Chapter 3

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^^what I imagine Ethan looks like, but you can picture him however

Ethans POV

I was just coming from the bathroom to go back to class when someone bumped into me. As I was about to tell them off, I realized the persons hood fell off and I could tell who it is. My sister. This made me even more mad. Ugh I don't like Echo. I know she's my sister and I'm supposed to love her, but that's just not the case. It's her fault our mother is dead.

I should yell at her, or wait for her to get back up then push her back dow-

My thoughts were cut off when I saw the bruise forming in the side of her face... in the shape of a hand. Who did this?! I know I don't like her, but she is still my sister. As much as I want to hate her I can't. I barely heard her mutter a 'sorry' before she put her hood back up. I saw her glance at me, panic written all over her face as she saw who it is. Suddenly her face turned to confusion, probably because she saw the pity written all over my face. Before I could even say one word, she ran off. Now I'm just confused, who is that bruise from? I've seen her get bullied loads of times, but they never get physical. Right..?

Echo's POV

I made it to the bathroom. Honestly it seems like my luck today couldn't get any worse. Wait I take that back, anytime someone says something like that something terrible happens. Pretend I didn't say that... yeah. I didn't even hear the bell ring, luckily I heard all the kids in the halls being loud (as usual) so I figured class is over.

Slowly making my way out of the bathroom, I head to art. I'm excited for art because the teacher, Mrs. Pax, is super nice. Also, the Barbie bitches don't take art so I know they won't be there.

Just as I was about to walk into the hallway my art room is in, I heard that horrible screechy laugh that belongs to none other than, yep you guessed it, Molly. Peeking my head around the corner, I see her all over Ethan. MY BROTHER. For fucks sake. He knows she bullies me, he just doesn't care. I'm not sure if he knows she and her minions have beat me up before, but if he did I don't think he'd care. What's confusing me is that he doesn't seem that interested in her. He actually looks uncomfortable... I would help him, but what would I do plus he doesn't even like me. Instead, I just duck my head down and rush into the art room.

(Time skip to lunch)

I don't know if I should be happy or worried that it's lunch time. This is usually the main time the Barbie bitches go after me, but I'm also hungry as hell. The classes I have with them are math, global, gym, and living environment so far. I pray that's all. Thank the lord they left me alone, other than in math of course. I just have this bad gut feeling that something awful is about to happen. I'll just hurry to get my lunch and go to the bench in the way back of the school I always sit at. Our school is right near some woods, so the bench is kind of tucked away.

Taking a deep breath, I walk into the lunch room. Damn it! Molly saw me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her and her minions at their usual table. She just happened to look over and see me. I quickly scurry to the lunch line, hoping she will leave me alone. Of course she won't though, she's not that nice.

Ew! I forgot how awful the school food looks (and tastes actually). I think it's supposed to be spaghetti but I can't be too sure. Making my way out of the lunch room so I can go to my bench, I wasn't paying attention and tripped. I freaking tripped! My food flew up in the air and spilled all over me. THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING. Wait what did I trip on? Looking back, I realized Molly stuck her foot out and tripped me. The whole lunch room saw and are laughing at me. I even see a few people filming, I can only guess they are going to post that.

"Aw look guys, the poor little freak fell!" Molly just had to add onto my humiliation. I feel tears prick the back of my eyes but I hold them back. I can't give the Barbie bitches the satisfaction of making me cry. Instead, I stand up and sprint out of that stupid lunch room to my bench in the back. Once I get there I let it all out. I start sobbing since no one can hear or see me since they are all inside. Even if they were outside, my bench is too hidden and far away. I'm debating skipping the last class but decide against it. It is the first day, and I don't want my father to hear I skipped. Not that I think he'd care anyway, but still.

Furiously wiping my tears, I make sure my hood is securely on and head to the bathroom to clean up for my last class. I can't clean the spaghetti off too well but I do the best I can. By now I'm sure everyone knows what happened anyway.

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