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2 months later. Bradley has recovered a little and it's their anniversary. Alex wakes up and turns around to see Bradley smiling at her. ,,Good Morning. Happy anniversary." Bradley says and kisses her. ,,Good Morning." Alex says back and cuddles up to Bradley under her blanket. While Bradley massages her head she strokes her leg. They stay like this watching TV for a few hours. ,,I almost forgot, that I got you a present." Alex gets up and pulls a box out of her purse. ,,But we said we wouldn't get each other presents." Bradley says feeling guilty, because she didn't get anything. ,,Then just see it as a giving back from me. But open it." Bradley opens the box and inside is a beautiful silver heart shaped necklace with their initials engraved. ,,Wow. This is beautiful." ,,You like it?" Alex asks. ,,Are you kidding? I love it. Thank you." she gives Alex a kiss. Later that night they go to a quiet and private restaurant and have a nice evening. When they get home, they cuddle up against each other under Alex's blanket and watched a movie. The next morning Bradley was woken up by Alex's voice telling her to get up. When she opened her eyes, there was an Alex bent over her just wrapped in a small towel. ,,Honey. You have to get up. We need to go to work." When they were ready, they both got into the car and stopped at UBA. They had to go inside seperately, because still nobody except Lizzy knew.

In Alex's dressing room after the show...
Bradley knocks on the door while Alex is still changing. ,,Who is it?" ,,Its Bradley." ,,Hi honey, come in." Bradley closed the door behind herself and sat down on Alex's sofa, whilst she is still changing. ,,A few girl colleagues invited me over for a birthday party. You wanna come?" Alex walks out fully dressed. ,,Honey. You know I'm not the person for these kinds of things and they probably don't even want me there." Alex says while she's pulling out the fake strains of hair. ,,Man. Why can't they at least let my hair in peace for once. Pulling out this fake stuff is Nerv wracking." Alex complains. ,,Are you sure? Is it ok if I go?" Bradley asks. ,,Yes, of course. Go have fun."

Later at the party. Everyone's already drinking and it's just the girls. Lindsey, Mia, Claire, Layla and Rena. Bradley knocks on the door and gives everyone a hug. ,,Hey. There you are." Claire says. ,,We were just talking about Alex." Lindsey says. Bradley swallows, but then decides to join the conversation. ,,Omg. Have you seen her face when she came back after that plane crash? You could tell she didn't like how we looked at her." Rena says. Bradley and Mia look at each other, not saying anything, because they may not know this about each other, but they are the 2 people in this room that were or still are the closest to Alex and know what she's gone through and who she is. ,,I think it's just because Alex is a fighter and everyone knows that. She just doesn't like to be handled another way than everybody else." Bradley says trying to protect her. ,,Yeah." Layla says sarcastically. ,,That's probably why she and Mitch always had a suite and an extra large something." she keeps speaking in pure irony. ,,Well she didn't do that because she wanted all these things, but it was expected from her to go along with Mitch's behavior. And he wanted all these things." Mia now joins. ,,That's probably why she covered his behavior." Lindsey said. ,,Hey! Not everything is black and white guys. There are people on this show that have gone through a whole lot more than you think." Mia says a bit more angry. Bradley isn't sure why Mia knows about Alex. ,,That sounds like you know something Mia." Layla now throws in. Bradley looks deep in Mia's eyes, giving her the signal, that they need to talk. Out in the hall...
,,How do you know about this?" Bradley asks quite shocked. ,,Well I've been on this show a very long time Bradley. But if we talk about the same thing. How do you know?" Mia asks. ,,We are really good friends." Bradley says lying. ,,Well let's hope you don't end up like us." Mia humms. ,,What? Who is us?" Now Bradley is pretty confused. ,,Well. Alex and I started our careers at the same time and over the years we became pretty good friends, but after the 5th year I knew something was wrong, so I decided to try to get her to talk to me. But I should have just left things like they were. Anyway she started to close herself and everytime I tried to help her, we got in a big fight. Our friendship ended at this point, but I know how hurt she was and I could see it in her eyes everyday. That's also reason why she tries to avoid me. What was done to her was terrible and it was done by so many people." ,,Wait, what?! Not just Fred and Mitch?" Bradley asks quite shocked. ,,Bradley look, I just hope, that things with you end on good terms and your friendship doesn't break apart." Mia says and walks away. An hour later Bradley comes back home and Alex is in the kitchen. ,,Hi honey." she says, but Bradley just puts her purse on the counter. ,,You and Mia?!" Bradley asks determined. ,,What do you mean?" Alex asks, perfectly knowing what she talks about. ,,You know what I'm talking about. Mia told me. Please can't you try again? You're better now and you could do it for me. Because you are the most import person in my life and Mia is my best friend." Bradley asks in a happier mood and wraps her arms around Alex's neck. ,,Honey. What do you want?"
,,I wanna tell her about us and get you two to be friends again. Please just one dinner at my appartment." Bradley begs. ,,Ok. I guess trying can't hurt and it's completely my fault that we broke apart so I can just go try and fix it." Alex sighs. ,,Great I love you." Bradley says, kissing her. ,,I love you too." Alex says, lifting her up and throwing her on their bed. Practically it's Alex's, but Bradley is here all the time and almost moved in already. At least with all her clothes.
The next day...
,,Hey Mia?" Bradley says while walking in her office. ,,Yes. What's up?" ,,Do you mind coming over for dinner to my place later? I want you to meet someone." ,,Oohhhh who is it?" Mia asks in a flirtatious voice. Bradley thinks for a minute about how she tells her the best way. ,,Well she's kind of like my girlfriend..." ,,Yes of course. That's great. I'm so happy for you. How long have you been together?" ,,A little over a year now." ,,How come I never heard about her?" ,,Well she's kind of famous, but you know her too. Pretty well actually." ,,Ok, yeah great. See you later."

