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"I'm home!" Alex drops her keys on the counter and walks into the living room where Bradley is sitting. "Hi." she gives Alex a small kiss and looks back at her computer. „What did he want?" "He basically told me, that he is in love with me." "What?!" Bradley almost chokes from the water she was just drinking. "I know." "Did you tell him about us?" "No, but I accidentally said that She's waiting for me and now he's extremely confused and I guess I'll have to clear that up tomorrow." Alex rests her head on Bradley's shoulder. "I love you." She quietly says. Bradley closes her computer and wraps her arms around Alex. "I love you too." They later go to bed and Alex falls asleep in Bradley's arms. ,,Beep, Beep." Alex hits the alarm and groans while Bradley covers herself with the blanket even more. "Why did I choose to become a fucking morning show host 20 years ago?" Alex sighs and gets out of bed. "Why did you do this to me?" Bradley sighs. „I'm sorry, but if I wouldn't have made you one too we would've never happened and that's pretty bad, isn't it?" Alex jokes and walks out of the room and into the kitchen where she makes herself a coffee. "You know what's so unfair?" Alex says while sipping on her coffee. "I'm fucking 49 and I still get my period." She sighs and Bradley giggles. "What's so funny?" Alex asks a little pissed because of the hormones. "I'm sorry, nothing." Bradley says and Alex walks into the bathroom to go shower.

"Bradley! Are you done?" Alex shouts from the door. "One second!" Bradley is still in the bathroom. "Here I am." She walks into the hall and they get into the elevator. "You're so beautiful." Alex says. "What?" "Nothing." "Did you just say I'm beautiful?" Bradley smiles and gives Alex a kiss. "Do you know, that you look like an angel walking on heels?" Bradley says from behind Alex while they're leaving Alex's building. "If the angels are also too small to look powerful so they need heels, then we have a lot in common." Alex smirks and they get into the car. They told the driver, that Bradley lives in the building too, so he doesn't suspect anything. When they arrive at the studio they both get hair and makeup done. As Bradley walks into the studio Alex already sits in her chair. "You look hot." she whispers before putting her mic on. "Ok. 3,2,1." Alex gets cued. "Good Morning. I'm Alex Levy and these are our top stories for today."
After the show...
"Hey Chip!" Alex runs behind him. "Yeah?" "About yesterday, I think I owe you an explanation." "Uhmm right." He scratches the back of his head. "Can we talk in here for a second?" Alex opens the door to her dressing room. "Sure." "I assume you got pretty confused yesterday for a lot of reasons and if you have any questions, ask them." "Who
is this person?" Alex sighs and suddenly the door opens. "Have you seen my phone?" Bradley just asks, not seeing Chip and Alex just smiles nervously. "Wait, What?! You and you?! For how long?!" Chip is completely overwhelmed. "Shhhh don't be too loud." Alex hushes him. "Yes, a year." She answers his questions. "Ohhhhh now I see what was going on in here." Bradley says.
"But you can't tell anyone, promise." "Promise." He gets up and closes the door behind himself. "Ooops did I get in the middle of something?" Bradley giggles. "Kind of." Alex smiles at her while taking the fake strains of hair out. "Ok." Alex packs her things. "What are we gonna do today?" Alex turns the lights off and they leave the room.

They walk into the kitchen. "We could cook." Alex says looking into the fridge. "Great." Bradley joins her. They hear music, sing, dance and have  a lot of fun. Later in bed Bradley hears a sniffle and turns her lamp on. "Honey, what's wrong?" "Nothing." Alex wipes her tears away. "I'm sorry, but this doesn't look like nothing." Alex sighs. "I'm shattered into a billion fucking pieces. And by me I mean my soul, who I am. We both know, that it's impossible to repair me, ever. But you're the glue that holds the pieces of me together. So if you're ever gonna leave the pieces will fall again and then I won't be existing anymore." Alex cries. "I can't believe I'm crying right now. It's so stupid." She sniffs. "You really are broken, aren't you?" Bradley quietly asks and Alex's look says more than a thousand words. "Come here." Bradley opens her arms and Alex crawls into them. "I'm never gonna leave." She whispers. "Hal is coming into town for a few days." "Who?" "Hal, my brother." "Right." Alex crawls deeper into Bradley's arms and eventually falls asleep.

