Chapter 6

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^^what I imagine Ethan's friends look like (besides Jace)

Jace's POV

Finally, the ambulance arrived. Thank god. Me and Ethan are both panicking, I mean how could we not be?

We both are trying to get on the ambulance to ride with Echo to the hospital but they aren't letting us.

"Please! You have to let me on! I'm her boyfriend!" I know I'm not (yet), but it's the only thing I can think of that will hopefully allow me on. I see Ethan give me a look that says 'later you better tell me about this.'

"Yeah, and I'm her brother!" He shouts at the doctors. I hear one of them sigh.

"I'm very sorry but we can't. You can drive behind us and meet us at the hospital though. There just isn't enough room in the ambulance and this is serious." I see Ethan rush into his car. I do realize we are running out of time so I nod and rush to Ethan's car as well.

The whole way there we are so silent you can hear a pin drop. What is there to say? I hope Echo is okay? Why would she do that? No, that would be awful. So instead we just stay lost in our thoughts.

After what felt like years, we arrived at the hospital. We basically sprinted over to Echo only to be pushed back by all the staff helping rush her to the emergency room.

"I'm sorry gentlemen but you are going to have to stay in the waiting room. This is very serious and you can't be in here during the surgery. We will inform you of her condition hopefully soon." Reluctantly, we head to the waiting room. The only thing we can do is pray she's okay.

Ethan's POV

We have been sitting in this stupid fucking waiting room for 5 hours! No doctor has even come in yet to tell us how she is doing. I just need to know she is stable and out of danger.

Now my suspicions that Jace likes Echo are confirmed. He called her his girlfriend, and said he needs her. I trust Jace, I'd rather Echo date him then some other guy. But if he hurts her, best friend or not, I'll kill him. She's been through too much.

The sound of shoes on the tiled floor in the otherwise quiet hallway interrupt my thoughts. Me and Jace bolt up out of our seats when we see a doctor walk in.

"How is she?!" I yell.

"Is she okay?!" I hear Jace yell at the same time, panic written all over our faces.

"She lost a lot of blood. Your lucky she got here when she did, I'm afraid if she got here any later she wouldn't have made it. The surgery went well, she'll be okay. We are estimating that she will wake up tomorrow." We both let out a huge sigh of relief at the doctors words. She will be okay. I don't know what I would do if she died. Thanking him, he nodded and left. I looked over at Jace only to see him looking really... guilty?

"Jace what's wrong? Didn't you hear she will be okay?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, which is great. I'm ecstatic that she's okay, but it's all my f-fault. She almost died because of me. I should have been there for her. I knew she was getting b-bullied! I-I didn't know it got that bad. I-I-I-" before he could continue his rant I cut him off.

"Jace! Stop, it's not your fault. It's more my fault than yours. I'm her b-brother for fucks sake. We can't go back in time and change what happened, so let's just be there for her from now on." I hope that was reassuring. Honestly, I feel super guilty right now too. I'm trying to believe my own words but it's hard. I love her, she's my baby sister.

My words seem to ease him a little bit and he nods. We were so lost in our conversation we didn't even realize a nurse walked in.

"Would you guys like to see her? She's not up yet, but you can come see." The nurse says, to which we both nod eagerly.

Room 213

"Okay, this is her room. You can go in and see her." The nurse says. We both mutter a 'thank you' and head in. I'm so nervous.

I hear the sharp intake of breath from beside me, then I see her. Laying on one of those uncomfortable hospital beds with so many tubes sticking out of her arms. She looks so pale, but not as pale as she did when we found her on the bathroom floor. I would think she's dead if it wasn't for the steady beeping sound coming from her heart monitor. I try holding back my tears at the sight of her like this with no success. They come pouring out like a waterfall.

I'm so sorry Echo.

Jace's POV

I know Ethan said this wasn't my fault, but I should have at least been there for her. His words helped ease me a little bit, but I still feel so guilty. I love her for gods sake!

Seeing her like this makes the waterworks come back tenfold. She's laying on one of those awful hospital beds with tubes sticking out of her arms. I look over at Ethan and see him crying as well.

Nobody can change my mind about this, I'm staying here until she wakes up. Right by her bedside.

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