Later at Bradleys apartment Mia's already there and they are in the kitchen from where you can see the front door. They are already eating, because Alex had dinner with Chip before. And it's an hour since Mia has arrived. ,,Ok, can you promise me, that you two at least try to get along?" ,,Yes of course." There the front door opens and it's Alex with her key. Naturally all three of them expected it to be uncomfortable by now, but it isn't. Alex walks up to Bradley and kisses her. ,,Hi honey, hi Mia. I'm just gonna go and use the bathroom." Mia turns to Bradley, who has a nervous smile on her face. ,,What?!" Mia says. ,,I know it's unexpected and you two didn't leave on good terms, but she said she knows that it's her fault and that she wants to try." ,,I don't have a problem with her and you know that." ,,Great." Bradley says and Alex walks back in, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. ,,I just had dinner with Chip and he said, that we all go to Chile tomorrow. You and You too." she points at Mia and Bradley. ,,What?" they both say at the same time. ,,You and you are gonna go to Chile tomorrow." she repeats it extra slow and laughs. ,,Why?" Bradley asks. ,,We're gonna do the whole show from there. It's a huge civic uprising." ,,Ok. I'm gonna go pack then." Bradley says and gets up. ,,You don't have an emergency bag?" Mia says. ,,An what?" ,,An emergency bag, so when Chip calls you don't have to pack you just grab your emergency bag." Alex explains. ,,I think you should pack one of those." Mia says and Bradley leaves to pack. ,,So how have you been?" Alex asks turning to Mia. ,,Let's just not do this. We both know that we felt like pieces of shit 10 years ago and still do to this day." Mia says. ,,Yeah, you're probably right." Alex smiles at Mia and Mia smiles back. ,,Mitch called me last night." Mia says dry. ,,Yeah me too." and suddenly everything feels normal again. When Bradley is done packing they don't even know why they weren't talking for all these years. ,,Hello you two besties. Sorry to interrupt your catch up conversation, but we have a flight at 4am and you're gonna be pretty tired if you don't go to bed now." Bradley says. ,,Yeah she's right." says Mia. ,,Bye see you tomorrow." they guide Mia to the door and she leaves. ,,Thank you." Alex says and hugs Bradley. ,,Aren't you gonna stay?" Bradley asks. ,,No, I have my bag at my place and we have more time tomorrow if we have separate bathrooms. Love you." Alex kisses Bradley a little more passionate and then leaves. ,,I love you too." Bradley calls.

The next morning...
,,You're sure you can do this?" Bradley asks Alex while they walk on the plane. ,,No but I have to, right?" ,,Oh come you can do this, because you're a fighter." Bradly tries to encourage Alex. ,,I know and I have gone through a lot, but I crashed with a plane into a mountain and it's really traumatizing." ,,And I know that, but you're so strong and I'm gonna help you get through this, ok?" The flight was pretty tense and Alex was really nervous the whole time, but Bradley sat in front of her and kept encouraging her. 20 minutes before the landing Mia comes over to them. ,,Hey Is everything ok?" she asks. ,,Yeah. It's the trauma, but she was so strong all flight long she's gonna make it." They both look at Alex who has her eyes tightly shut and you can see the pain she's going through. Her forehead frowns and she takes fast and way to small breaths. ,,Hey, honey. Open your eyes and look at me." Bradley says but Alex just shakes her head and presses herself more into her seat. Mia takes the sign from Bradley and leaves them alone. When they land Alex's legs are shaking and she feels dizzy. Bradley helps Alex get out of the plane and they have the rest of the day free time. Which they just spend in bed laying in each other's arms.

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