The next day Bradley told Hal to come to the studio, because she's gonna be there a little longer. As the elevator door opens he steps to the front desk. "Hi I'm Hal Jackson. Is Bradley here?" "Let me take a look. Claire!" The woman shouts. "Yeah?" Claire comes running. "Can you show this man the way to Bradley please?" "Of course. Follow me." They walk to Bradley's dressing room and knock on the door, but the room is empty. "Weird normally she- Stop!"
But it's too late, because Hal already opened the door to Alex's room. "Sis." He says and Bradley hugs him. "Hi." She closes the door behind him and gives Claire a thankful look. "How have you been? You look better." Bradley says, looking at him proudly. "I'm good, actually I'm clean." "That's so great." Bradley hugs him again. "And you are the one who's screwing my sister?" he turns to Alex. "How am I supposed to SCREW your sister. You two obviously don't have much in common, because your sister is a lot smarter than you. I'm Alex btw." Alex says with her full attitude. "I like her. She's approved." Hal turns back to Bradley. "I know, I'm pretty likeable." Alex sarcastically says. "Oh you've got to be kidding me. You two have been bitching at each other for 10 seconds and now you like each other." Bradley says. "Yeah we do." They answer at the same time. "What are you doing there?" He looks at Alex's computer. "Work for smart people." She says. "We are writing a story for next week." Bradley corrects her. "Not really interesting." Hal says. "Hey. Can you finish this alone so I can entertain this guy?" Bradley asks. "I've been doing this for 20 years, I think I can handle it." Alex sarcastically says and Bradley gives her a quick kiss before they leave. Later Alex and Bradley lay in bed. "You two have a great bond." Alex says. "We went through some shit together. That made us close." "I'm a little jealous to be honest." Alex jokes. "Do you have siblings?" "I've got two sisters, but we're really not on good terms." "Why? What happened?" Alex sighs. "My das left when I was ten and my mom was completely alone with us girls. Before he left my mom was the best lawyer in the state, but because of us she became a cashier in our towns supermarket. So I always said to myself, that I'm gonna have a career for her and when I was like 20 I left for New York, because there are literally no jobs in journalism in fucking Nashville. All 3 of them got pretty mad at me and I haven't heard a word from them since. 25 years." "Nothing?" "No, but that pain wasn't too hard because after two months I met Jason and two years later I was married and pregnant." "Has Lizzy..." "Ever met them? No. I invited them to a lot of things, but my mom never felt responsible for her own grandchild." "And you are?" "The messed up middle one." "What are their names?" "Katherine and Elisabeth." "Wow your mom picked an old name then decided for a new name and picked an old one again?" Bradley says and Alex just looks at her. "Omg. Your real name isn't Alex." "I know. I have a pretty shitty name." "You're Alexandra Levy, aren't you?" And Alex just looks down while Bradley laughs. "How old are they?"
"Kathy is 52 and Lis 45." "Why do you think they never called you?" "At first it was madness which turned into jealousy and now embarrassment I guess. Both of them have these perfect family's with the husband and the boy and the girl." "What are they doing?" "I think Lis is a teacher and Kathy a psychologist." "Do you know where your dad is today?" "Oh god. Painfully I do. He moved to California, married again and had two more daughters." "So you have 4 sisters?" "My fathers daughters are 10 and 6 and his wife is 28." "What? He got an 18 year old pregnant? How old is he." "76." Alex sighs. "Wow. My whole life sucks. The only normal, not fucked up things in my life are you and Lizzy." Alex leans back. "I wouldn't call your life messed up." Bradley tries to cheer her up. "But it is." Alex looks at her. "Hey, but I'm here to make it less bad." Bradley crawls under Alex's blanket and rests her head next to Alex's on her pillow. "I love you." Alex says. "I love you too." Bradley kisses her and they both fall asleep.

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