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Tashi's POV

We're about to leave to get on the plane but Im thinking about the guy I met at the restaurant, he was really sweet and he said he was from Miami and he lives there often with his parents but he came here for like 2
Months to visit colleges and I already did that so I'm excited to see which one he chooses. I think I'm gonna call him right now just before I leave because...why not

"Hello?" He says ugh his voice is so sweet

"Hi, do you know who this is?" I asked softly

"Of course, how could I forget your voice"he said in a flirty voice making me blush

"Hehe I'm glad you didn't. But I have a question" I say

"What is it" he said making me smile

"When are you coming back to Miami? I mean I'd love to get to know you more, we didn't really get to talk at the restaurant after what happened you know" I say softly whisper so no one could hear

"I don't know, maybe in about a week or so, I'll be there as soon as I can for you, okay?" He said making my heart melts. I swear this guy keeps getting better and better

"Okay, well now you have my number now so save it and text me sometime, whenever you can" I say to him

"Of course I will, have fun on your flight home" he says

"Okay, byeeeeee" I say sweetly while giggling

"Your adorable, goodbye" he says and we both hung up the phone

I would honestly say I love him already but I know nothing about him

"Natasha!" I hear my dad call from outside of my door

"Coming!" I say grabbing my bags heading out our room with the biggest smile on my face

"You okay?" Emme says

"I'm great" I say still smiling

"Ohhh did you talk to that guy?!" Emme says whispering/yelling

"Emme shhhhhh" i say holding my finger to my lips

"Ok" she says laughing and nudging my arm

Jens POV

"Baby cmon! Cynthia is waiting for us at the plane!" I yell to Ella because she is taking forever

"Ughhh I'm coming!" She yells

She walks out the bathroom with her hair twisted halfway to the middle of her head and the rest down, her hair Is so long and she looks so cute

"Awww baby! You look adorable! Did you do your own hair?!" I asked looking at it

"Jen please stop and yes I did my own hair" she says making me giggle

"I was just saying you looked cute! Ugh girls" I say

"Can we go now haha" she says giggling

"Come on loca" I say rubbing her back

We get to the door and everyone was waiting in the living on their phones

"Alright boys and girls let's go!" I yell

"Ma you look really cute today" Emme says looking at my hair

"Thank you baby" I say pecking her lips

"Aww" I hear Alex groan making us all laugh

Once we got to the plane we all got on safely and the girls ordered breakfast and max didn't want anything but he asked for apple juice. Alex wanted coffee and so did I so we both ordered decaf

"Baby where is Cynthia and her boyfriend?" I asked him while I was on the couch

"I don't know, maybe I should call her" he says and I nod my head yes

He starts dialing her number and then I see a grey car pull up

"Baby hang up, I think that's them" I say patting his shoulder the heading to the door if the plane to see if it's them and it is

I see Cynthia getting out of the car and her hair started blowing in the wind. She had on white button down flowy shirt and some light washed shorts, then I see a man that steps out the car and he is really handsome.

"Hi Jennifer!" She says smiling while coming up to me on the plane while the man followed behind her with all the bags, not a lot maybe 5 haha

"Hi Cynthia! Alex come here!" I say to her then I see Alex walking up to me from behind and standing there with his arm around my waist

"Hey Cynthia" Alex says smiling

"Hey! Look this is Angel, andddd yeah" she says blushing then looking back at him and the kiss each other leaving me in awe

"Aww you guys are cute, let's go get in the plane and oh Jennifer and Alex as you may already know haha" I say about to shake his hand but his hands are full so he puts down the bags in his left hand and shakes my hand laughing

"Yes I know, it's a pleasure to meet both of you" he says smiling

"Well let's go" Alex says then grabbing my hand and we walk to our seats across from each other and let Cynthia and Angel have the couch

"Ella and Tashi your mom is here" I yell because they were at the back part of the plane, it's like a curtain but like you can't see or hear anything so that's a +10 for me and Alex if you know what I mean

"Okayyy" I hear them say back

"Well I guess they don't wanna see me right now hahah" Cynthia says leaning her head on Angels shoulder and her leg is over his

"Soooo, did you guys have fun last night?" I asked smirking and she smirked also then nodded her head

"Omg" I hear both Alex and Angel mumble and Cynthia and I look at both of them and laugh 

"Yeah we did,  did you two do it, remind you with the kids hahaha?!" Cynthia says laughing softly

"Yeah we did, I was loud but the kids were knocked out so it didn't matter, Emme did wake up when we were leaving but she went right back to sleep after I told her we were coming back" I say laughing

"Thats horrible" Angel says laughing also

"I know! I know" I say

"Well I'm never that loud" Cynthia says dramatically

"The hell you are! Your louder than a lion getting attacked baby" Angel says to her making me and Alex laugh

"Shut up!" She says smacking his cheek softly

"Baby I can't do this anymore" Alex whispers In my ear

"Alex no!" I say in his ear

He starts kissing my neck but I push him back

"Ugh, baby stop, please wait till we get home" I say pecking his lips

"Ugh fine" he says

Once we got off the 13 hour plane ride Ella and Tashi ended up with their mom, Cynthia said they needed to do some shopping with her for school and Tuesday Ella has to go to school but just to see her classes and Tashi has to also but I think she wants us to take Tashi, we don't mind at all it'll just be alot this week because max and emme's are on 2 different days but I could get Marc to take Max  or Emme, doesn't really matter to me I just didn't wanna do all 4 of the kids in one day. But tomorrow is back to business week for me, Alex and the kids


This Chapter was really boring I knoooowww I'm so sorry I just didn't know what this chapter was gonna be but next chapter should be interesting❤️

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