Chapter 6

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  I was in the basement, training with the Booster Bands.

  It had only been a few hours since Dex and the Songs left, and pretty much all I had been doing since then was practicing my moves.

  The bands enabled me to have a lot more stamina than I ever had before. I assumed it was because it took much less physical exertion to move my body.

  After a short break, I reached to grab the melder Linh had given to me. I wasn't sure which side was the front and which was the back—I guess I should've paid more attention to the description of it in the books.

  When I picked it up, I accidentally pressed the trigger button, and the melder fired a single shot.

  Right at my foot.

  Pain exploded in my entire leg, and spread all the way up my body. The world turned blurry, but by the way it seemed to be tilting, I knew I was heading for the floor.

  I barely felt the cold concrete as my back met it. My entire leg was numb, and I could barely move my arms.

  The fact that poor Dex was shot with such a weapon multiple times at once was sickening.

  After a few minutes I had regained feeling in most of my body, minus the foot I had accidentally shot.

  I will definitely not be touching that again unless I need to, I thought.

  After I cleaned myself up, I rode my bike over to the store, where I bought the snacks I promised to get Tam, Linh, and Dex earlier. Plus a couple energy drinks for myself. I usually tend to buy more of them than I would like to admit.

  I headed to bed that night, after watching more episodes of Matt's new favorite show with him. Attempting to mentally prepare myself for the mission tomorrow, I quickly ran through the plan, and eventually drifted off to sleep.


  This is it.

  Everything since Sophie, Fitz, and Keefe showed up in my backyard only a few days ago has led to today.

  I arrived at Blue Creek Park a bit early. Sliding my bike into the bike rack, I patted my back shorts pocket to make sure the evil melder was tucked away safely. To conceal it better, I had thrown a black and white flannel shirt over my black t-shirt. I clutched a folder with the questions in my hand.

  I had figured the elves would have already hidden in their spots around the area by now. Turns out I was right.


  I snapped my head in the direction of the sound, and cautiously stepped toward the edge of the clearing.

  When I neared some bushes, a hand appeared and grasped my arm. It yanked me into the woods.

  I prepared to launch a fist right at the hand's owner, until I saw that it was Sophie. Behind her was Fitz, Keefe, and Sandor.

  "Where is everyone else?" I asked.

  Sophie pointed behind me. "Biana, Dex, and their bodyguards are hidden in the bushes over there. Linh, Tam, and some dwarves are stationed not too far from them, and Forkle, Ro, and some other dwarves are there." She pointed to another area in the trees. "Some dwarves are underground too."

  I squinted at the bushes and trees around the clearing, attempting to catch a glimpse of the others.

  "Everyone is using obscurers, so you won't be able to see them." Sophie said.

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