Chapter 9

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I'm going back to school today. I haven't been able to for about a week now. To say that I'm nervous would be the understatement of the century. Oh yeah, my father hasn't been home since Jace beat him up. When we got home the next day, he was just gone. I'm guessing he's been staying at some hotel. Thoughts of what could happen at school are running through my head a million miles a minute, most are 'what if's.'

What if Barbie bitches try something? What if people judge me for my failed suicide attempt? What if-

My worrying thoughts are cut off by Ethan coming into my room to drive me to school. Yeah, you read that right (See what I did there?). He's actually driving me, I'm really happy he wants to be here for me now.

Sighing, I grab my backpack and head into Ethan's car. The whole way to school my leg is nervously bouncing up and down (authors note: I do that lol). Ethan sees I'm nervous, but doesn't push me to talk about it which I'm thankful for. After one agonizingly long drive, that was actually only two minutes, I see the school gates.

"Hey, you will be fine. If anything happens, and I mean anything, tell me or Jace. Even if you just can't handle being in school today, we will take you home. Okay?" Ethan says, sending me a reassuring smile. I nod as a thanks, and get out of the car. Immediately all eyes are on me, I hate this already. I hate being the center of attention. Times like these are when I wish I could just turn invisible. Usually when I used to walk I would get here really early, but since Ethan drove me, we only got here a couple minutes early.

I awkwardly rush into the building and to my first class, taking my usual seat in the back by the window. There are already a few kids here, but not many. A minute or so later everyone comes filing in, then the teacher... Mr. Wilder. Thankfully, I don't see the Barbie bitches yet. I hope they don't come today.

The door slamming open draws the attention of nearly everyone in the room, only to see none other than the Barbie bitches. I spoke too soon. I quickly look down hoping they don't notice my presence.

"Oh look guys, the freak is back! Where have you been for the last week, hmmm freak?" This makes me cringe. Not only because of Molly's voice, but also because I know that she knows why I wasn't here. I'm not sure how she knows, but she has her ways. I just shrink down in my seat further to avoid answering.

"Cat got your tongue, freak?" She and her minions start laughing like it's the funniest thing in the world. News flash, it's not.

You know what? I'm sick of this. I'm sick of taking all of Molly's crap. I should stick up for myself. With this newfound confidence, I stand up and slap her in the face. At this point everyone in the class is gaping at me, I even see a few kids filming.

"Leave. Me. Alone. Molly." I seethe, saying each word individually. She and everyone else are still frozen from shock, since I have never stood up for myself before. I remember reading a book about psychology a little while back, and I'm going to use one of the tricks inside. It said something along the lines of 'if you want to mess with someone's head, after a big argument just go back to what you were doing before like nothing happened.' So that's exactly what I do. Instead of running out, I sit right back down in my chair. Now everyone looks even more shocked, if that was even possible. The people filming are definitely going to post this now, but I don't want them too. That's just more attention on me. I don't know where this confidence came from, maybe because now Ethan cares again,  but I like it. I think I can get used to this.

Molly's mouth is opening and closing as she tried to find what to say, making her look like a fish with her already fake lips.

You did it Echo!! I think you embarrassed her, not the other way around this time!

She just glares at me one last time, before her and her minions walk out. I can't say that didn't feel good, because it did. I feel the small smirk appear on my face, I did it. Wow.


By lunch, everyone knows what happened in math. The Barbie bitches haven't shown up, they must have left because of embarrassment. I would feel bad, but I don't because they have done the same if not 10x worse to me countless times.

Someone taps me on the shoulder making me jump. Turning around, I see it's a smiling Ethan and Jace. I look at them confused, before they say "We are so proud of you, Echo!" In unison. Well that was kinda creepy.

"Thanks guys..." I give them a sheepish smile, to which their smiles grow wider, causing mine to do the same.

"Uhm.. Echo? So I was thinking that we could go on that date this Friday. I can pick you up at 5, I have something planned." Jace says, scratching the back of his neck which I've realized he does when he's nervous. Aw, he's nervous...

"That sounds perfect, Jace!" I say smiling so wide I think my face might break in half. This is going to be my first date!! I'm so excited. Upon hearing my answer, his face breaks out into its own smile.

All of the sudden a feeling washes over me, like someone's watching me. I look around and I don't see anyone looking at me, now I'm confused. I'm getting an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Like something bad is going to happen soon.

When I look back at the boys, they are looking at me with concern. "You okay Echo? You started looking around with a panicked look on your face, and kind of zoned out." Jace says with genuine concern. It still feels so foreign to me that someone actually cares. They actually care.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I say with what I hope is a reassuring smile. They seem skeptical, but nod nonetheless.

We are hungry, so we grab lunch and head over to their usual table with their other friends. It feels weird sitting here, like I'm out of place.

"Hi Echo!" A chorus of greetings reach my ears from all the boys. The table is me, Ethan, Jace, Daniel, Alex, Henry, Elijah, and Mason. At least they all seem welcoming, I was nervous they would hate me.

"Hi" I say with a small wave. The rest of lunch is filled with our conversation and laughter. This was the first lunch I actually ate with other people. It's kind of weird, but I think I can get used to it.

I can't seem to stop my mind from drifting off to that weird feeling earlier.

I hope I was imagining that feeling...

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