Change of plans..

651 19 14

Jens POV

I'm getting dressed right now and Alex is dressed just brushing out his hair

I already did my hair and put my clothes on, just adding my last finishing touches to leave with my mom

"You look beautiful baby" Alex said kissing me then pulling me to him and I just rested my head against his chest feeling his heartbeat match mine

"Thanks baby, you look good too" I said and lifted my head to kiss him

His lips landed on mine and we stayed there for a minute until we were interrupted by my mom walking in peeking into the bathroom

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll just wait till you come out" she said started to walk out the room

"No it's fine mommy, we weren't doing anything. What is it?" I ask her then I put on more lipgloss

"I was just gonna say that we could wait until tomorrow or something. I'm not really up to it anymore, my head and back are hurting so badly" my mom says rubbing her forehead

"Oh my god are you okay? Do you want me to get anything for you?" I ask getting worried

"No baby, im okay. I haven't took my medicine today like I was supposed to, why don't you guys spend the day together" my mom suggested

"Well were going out tonight anyways but since your not feeling I guess we could go ahead but only till I know your okay" I said feeling her forehead to see if she's hot or cold

"JENNIFER! I told you it's because of my medicine. I know what's wrong baby, all I have to do is drink some hot tea and take my medicine and I'll be okay. I promise! You guys go have fun tonight. her good, I wanna see her limp tomorrow" my she said smacking my ass hard

"Eww gosh your disgusting" I say then roll my eyes at her

"Don't worry i will Lupe, I see where she gets her dirty side from" Alex says and I punch him in his chest

"Oh yeah! How do you think she got here hahaha" she says and walks out the door

Only my family.

"Looks like we're alone all today and tomorrow baby!" He says and wraps his arms around me from behind and kissing my neck

"I know! I'm excited! I get to have you all alone to myself for two days. I don't know what that is to you but to me that's a long damn time" I said and he laughed while rubbing belly

"Your gonna love this place" he says smiling and walking away getting our bags that we packed earlier

"I hope so baby" I said smiling


"Bye Ma! We're leaving now, you told the girls already right?" I ask her before heading out out of the house

"Yeah they were a little upset but I told them maybe the day after you guys come back we could go" she says smiling

"Okay yeah. Emme is coming and so as her friend so get ready for all the girly things" I said giggling

"Oh so Mar- um okay I'll see you guys then! You guys have fun!" She says forgetting Alex was there and she was about to get all excited about Marc

"Ella! Tash! They're leaving now!" She yells

"Bye guys have fun" Ella says hugging us both then leaving

"Yeah make sure to bring us back something" Tashi says pecking our cheeks smiling then she left

"Love you guys! See you later!" Alex said

"Okay by ma! Tell Emme we love her and we'll be back soon" I said waving at her and she waved back happily and we left out the door and Alex started loading our bags into the Jeep

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