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Alex's POV

    I'm in a meeting right now to "Arod Corp" and I can't keep my mind off of how good my life is right now. And I really have an amazing one. I've had a terrible past from retiring from baseball to getting a divorce and now my life is coming back to the way it is supposed to be. I'm feeling great right now.

"Alex!!" My COO Jeff lee snapped his fingers in front of me

"Um I'm sorry, I'm just thinking of my life" I said smiling

"Yes you have an amazing life but it's not going to be so amazing if you don't focus" he said seriously

"Okay damn, stop being so harsh" I said with my eyebrows meeting

We finished the meeting. And now I'm going back home to my babies. But first I'm gonna stop by Pizza Hut because my baby girl has been asking for a pizza for a while...well since this morning before I left.

I drove their and got 2 large pepperoni pizzas because Jens at least gonna have six slices and me,
well I'll eat maybe 3 and the kids will eat like one but Jen will eat more so then it'll be more for her too eat so yeah haha

I got a call from Jen on the way home so I put on my car speaker.

"Hi macha!!" I said through my speaker

"Hi papa!! Where are you??" She sounded sad

"I'm on the way home okay?" I said concerned

"I am I'm just waiting for you to come home because I missed you sooooo much...and-" she said but I cut her off

"Let me guess..hungry" I said and chuckled

"Yessss papi and I want pizza so badly ugh" she said but she sounded like she was having a food orgasm haha aww my babyyy

"I'm coming home right now baby and I have a surprise for uuu!!" I said happily

"Really!! Okay hurry" she said and sounded excited

"I'm outside already so come outside" I said and she came to the front door. I got out the car holding the pizza. She ran to me smiling like a kid on Christmas

"Thank you so much papi. Ouuu I love you so much thank you!" She said grabbing the pizza..both boxes and then pecked my lips then turned around walking back into the house without waiting for me. I just chucked and let her because I know she's hungry

Jens POV

My baby brought me pizza. I'm so happy because I'm really hungry. We have food and snacks here but I don't want that..I wanted pizza and now I got it because of my amazing and handsome...wait what are we...I actually don't know what we are yet. I'm thinking to much and we're just dating and that's fine.

I got in the house and went two the kitchen and got 6 plates and put 1 slice of pizza on each of the kids place since they don't eat much. And I put 3 on Alex's and 5 on mine...I know I'm fat...maybe I'm getting fat...I'll go to the gym tomorrow

"Come eat everybody!!" I screamed since the house is big and every-body is in different rooms

"Coming mom" they all screamed at once

"Hey everyone..I miss you guys!!" Alex said and gave us all a hug then me but he held me longer then I felt him grab my ass and lick my neck

"Eww dad your discusting!!" Ella yelled. I seen her getting up and come to us then she moved Alex's hand away from my butt then pushed him back then made me put my arms around her

"Your so cute I swear!!" I yelled while looking up then I looked down at her. She just pouted her lips out and she looked so cute.. ugh my baby. I then cupped her face and pecked her lips and she smiled then-

"Heyy!! That's my mommy" Emme said then came over to us then she kissed my lips a thousand time. Aww my coco is jelly haha I love them

"I'm both of your mommies and all 5 of you have to share me. I'm one person with five other people in the house that I have to show all my love too, Kay??" I said looking at all of them

"Okayyy you give such long speeches mom Jesus please stop being a celebrity for a minute" max said then but his pizza and we all giggled

"Be quiet max and just eat. We all good now?!" I asked and chuckled a little

"Yes!!" They all said even Alex haha he's my big boy too,he's so cute

"Okay now let's eat.." I sat down and we all ate our food and the kids did the regular but Alex is being awfully quiet and he just went in our room without saying anything

After I cleaned dishes I went into ella's room

"Hi baby you okay?" I asked her as she was sitting on the edge of her bed looking in her phone

"Yeah..wait mom I want you to do this dance with me." She said then showed me a dance on tiktok and I caught on pretty fast.

"Okay I got it now"I said sweating a bit

"Okay now lets do the dance and I'll post it on my tiktok" she said then she sat the camera up on her desk

"What?!" I asked because know all of her friends are gonna see me..ugh

"Ma just do'll be fine" she said then it started

"Didn't even notice, no punches there to roll with, you got to keep me focused, you want it, say so" then it ended and she started jumping around and giggling

"Why are you so happy?" I asked laughing hard at her

"Because we look cute" she said then sat down on her bed and paid me no more attention. Ugh girls...

"Okay bye mama I love uuu!!" I said then she pecked my lips and made my next round to Emme's room...I have 4 kids...but I hear another voice and she's giggling so hard. So I peep through the door because it's cracked and she on the phone with her best friend from school.

"I'm going to my room now Emme. I love you" I said trying not to "embarrass her" in front of her friend

"Okay mom... um Gabbie imma go now"she said to her friend and she said bye to her and they hung up, she's so sweet

"Baby you didn't have to get off FaceTime with her yet" I said walking to her bed then laying on her bed beside her

"I know but I'm getting tired and it's already 8:30 so I think imma just watch tv till I fall asleep" she said then took her school clothes off and changer into a t-shirt and some really short shorts and they look like booty shorts but for night time

" baby where'd you get those?" I said trying to be calm even though I'm getting mad on the inside

"Oh I got these from ella's closet..she said her mom gave them to her but she didn't want them so she just gave them to me and I use them as night shorts...Is that okay?"she said standing in front of me with her hand on her hip and she's using hand gestures

Why does my baby look so much like me when I was growing up like her sass and her attitude and she so calm but sassy but cute...ugh I love her

"It's fine baby but don't let Alex see you with those on or he's gonna assume that some little boy gave them to you or something." I said giggling then she did two

"Ok ma I'm gonna go to bed now. I love you!" She she kicking me out?

"Are u kicking me out Maribel?" I asked squinting my eyes at her and pointing her

"No you can stay but I'm gonna sleep now because I'm tired" she said and giggling

"Oh...Okay love you too baby" then I gave he a long kiss on her plumped lips like Marc's and I love them..I walked out and Natasha and max were in the same room kids are the freaking cutest...

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