Chapter 1

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(Hello and welcome to my story! This is my very first Wattpad story/book, and I hope that through writing this, I'll become a better writer! Constructive criticism is much appreciated. Please enjoy the story! \(^-^)/ ) —Alivia


"Ah, again?" I mumbled as I read the text from Dad, curtly asking me to water plants in the garden. I slipped my phone into my hoodie pocket as I trudged down toward the mudroom. 

Beginning to hum my favorite song, I reached for my slip-on sneakers and walked into the garage and outside. The air was cool, and the warmth from the morning sun felt nice as I began watering the strip of plants that wrapped around part of the house.

I worked through the strip, watering carefully, the way Dad specifically showed me to. After wetting the few pots of herbs on the deck, I wondered if Dad also wanted me to pick any of the ripe cucumbers and tomatoes.

My thoughts were cut short after I had begun walking the hose back towards the front of the house.

A hand suddenly grabbed my shoulder, and I spun around. In front of me were four figures—

—that I instantly recognized.

Shocked, I instinctively jumped back, but lost my balance and fell right on my butt. I scrambled to my feet and felt my heart rapidly thumping in my ears. Feeling my cheeks flush, I studied the people in front of me.

Only a few feet away stood Sophie Foster, Fitz Vacker, Keefe Sencen, and Sandor; elves (and goblin bodyguard) from my favorite book series, Keeper of the Lost Cities.

Sophie was even prettier than I had imagined her. The sunlight seemed to make her golden hair glow, as well as the gold flecks in her brown eyes. However, she wore an expression of concern, probably because I had just jumped backwards like a frightened cat and not-so-gracefully landed on my behind.

Fitz also looked a bit concerned, but also like he was suppressing a laugh. Honestly I might have been offended if he wasn't so impossibly handsome. I fought the urge to gape at his beautiful teal eyes and perfectly styled hair.

My eyes then moved to Keefe, who wasn't trying very hard to hide his evident amusement. I was star-struck as I witnessed the signature smirk appear on his face. He was also unbelievably handsome, and I honestly wondered if I'd ever look at human boys the same again. My heartbeat sped up as I met his ice blue eyes. His artfully mussed blond hair also shone in the sunlight, and I suddenly realized I was staring.

I then glanced at Sandor, and he looked pretty much like I had imagined him, with his gray, armadillo-like skin, and very intimidating black sword at his side. However, he was much taller than I had originally thought, and also extremely muscular.

I noticed how all of the elves were on the taller side. Even Sophie was at least a few inches taller than my 5' 2'' self. They all looked like royalty, with their beautiful clothes and capes, and I instantly became very aware of my simple hoodie and shorts.

It took me a minute to realize Sophie had asked me a question.

I blinked. "Pardon?" I asked, finally finding my voice— and internally cringing at how squeaky it sounded.

"You're Anna Green right?" Sophie smiled as she repeated the question. I froze. How does she know my name?

I gave a small nod. My mind began exploding with many questions.

"How do you know about me? How are you here?" I paused as I realized something else. " am I speaking your language?" Somehow I had understood Sophie when she'd asked me the question in the Enlightened Language, which was the elves' native tongue.

  My brain was officially in overload-freak-out-panic mode.

  "Ok," Sophie started as she grabbed my shoulders to steady me. "I know you must have a lot of questions about, well, everything— and trust me, I know how it feels." She looked back at Fitz and smiled before continuing. "The reason why we're here is because we need your help. The Black Swan has come to believe there is a human member of the Neverseen, and we suspect him to be someone you know. Because of this, Mr. Forkle sent us to find you."

  My insides felt like they were spinning. "But wait," I began, attempting to to speak a coherent sentence, "you guys... are from books! How are you even real??"

  "This may be shocking to hear, but the elven world is real," Sophie explained, "and so are all the other intelligent species and creatures you've read about... As for the books themselves, Mr. Forkle realized that one day we might need to enlist the help of a human. With that in mind, he and the collective had the books written to prepare whoever it was we needed to aid the Black Swan's efforts. But, they had the books written in a way that they would seem like any ordinary fiction about magical creatures and beings with special abilities."

  "That, and because the entire world needed to know about my charm and awesome hair, right Foster?" Keefe cut in, dramatically running a hand through his hair for added effect. Sophie rolled her eyes and blushed.

  Wow, my entire life is a lie... But hey, at least mallowmelt is real, I thought.

  Trying to calm my shaky nerves, I thought through what Sophie just explained. One thing stood out to me, and it was particularly unsettling.

  "Who is the human that you think is part of the Neverseen?" I asked, silently hoping it wasn't a close friend or family member.

  "His name is Richard Miller" Sophie answered. I immediately remembered him as the old man at the end of the street. I didn't know him very well, but I did know he is infamously known for his grumpy attitude and intimidating demeanor.

  "And to answer your earlier question..." Sophie began slowly, as if the next thing she said might cause me to run away screaming. "'re able to speak our language because Mr. Forkle inserted a basic knowledge of it into your mind."

  I laughed internally. Of course he did. When he got the opportunity to do that, I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

  It felt like my entire world was being turned upside-down, then spun around like a basketball on someone's fingers.

  But the Black Swan chose me to help them, so I decided to step up and do whatever they needed me to.

  So I squared my shoulders, and took a shaky breath before I asked, "What do you need me to do?" I was proud of my voice for not sounding squeaky like it was earlier.

  Fitz spoke up for the first time. "You need to stage a fake interview with Richard at Blue Creek Park, to see if you can get some information out of him. All of us will be there too, in case something goes wrong. We'll stay hidden though." Both Keefe and Sophie nodded in agreement.

  My uncertainty must've shown in my expression, because Sandor stated in his squeaky voice, "If the man turns out to be a member of the Neverseen, I will not let him escape." He unsheathed his massive sword. "And if those cloaked cowards try any sort of ambush, we will annihilate them." He then slashed the air with impressive speed.

  His confidence did lighten some of my uneasiness.

  "Go to Mr. Miller's house tomorrow, and ask to do the interview in three days." Sophie instructed. I nodded, and she handed me an Imparter. "Use this to contact any of the Black Swan's members if you need anything." She smiled encouragingly.

"I can't tell anyone about this, can I?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, no. Nobody can know about what we've told you." Sophie said apologetically. I nodded.

  "You got this," Keefe said with a wink. Fitz agreed and smiled.

  "We'll see you soon." Sophie said as she pulled out her home crystal.

  Keefe gave me an exaggerated salute as he grabbed Sophie's hand and twined their fingers together, I noticed, and after Fitz and Sandor linked up with them, all four leaped away.

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