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Alex's life is normal again. Her leg has healed and she is finally completely divorced and happy with Bradley. Lizzy and her are on good terms and her life goes pretty well. Bradley on the other hand has a problem. Marlon Tate, the person that was going to replace Chip is now a Co-producer on the show and has been making a lot of moves at Bradley lately. She didn't tell anyone, because she was embarrassed and also no one knew she was in a relationship. One night she was with Mia in the production room and Mia left to go home. As Bradley had packed up her things to go back home to Alex, Marlon stood in the door way.
,,Hello beautiful thing" he said with a flirtatious voice. ,,Marlon just please let me alone, please. I need to go someone's waiting for me." she said and tried to make her way through Marlon. ,,Not so fast." he said and grabbed her wrist. She froze immediately and he dragged her back into the room. He pressed her against the wall, kissed her and started to undress her. Faster than Bradley could see Marlon was inside of her and moaned loudly. Like it was enjoyable what he did right there. He did this for 45 minutes and pleasured himself over and over again. As soon as he left Bradley put her clothes back on and ran out of the building with tears streaming down her face. As she got into the appartement Alex walked up to her and she collapsed in her arms. Crying, almost screaming. ,,Hey Bradley. What happened? Bradley, Bradley. Come let's get you to the sofa." Alex puts her down there and she slowly starts to calm down. ,,Hey, honey what happened?" Bradley couldn't speak so she just said ,,Ma- Marlon." ,,Yes, Marlon Tate. What did he do?" Alex asks a bit confused and Bradley still sobbing hardly. ,,He, he was there and he didn't let me go and-
New tears dwell up in her eyes. Alex sees the pain she's feeling and pulls her in her arms. After 30 mins of just sitting there and Alex rubbing Bradley's back she was finally able to speak. ,,He pushed me against the wall and started to undress me and- he" Alex knows where this story goes. ,,Hey, you don't have to tell me anything." Bradley looks deep in her eyes and Alex smiles at her while wiping her tears away with her finger. ,,It's ok, but you have to tell me the whole story tomorrow, so we can get that bastard fired. Now come." Alex scoops Bradley up from the couch and carried her into the bed. ,,Thank you." was all Bradley said before she fell into a deep sleep in Alex's arms. The next morning it was weekend and Bradley didn't have to get up early. She was woken up by an Alex carrying a tray with breakfast into the bedroom and placing it between them while she got back under the covers. She turned around and looked at Alex. ,,Good Morning sleepyhead." she said smiling at her. ,,You feel better?" Alex asked. ,,No I feel so..." Bradley answered grabbing a cup of coffee Alex handed her and sat up. ,,used, gross and dumb?" Alex ended Bradley's sentence. ,,Yeah exactly. But it's getting better I think." They spent the whole day in bed, watching TV and talking.

3 weeks later 4am on a saturday...
Bradley woke up with a weird feeling and ran into the bathroom, where she threw up. Alex of course came in and held her hair back, while Bradley was vomiting everything out of her. This was going like that until 10 o'clock. ,,Omg. I must have catched a stomach flu. This is terrible." Bradley says slipping under the covers again. But Alex was completely in her thoughts. She had a slight clue was this was. ,,Hey Bradley was Marlon satisfied with what he did to you?" Alex was asking. ,,What do you mean?" Bradley having no clue where Alex was going with this. ,,Was he satisfied as you are when.." ,,Yes he was, but-„ Bradley covered her mouth with her hands in shock. Now she knows what Alex meant. ,,This can't be happening..." she whined and a tear started rolling down her face. ,,Hey, hey. It's gonna be fine. Maybe you really just have a flu." Alex says as she rubs Bradley's back. ,,Here I have something for you." Alex gets up, goes into the bathroom and looks for the pack of tests she bought 5 years ago. As she looks for them all these memories come back and it hurts. It hurts, because she never really had time to forget about all this.

