Jrods Love

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2 years later

Jens POV

"Max please go get your brother!" I said getting kinda irritated because the damn banner I'm trying to hang up isn't collaborating with what I'm trying to do right now

But! Yes I ended up having a baby, he's the cutest thing ever! he has dark brown curly hair, hazel eyes and fat cheeks ugh what more can I ask for! I knew he'd be cute I mean his parents are Puerto Rican and Dominican and my baby turns 1 today so it's chaotic for me haha

Alex and I had such a beautiful wedding, it was in a church and it was decorated with sage and white stuff everywhere and my dress was gorgeous. It was long and it dipped down in the middle with diamonds on the outline, my bridesmaids had gorgeous green sheer tight gowns on with beautiful rhinestones covering the torso, you can say i went over the top with the diamonds and rhinestones but it looked magical in there!!! My dress replaced my green Versace dressing on the mannequin but Versace will always have a special place in my heart and in my closet.

"Uhh fine" he groaned hopping out of the lounge chair finally getting off his phone

Im currently decorating the back yard with a theme of dark blue and white. Alex chose it because of the Yankees, yes i know I should have chosen the theme but I'll choose it next year since I decided to let him choose it but it was kinda cute, I had my mom, my sister and my cousins helping me

I had some of my family here, he's not old enough to have a big party yet so just his family and his little best friend. Chloe is her name and she lives next door. She's a baby and her moms name is Monica. Me and her became very close since she moved here and we have a special friend bond, we go out on girl dates and we take the babies with us sometimes, and Grayson loves her!

I know your asking why the name Grayson, well we decided to let the kids choose the name. They put all the names they wanted in a jar and I pulled one out and that was it but they all loved the name and so did me and Alex, they name was the one that max wrote down which made it cuter

We couldn't be any happier right now honestly, as far as the other kids go. Tash is now in college, she's 18 now and yes she graduated early she is so smart they had to move her up already! It's crazy

Emme, Max and Ella will be 15this year, they make me feel old as shit, they are all about to start sophomore year and it's been giving Alex hell

The mood swings and the attitudes are out of this world but we understand that they are becoming more crazy as teenagers but they are also maturing in a ways thats good for them and us and we couldn't be more proud of them all, they're A honor roll all the time and they are so smart and that's because well Max and Emme have always been smart but we actually take time out of our day at night to sit and talk with them about there work just to help them

Grayson stays at home with mommy all the time when the kids are at school but I take him with me while I'm at work, the dancers and everyone loves him and they spoil him like crap but sometimes my mom keeps him, either she volunteers or I just need to do some things and he won't have my full attention while I'm doing it

My baby daddy is at work 24/7, he leaves around 8 and comes home around 5 or 6 in the evening. But In the spare time he's with us and having fun and I love him for that..speaking of him

"Hi baby!" he says walking out the back door over to me looking hot as ever with his black button down shirt with his sleeves rolled half way up his arms and his loose  slacks on. He wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me small kisses on my neck from behind "Baby help me please I'm trying to hang the banner up" I groaned because it was too high for me to reach...

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