A Broken Symphony

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It's the little things that tear us apart

Torn muse and melodies of the heart

They say It's when tiny voices whisper between our silence

When love gets blinded by the Brightness

And stars can no longer shine in the darkness

That a bleeding heart is a sign of loneliness

Well I say it's when we were kids still learning How to Kiss

Scenes from a dream - A moment of Bliss

When I held the grip of your waist and stared right at your eyes

Heart beating fast and belly filled with Butterflies...

Well, that's when I saw that...

Roses aren't always red

And skies aren't always blue

But my heart skips a beat for each second I remember Kissing You

For if I only knew

It would be the last day I'd ever see you

I'd have had silently whispered unto you

That even if I don't get to see you as much as I like

Even If I don't get to hold you in my arms every single Night...

Know that In a world where dreams don't always come true

My eyes were always ready to cry for you

Dreams I was ready to give away for you -

And My Heart was Always Ready to Loose You

For you were still a Dream to me

And I still believed we weren't meant to be

That one day, Our love  will shed the never-ending tears

Though we would never get to Rewrite Our Stars

I'm glad our Love got a chance to say its Goodbyes

Farewell, my love. I promise I'll never miss you

And I hope you keep your Promise too

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