Chapter 7

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A couple of Neverseen members must have realized I had Trix's device, and came after me.

I spun around to face them.

"You might as well go back, this won't take long." One of the hooded jerks said to the other. Hooded jerk #2 stepped back.

"I bet I won't even need to use my ability on her." Hooded jerk #1 mocked as he got into a sloppy fighting stance.

I just smirked as he rushed towards me.

He attempted to throw a punch, but I dodged, grabbed his arm with one hand, and elbowed him in the ribs. I followed it up with a swift knee to his stomach.

Stumbling backwards and coughing, he began to move his arms, most likely to use his ability. I was much faster however, and delivered a solid kick to his jaw.

His head snapped to the side, and he crumpled to the ground.

Hooded jerk #2, while I was teaching his comrade a lesson, had gotten closer to the action. When I realized he was approaching, I quickly jumped into the air and spun to kick him, but he opened his mouth and emitted an earsplitting shriek.

The sound instantly made my head pound, and I shoved my hands over my ears, in an attempt to stop the horrible sound from reaching my eardrums.

At this point, I was on the ground, unable to finish my attack. The Neverseen member pulled a dagger out of a fold in his cloak, and ran to plunge it into my neck. I wasn't really trained to deal with armed people, so I figured that once he got close enough, I would try to sweep his leg, in order to gain the upper hand—and hopefully to make him stop screaming.

Suddenly, he increased the sound, and my brain felt like it was being ripped apart. The sound was immobilizing, and I felt myself begin screaming as well.

There was nothing I could do now. I felt helpless.

I was going to die.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I hoped that I would die quickly.

Then the screaming stopped.

I opened my eyes, and dropped my hands from my ears. Hooded jerk #2 was on the ground, and standing above him, moving his hands to bring the shadows back, was Tam.

Sighing in relief, I walked over to him, a bit dizzy and my ears ringing.

"Are you ok?" Tam asked. He reached out to steady me. My heart fluttered in my chest.

"Yeah, thanks to you." I smiled weakly. "What made you come find me?"

"Sophie told me to go after you, because you had something really important in your possession." He answered.

I took the device out of my pocket to show him. "I took this from Richard—who turns out to be an elf named Trix. I think it's how the Neverseen gives him important information while he's here, pretending to be a human."

"Hm...Well then we should probably get somewhere safer. We can't let anyone take that from us."

I nodded, and we began running farther away from the clearing. Tam swirled shadows around us, to create more cover.

After a few minutes of running, we found a trail and followed the path.

"Hey Tam..." I began.


"I remember when I read the books about you guys, you made sure to read a person's shadowvapor before you knew you could trust them. Have you read mine?" I asked out of curiosity.

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