Chapter 109

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I love them both.

I woke up the next morning with technos hands wrapped around my waist and Sammys head on my chest.

I wouldn't trade this for the world. It's almost like me and technos little family. I know we're going to have to bring Sammy back to her parents but it's still fun to think about.

As I readjusted to get comfortable techno slowly started to wake up. I saw him slowly waking up so I quickly leaned over and kissed his cheek.

A smiled grew on his face as he opened his eyes. "Good morning baby" he said. I smiled back. "Morning." He looked down at Sammy before saying "you two are really getting along well" I laughed "Sammy is my Queen"

Techno smirked "yeah? Do you bow down to her?" I nodded "yep, I'd do anything she asks much like you said to me" techno laughed. "Yeah but that's different"

"how?" Techno smiled "she's your queen but your my goddess" I raised an eyebrow "what's the difference?"

"A queen is a woman in power that rules, a goddess is a woman who overcame everything that was meant to destroy her, a woman that is Beautiful beyond belief, a woman I could look at a million time and never once get bored."

He continued on "whenever they're around you, you can't help but smile. They are godlike creatures sent down from the heavens to make up for all the bad things in this world."

I was going to speak but techno continued. "My love, you are my goddess. If I know what love is, it's because of you" I smiled as I nuzzled my head into his chest, still holding Sammy close.

I was speechless. I hid my face in technos chest as his hand landed on the back of my head he spoke. "You're my happy place and that's why I'm going to marry you one day"

I smiled into his chest. "Then do it" is all I said while pulling away to look him in the eyes. Techno tilted his head and gave me a confused look as I spoke again. "Marry me. You keep saying you're going to. Then do it. I'm ready."

Techno smiled. "What's the rush?" He asked. "Why wait any longer when we both know what we want" I said with a smile. "Because if we both know what we want, then whats the point in rushing it. We have all the time in the world together, let's spend it while we can"

I just nodded as Sammy slowly started to wake up. She popped her head up looked around in a sleepy daze before speaking "morning y/n" techno scoffed "I'm here too" he said.

Sammy giggled "but I like y/n better" I laughed and high fived Sammy before saying "don't tell techno but I like you better too" I know techno could hear but he just laughed as he slowly stood up, getting up for the day.

Sammy slowly woke herself up as she spoke. "Do you wanna play tag with me?" She asked I nodded "sure" techno smiled "I'll make breakfast while you two play"

Me and Sammy nodded as we got out of the tent not bothering to get changed. Me and Sammy started running around tagging each other as techno cooked.

After a couple minutes we were both tired breathing hard. Techno called us over to eat. We all ate breakfast together as techno spoke. "So.... y/n" I gave him a questioning look. "Yes?" He laughed a bit before speaking "we're going on six months of dating in a couple days"

I nodded "trust me I know" techno smiled "that's half a year, I think we should do something fun for it" I smiled "yeah? What were you thinking?"

He thought for a second before speaking "I don't know, but we can find something fun to do right?" I nodded as I finished eating. I helped clean up a bit before Sammy spoke. "Can we all play hide and seek before we leave?"

Techno nodded "sure but someone has to be with you at all times. I don't want you to get lost" Sammy nodded as she grabbed my hand. "Me and y/n will hide. You go over there and count to 30" she said while pointing to technos car.

Techno walked over and started counting. Me and Sammy immediately ran into the woods near our camp. We didn't go to far in, but just enough before hiding behind a tree.

Sammy was standing in front of me with her back to my stomach as we listened to techno count. "29 and 30. Ready or not here I come" techno spoke as we heard faint footsteps.

Sammy giggled slightly as techno spoke "where are you two gremlins" I held back a laugh as his footsteps got closer and closer.

Next thing I know they were gone. It was all silent until techno popped around the corner "boo" Sammy jumped before laughing. I laughed along as techno pulled us both into a hug.

Sammy quickly slipped out of the hug before running back to our tent and yelling "catch me if you can" I gave techno a look before we both went running after her.

As we got close techno spoke "the tickle monsters are going to get you" Sammy giggled as she ran. Once she got to the car she turned around as techno grabbed her and started tickling her sides. Sammy laughed as I helped tickle her.

After a couple seconds we stopped tickling her to let her breath. We all calmed down when Sammy spoke "do we have to go home?"

I stuck out my bottom lip before techno spoke "yeah we have to bring you home, but your always welcome at our house when mom and dad say yes"

Sammy nodded and pulled us both into a hug. Soon we packed up all our things and got back into the car. It was a short camping trip but me and techno still had to work tomorrow.

We slowly started driving back to Sammys house. After three hours of driving we finally made it. Sammy slowly got out of the car along with me and techno.

We walked her to the door before techno unlocked it and Sammy quickly turned and hugged both me and techno. We both hugged back as I spoke "I'll see you soon" Sammy nodded as techno spoke "don't worry, I'll be sure to bring y/n the whole trip next time I come down"

Sammy nodded and walked in the house. Techno talked to his mom for a minute before we had to head home.

At this rate we weren't going to make it home until after dinner. Techno slowly started driving before he spoke.

"I'm horny" I laughed "yeah? Go jerk off" techno smirked as I spoke again. "That was so straight forward" techno laughed "I figured I'd get straight to the point"

I laughed "is romance really that dead?" Techno nodded "yep. Romance is dead it's all about sex" I laughed. "I believe it"

We sat there for a second before techno spoke "sooooo" I laughed "what do you want me to say? Do you want me to suck you off as you drive?" Techno laughed "yeah do it. No balls"

This is so fucking dangerous.... but I've said it once, I'll say it again. My mama didn't raise no bitch.

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