well, you know when.

I hope I'm allowed to leave the hospital soon. I hate hospitals. They remind me of all the bad things that have happened and could happen. In this moment, I'm actually pretty happy given the circumstances. I know they are going to ask me questions when we get home, so I can only savor this moment right now.

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