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Alex's POV

Shit. Someone hacked my Instagram account, they've been texting thousands of people. That could cause me my relationship, my job maybe even my kids. I've done things and I don't need them out in the public.

While Jennifer was still in bed asleep I got up and threw on some quick sweats to drive to the Corp to sort this thing out.

My mind is all over the place, I don't wanna loose Jennifer. I don't wanna hurt her, or her two kids.

"Nedime! Jeff! Guys what the hell is happening?! Get them out of it now" I gritted through my teeth

"Hey calm down, just one more step and they're out. We don't know if they screenshot anything in you messages or anything. But I'm sure you don't have anything to hide" Jeff said looking at his computer

I looked at him with a guilty manner

"Oh no no no no no! Alex what'd you do?" Nedime said looking at my facial expression

"Ok there's this girl-"

"Well there it goes" he said throwing his hands in the air and flopping down in a chair

I understand because my career was just starting to kick off again because of Jennifer. I wouldn't have been here without her

"Look I'm sorry guys!" I said feeling bad because they were with me through it all

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to Jennifer. Man she's the greatest thing that's ever happened to you! And your cheating on her!" Jeff yelled angrily at me

"I didn't cheat on her! Me and the girl are just talking, FaceTiming and a little flirting. I'm going home please sort this out on my Instagram" i said and stormed out the building

I was angry at myself, that I had let it get this far. Even if I wasn't hacked it would come to the light one way or another. I have a history of cheating so that's no good look already. I've really outdid myself.

I drove home not knowing what to expect when I walk through the door. I'm scared to loose her..

"Jennifer" i said as I walked in the house not seeing her or the kids

Neither 4 of them. Max is usually always in the living room

"Jen" I raised my voice a little louder

I walked in my room to see her looking at her phone crying and sniffing

"Jen baby I'm so sorry, please let me tell you the truth" I said kneeling in front of her taking the phone out her hand and she just let me

"Please- please tell me" she said looking into my eyes deeply, tears rolling down her face as she blinked slowly

"Baby, it wasn't cheating. I didn't cheat on you, I just- we talked a little bit. But we never met up and had sex" I said cupping her hands

"Am I not enough for you? Am I too clingy, do I ask for to much, am I too fat? What is it?" She asked with more tears rolling down her face

"Noo baby your not, your gorgeous, your perfect, your everything any man would want" I said kissing her knuckles

"But obviously not you right. You talked to her, you looked at her. You found her attractive, probably seen her naked, thought of her when you were with me. Why? Why would you do something like this? Answer me! Why?" She said getting angrier and I was speechless

"Ok fine. I think we should take a break for a while because I can't deal with you and your lies and your pity. Go fuck yourself Alex." She said grabbing her purse, her phone and walked out the house

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