The beginning..

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This story plays a bit after the last episode. Fred has been fired and Cory is the new head of the network. Alex got to keep her job and Chip is back as the EP. Bradley and Alex got along great the last few weeks...

,,Hi I'm sorry, what were you saying?" Alex asked. ,,Maybe it would help if you didn't look at your phone while I tell you this weeks schedule." Chip said sarcastically. ,,Yeah. You're right it's just another invitation to court from Jason. This time it's Lizzi's custody." Alex groans. ,,This totally stresses me out." She attaches her hand to her forehead and leans back in the chair in her dressing room. ,,I'm sorry. Should I just leave this here?" he asks pointing at the schedule. ,,Yes, please. I call you later, ok?" Of course. Come here." he hugs Alex and gives her a kiss on the forehead, sending tingles through his body, because he still has this crush on her. He leaves the room and Alex goes to the closet changing just as Bradley knocks. ,,Come in." Alex says. ,,Hi I'm sorry am I bothering?" Bradley asks insecurely. ,,No it's fine. Come in, please." Bradley steps in and closes the door behind her. ,,What's up?" Alex asks as she walks out of her closet. ,,I have this story I wanted to tell you about and maybe write it into something for the show. You wanna come over later? We could have dinner." Bradley says. ,,Yeah, sure. Sounds great. At 8?" ,,Yes. Perfect see you later." Bradley says and walks out of the dressing room. Alex thinks about Bradley as the door closes. She's kinda cute.

Later that evening, Alex is at Bradley's hotel room and knocks at the door.

Bradley's POV
,,Hey! Come in." I say.
She steps inside and looks beautiful. In her black pullover, her long beige coat and her hair falling perfect, covering some parts of her face.
,,Hi. Here." She says, smiles and hands me a bottle of wine.
,,Thanks. I ordered pasta. Is that okay?"
,,Yes, great."
I get us two glasses of wine and we sit down on the couch. ,,So what's this story you were talking about earlier?" Alex asks. I just love her voice it always sends tingles through my body. It's just so soft, but raspy at the same time.

Alex's POV
,,It's about the protests in Michigan right now. All the farmers are protesting against the new farming laws." She says. I just can't focus on what she's saying. She looks great in her green sweater and with her curled brown hair. ,,Well that sounds great." I say. We keep talking about the story and come out with a great piece for the show. Later that evening we both were a little drunk and talked about everything. ,,I hope this isn't inappropriate to ask, but your abortion..." ,,Yeah, right. I said that on national television. So I was 15 and at that party. There were all these people I didn't know and because I had a fight with my mom before I got really drunk. The rest I can't remember there was just this guy and he touched me. I told him to stop, but somehow it ended with me being pregnant. Because I knew my mom would have kicked me out if I told her, so I decided not to tell her, but my brother." A tear is rolling down her cheek and I could see the sadness in her eyes. ,,Come here." I say and open my arms. She crawls into them and I wrap my arms around her. It feels so comfortable almost perfect.

As they sit there on the couch Bradley in Alex's arms, they both feel oddly comfortable and seem to enjoy each other's embraces. As they are done they look into each other's eyes, deeply. And they're faces slowly start to move forward and then they can feel their lips locking and open they're mouths, giving their tongues access to intertwine. As they pull out, they smile at each other. ,,I should better get going. It's already 11 and we need to work tomorrow." ,,Yes, of course. See you tomorrow." Bradley says and they hug one last time before Alex leaves. Bradley admires the way Alex walks on heels. She looks like she's floating through the air. That night they both can't forget the kiss and wake up with big smiles on their faces the next morning.

In Alex's dressing room before the show...
,,Hi." Bradley says with that huge and beautiful smile on her face.
,,Hi. Good Morning. Did you sleep well?" Alex asks. ,,What do you think? I couldn't forget you." Bradley replies and comes closer down to her chair. ,,Me too." She smiles and they kiss. It's a kind of passionate kiss. With their tongues exploring each other's mouths, just as the door opens. For their goods Bradley pulls away quick enough, so the makeup stylist can come in. ,,So I'm gonna give these to Chip then." Bradley says and tries to act like nothing happened. ,,Yes. Of course." Alex goes along with it. After the show Alex invites Bradley over to her place for dinner and a movie. They have fun and cuddle up against each other on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket. Bradley falls asleep with her head resting on Alex's chest. When the movie is over Alex decides to wake her. ,,Hey sleepyhead. It's time to wake up." she whispers. Bradley slowly opens her eyes and looks still very sleepy. ,,You wanna stay here? You don't seem awake enough to get into the streets of New York." Alex says and smiles at Bradley. ,,That would be so great." Alex grabs a blanket and a pillow for Bradley and gives it to her, while she comforts herself on the couch. ,,Is this comfortable enough?" Alex asks. ,,Yes, that's really great." ,,Remember. I'm in my room and the bathroom is right down the hall." She smiles. ,,Good Night." ,,Good Night."

The next morning Alex walks in the kitchen and sees, that Bradley is still asleep. She quietly starts to make coffee and pancakes with blueberries. After a while Bradley comes in the kitchen and sits down at the counter. ,,Good Morning. You look good in that." Alex laughs, pointing at Bradley dressed in Alex's sweats. ,,Here is your coffee." Alex hands her the cup. ,,Thank you. There you can see the height difference between us." ,,Yeah, but we both are not the tallest. How did you sleep? I hope the rain wasn't too loud." ,,No, it was great. You have a hell of a comfortable couch." Bradley laughs. ,,Yeah, I bought it with my husband years ago." Alex's mood gets a little down. ,,How's it going with your divorce by the way." Bradley asks, trying to comfort her. Alex sits down next to her and sighs. ,,Somebody should have told me, that this was so nerve wracking. And having a fight with your daughter isn't really helping. I have literally no support." ,,Hey. I'll always support you and you know that." ,,I really don't get how you come off so strong and powerful at work. You really have a human side on you." Bradley says. ,,What did you think? That I'm a cold stone?" ,,Well, at first you came off like that, but your emotional side is really something I enjoy." Alex lays her head on Bradley's lap and she kisses her hair. ,,Omg what do you do to your hair, that it's so soft." Bradley asks. ,,Hah, good point. I'm gonna go shower now. You know where everything is, right?" ,,Yes of course." Alex stands up and walks away, but Bradley grabs her wrist, pulls her back and kisses her. ,,Wow, that sure was intense." Alex says a little overwhelmed. ,,But I like it." She smiles and goes in for another kiss. Soon they are making out on the kitchen counter. ,,Ok, but I really need to shower now. Remember at 3 there is a meeting with the staff and production people for the new tone of the show." She rolls her eyes and leaves Bradley in the kitchen. As Alex walks back through the living room to her closet just wrapped in a towel Bradley sure enjoys the view. ,,Why don't you ever show your legs. They look so hot." Bradley asks with a flirty voice. ,,Suits just make you look more powerful and protect you from all these guy assholes out there." Alex answers.

After 10 minutes Alex walks back in fully dressed. Her hair slightly curled, because she hasn't styled it yet.
,,Omg. You have curls you cutie." Bradley says and giggles. ,,Don't get me started on that." ,,You look great without makeup btw. Can I use your shower now?" ,,Yes, of course. The towels are over there." Alex points at a board with perfectly folded towels. ,,This bathroom is beautiful."
,,Well, thanks." Alex smiles slightly and walks out of the bedroom.

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