Bad things happen

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,,Ok, so Alex you are gonna cover the report from L.A, ok?" Chip says, while they are in a meeting. ,,Yes." Alex responds. ,,And Bradley you stay here and do the show together with Allison for these two days. Fine then we have everything and you can go." ,,Bye." Bradley says and walks out. ,,Erm Alex?" ,,Yes?" ,,Fly safe." Chip says a little awkwardly and gives Alex a hug.

Later Bradley is over at Alex's place and sitting on her bed, while Alex is in her closet and packs. ,,Why do you need to leave? Can't Allison or Daniel go?" ,,We talked about this, honey and I'm gonna be back faster than you think, ok?" Alex goes over to Bradley, tickles her and soon they're in a tickle fight and Bradley and Alex scream laughing. ,,Ok, ok. But I really need to pack now. Go in the living room, choose a movie and grab a blanket.
I'm gonna join you when I'm done."
,,Ok" Bradley humms and gets off the bed. When Alex is done she walks into the living room, cuddles up to Bradley and falls asleep on her chest. ,,Alex, Alex." she whispers. ,,It's 2 in the morning. You need to go to bed." ,,Right." Alex gets up and walks down the hall, expecting Bradley to follow her. ,,What are you still doing there?" Alex asks. ,,I'm setting up my bed." ,,You still think you're gonna sleep on the couch?" ,,Well, since-„
,,Oh come on. Making out on it and tickle fights are ok, but sleeping in it is dangerous. Now come." Alex says walking along and Bradley going behind her. ,,Omg! This is so soft." Bradley says. ,,Well hotel beds don't seem to be so comfortable. Now come here." She opens her arms and Bradley scoops in. They both fall asleep. Bradley with Alex's arms wrapped around her and Alex with the smell of Bradley's hair. The next morning Bradley wakes up from the sound of the shower and knocks on the door to look after Alex. ,,Come in!" Alex calls. ,,Good Morning." ,,Good Morning." Bradley says. A little insecure about the fact, that Alex is standing in front of her, showering, being naked. But she has a freaking hot body for a 51 year old. It almost looks like it's from a 17 year old. ,,Hello earth to Bradley Jackson." Alex says while walking out of the shower and wrapping a towel around herself. ,,Uhhm yes. Sorry." Bradley says shaking her head to get the thoughts out of her head. ,,What were you thinking about?" ,,I'm just sad you have to leave. I'm gonna be so alone this weekend." Bradley says.
,,I'm gonna be back in two days." She hugs Bradley and giver her a kiss on her forehead, still wrapped in her towel. Later Bradley texts Alex one last time before she takes off.

