Chapter 133

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We're almost done figuring out what we want to do with the wedding... just a few more minor details.

I woke up the next morning still in technos arms I slowly wiggles out before quickly getting in the shower, after a few minutes of standing in the shower trying to wake myself up I heard a knock at the bathroom door. "Come in" I said.

I heard techno yawn as he opened the door. I peaked my head out to see him rubbing his eyes, he spoke "can I join you?" I nodded "sure" he slowly got in the shower behind me and hid his face in my neck as he spoke.

"How long do you wanna plan the wedding for before we actually have it?" I shrugged "what is the earliest and latest you'd want to do it?"

Techno thought about it for a second before speaking "earliest a few months, we just need to buy everything and tell everyone in advanced so they can make it, latest a year or two?" I nodded.

(Comment what you guys think)

We both finished showering, techno stayed in a little extra longer than me as I went to get dressed. I walked into the kitchen to find something to eat when I heard techno yell for me "your phone is ringing"

I gasped at the fact that someone actually wants to talk to me, my dreams were all crushed when I saw it was my mom...

I wasn't gonna answer but I have to plan some time to tell my parents about the engagement. I slowly clicked the answer button.


Y/n's mom=normal


*call convo*


Hey y/n how are you

Fine, you?

I'm good, so... anything cool happen lately?

-techno walked out of the bathroom now fully clothed I quickly mouthed 'my mom' and he made a face. I put my mom on speaker so techno could listen-

Not really why?

Are you still living with tech?

It's techno and yes I am why?

So you didn't get anything?

What are you talking about mom?

Like in the mail

-I wasn't catching on but clearly techno was because he scoffed and mouthed 'the flowers' I gasped before speaking-

Are you fucking kidding me?

Don't you use that language with me young lady

Did you send those flowers?

-my mom was silent-

Stay the fuck away from me and techno

-I was about to hang up but my mom spoke before I could-

Wait wait no- I'm just trying to get this break up over with, you're not right for each other and you know it.

-I was speechless, techno grabbed the phone out of my hand and spoke to my mom-

I know you're y/n's mom but I can't help but say this, you're a toxic selfless son of a bitch. Leave my and y/n alone or I'll call the cops, understood?

-my mom scoffed-

You're lucky I don't call the cops on you, your type of people dating my daughter always ends it'll be over soon anyway.

I'll admit, you are right about one thing. People like me dating people like your daughter never lasts long because they get fucking married. So say hi to your soon to be son in law.

*end of call convo*

Techno hung up the phone and threw it on the bed before abruptly walking out of the room and grabbing his wallet and keys. I followed him and quickly spoke "where are you going?"

Techno closed his eyes and took a second to breath before speaking "I'm going on a drive, I'll be home soon. I love you" I didn't have a chance to speak before techno kissed my forehead and walked out the front door.

I'm not mad that he told my mom about the engagement I couldn't care less about that I just want to make sure he's okay.... I hope he doesn't think I'm mad.

Everything happened so fast I barely had time to process it. I quickly went back to me and technos room, grabbing my phone and calling techno. Of course with my luck I heard his phone start ringing from the bedside table...

I have no way of contacting him until he gets home. He said he's just going on a drive... he'll be home soon. I couldn't bring myself to make food so I just sat on the couch in silence waiting from the front door to swing open any second now... but nothing came.

I think my dad already knew about the engagement because techno asked for his blessing but why would my dad say yes just for my mom to try to break us up again?

Maybe she didn't know until now? I guess I'll never know because I'm never talking to that bitch again.

After what felt like forever but was probably only an hour or so the door slowly opened to reveal techno holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I looked at him confused as he spoke.

"I'm the only one who's gonna buy you flowers from now on understood?" I nodded as I walked over grabbing them and quickly hurrying the flowers to the kitchen so I could put them in a vase.

As I was doing that techno spoke again "I'm sorry for leaving like that I just needed a minute to breath, I hate the way your mom treats you." I smiled "it's okay, I understand"

I set the flowers in the center of the dining room table before grabbing both of technos hands and speaking "I know something that'll make us both feel a lot better..."

Techno raised an eyebrow. I quickly slapped his chest as I spoke "not that you pervert" techno laughed "okay okay what is it then?"

"Let's spend a shit ton of money on stuff for the wedding" techno immediately smiled pulling me close and kissing the top of my head.

"I love you so much." I just smiled into his chest as I hugged him back.

"I love you too."

1018 words

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