Bradley// 7.20
Fly safe and remember, that I love you. ❤️

I will. I love you too❤️

With that she takes off. After 2 hours of flying the pilot speaks to the passengers. ,,Ok, we need to emergency land, because something is wrong with the left phalange. All put your masks on and let's hope we meet water down there." All the people are panicking, screaming, running around the plane. But before Alex can even think she calls Bradley and speaks on her phone box. ,,Ok, honey. My plane needs to emergency land and probably not in the water. Just remember, when I don't make it out here. I love you. I love you so, so much. And please tell Lizzy how sorry I am about everything and that I love her more than anything in the world, ok? Bye."
With that, the plane crashes to the ground, splits in two and slithers down a hill while hitting rocks and walls. Alex just hears sirens wailing and red and blue lights, her whole body hurts she can't think. Next to her are dead people sitting still in their seats is traumatizing. Two police man walk in and luckily see her with open eyes so they can rescue her. Then she passes out. A little later the whole world knows about that plane crash. It was horrible. Chip and Bradley sit in Bradley's dressing room, worrying the hell out of their asses, because they are the only ones that know this was Alex's flight. Then Bradley gets a call from a hospital near the plane crash saying, that Alex got First aid, but needs to be brought to a hospital in New York. But she is alive. That's all that matters to them. ,,Thank you very much." Bradley hangs up and breathes in deeply. ,,She's alive." Bradley says. ,,Yes?" Chip asks. ,,Yeah, she is. Now let's go to the hospital." The two sprint out of the building, telling Bradley's driver he should drive them to the hospital. ,,Hi. I'm Bradley Jackson. Can you tell us where Alex Levy is?" she asks the receptionist. ,,Yeah, but you need to wait for her doctor to let you in. Please sit in the waiting room." Bradley bites her nails out of nervousness and Chip tells her to stop and that Alex is probably gonna be fine. Then a doctor walks in. ,,Ms. Jackson, Mr. Black. I'm Dr. While would you walk with me?" ,,Yeah sure." Bradley says and they both get up. ,,So you can be very proud of Ms. Levy, she is the only survivor of the plane crash, but" „but" was the only word Bradley didn't wanna hear. ,,But she is in a coma. With a skull fracture, 8 broken rips, both her legs are broken and an internal bleeding, which we already fixed." ,,Omg. Can we see her?" Bradley asks knowing Chip's heart would break if he couldn't. ,,Yes. Of course. She's right over there." The two walk into the room, where the lights are dimmed and sit down on the chairs next to her. A tear rolls down Bradley's cheek. ,,Hey come here." Chip hugs her and Bradley grabs Alex's hand. ,,She feels so dead. No movements, nothing." She says to Chip. ,,It's terrible to see her like that isn't it?" They stay for a while Bradley still holding Alex's hand and Chip looking at his phone, reading the news. ,,Look. They found out about Alex." ,,What, how the-„ She looks out of the window and sees Paparazzi standing in front of the hospital. ,,Omg. They can't let her in peace Even if she's almost dead." there Bradley felt a squeeze in her hand almost as if Alex didn't want her to say she's almost dead. ,,Omg, Chip! She just squeezed my hand." ,,What are you sure?" ,,Yes please go get a doctor." Chip runs out and comes back with Dr. While. ,,Ok, then let's see." he checks her reflexes with his little tool and she responds. ,,You're right. It looks like she's gonna wake up the next few hours." ,,Omg great." Bradley says not containing her excitement. ,,One question. Why do you care so much about Alex?" Chip asks curious. ,,Well we became good friends the last couple of months." Bradley tries to save their asses since they agreed on hiding the relationship.

Alex's POV
'Bradley is a terrible liar. If you know her well enough you know when she's lying and when not.' I don't get much from the outside, but it all feels so weird like I'm awake and try to move or speak, but I can't.
2 hours later Chip is asleep in one of the chairs, but Bradley is still holding Alex's hand and looking at her. Then slowly her eyes start to open. ,,Hi." Bradley strokes her arm softly. Alex is still too tired to speak, but you can see a small smile on her lips. A tear rolls down Bradley's cheek ,, I'm so happy you're awake. I didn't know what I would do without you." Alex tries to whisper but there are no words coming out only small pieces.
,, Sh- Ch-p" Bradley knows what Alex wanted to say. ,,Don't worry he's asleep. We've been here for 13 hours, waiting for you to wake up." She says, but Alex eyes slowly start to close. When she wakes up she sees Bradley again, no Chip, but the face she wanted to see the most right now. Lizzy's face. ,,Hi mom. How are you?"
,,Good." Alex whispers, because her whole body is still very tired and so is her voice. ,,I can't feel anything, because they pumped so much painkiller into my body." She says and smiles. ,,But that's better than pain, right?" Bradley says. ,,Why do I Even need all this medication." Alex asks. ,,You have a skull fracture, 8 broken rips and both you're legs are broken." Bradley says slightly laughing, because Alex wasn't aware of all of that. ,,What? Well I guess it's better to not feel anything at all then." She smiles still under the anesthesia from the surgery last night. ,,Mom you are completely off track." Lizzy says. ,,I think so too." Bradley agreed with her. ,,Your leg surgery is in an hour, Alex," Dr. While comes in. ,,Oh, I see you got women support." he laughs. ,,So your rips should be healed in about 8 weeks, but you need to stay here for two more months because of your head and you can't move out of the bed, ok? After the surgery your legs come in a Splint. After the ten weeks of bed rest, because of your head you can start trying to walk again and- I think I come back later." Dr. While says laughing, because Alex fell asleep while he spoke. ,,Yeah that's probably better."

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