Alex and Mitch we're on a remote in Tokyo and because Alex was feeling like a piece of shit Mitch said he would take care of her, so he brought her back to his hotel room and started kissing her neck. ,,Please Mitch not right now." Alex says. She's exhausted and just wants to go to sleep. ,,Oh come on Alex. You enjoy it too." with that he pulled her sweater off and threw her pants away and she know she had to go through this. As she was completely undressed and he was inside of her he seemed to enjoy it. Alex tried to move, but that turned him on even more and he would slap her if she did. Later when Mitch was asleep she quietly left the hotel room in tears. In the hall she ran into Mia and Mia immediately knew what happened to Alex again. Because it happened to her multiple times too. But she couldn't believe how Alex could still act like best friends around him. He abused her, hardly, but she never did anything against it like Mia. ,,Hey Alex." Mia calls her. ,,Mia I'm feeling miserable enough. What do you want?" Alex says still sobbing, but trying to hide it, because she hates showing emotions to other people. Even though Mia wasn't always 'People' actually they were pretty close in the beginning of their careers. You could almost call them friends. Actually one day Mia tried to open Alex eyes about what Mitch had done to her and that these people changed her. But Alex got really mad and they got into a big fight.
A tear rolls down Alex's cheek as she remembers it. The night, when she found out and when she got to the doctors to kill it. She killed the human growing inside of her and she always tried to push pain to the side, but now she's at a breaking point. She knows she has to be strong for Bradley right now so she pulls herself together. As Alex walks out of the bathroom with the test in her hand she hands it to Bradley. ,,Thankyou." Bradley says and goes to the bathroom. After a minute she comes out and looks at Alex with a hopeful look on her face even though she doesn't even know if she wants Bradley to be pregnant or not. ,,And?" Alex asks. ,,I can't turn it around I'm just too scared. Can you do it for me?" Bradley asks still very insecure. Alex stands up and walks towards her. ,,Hey, honey look at me. It doesn't matter what this test says. It's your decision what you wanna do with it, okay? There is no pressure." she says kissing Bradley on her forehead. ,,Yeah, right. Ok I'm gonna look now." She turns the test around and it's like she expected it. ,,It's, it's positive.." she says turning pale and running to the toilet, having to throw up again, but this time not because of the morning sickness. ,,Hey, it's gonna be fine." Alex says holding Bradley's hair back and rubbing her back. ,,Before you decide anything can I just tell you a story?" Alex asks as they are back in the bed. ,,Yes, of course." Bradley says sitting up. ,,Ok uhmmm this isn't gonna be easy for me, so no hard reactions, ok?" Alex says before taking a deep breath. ,,So one time Mitch and I were on a remote in Tokyo and I felt really bad. I guess because it was this terrible massacre and when we were finished he said he would take care of me and took me to his hotel room..." Alex takes another deep breath preparing from what's coming next. ,,He did all these things to me, but I did'nt have the power to say no. Long story short. 5 years ago I was pregnant again, but this time from Mitch. I hadn't cheated on Jason technically because I was forced to do these things, but I was just too embarrassed to tell him, so I decided to get an abortion. I know you already had one, but as a mother it was one of.." Tears start rolling down her cheeks and her voice gets higher.
,,one of the most painful things I've ever had to do and to be honest I'm still not over it. I'm still not over so, so many things, because I always decided to push the pain aside." Alex gets angrier and starts to cry even more. ,,All the things people have done to me, things Mitch did, things Fred did, turned me into the angry asshole that I was before we happened. This is pain that cut deep, deep inside of me. Not just mental pain also the physical pain, all the things Mitch did and all the things Fred threatened me with if I didn't follow his lead. These people made me an angry asshole, that gets eaten by the pain every day a little bit more. They hurt me phisically. When I wouldn't do what Fred wanted I came back home with bruises all over my body, trying to hide them from Jason. When I was over at Mitch's and didn't wanna sleep with him, he would force me to or throw his glass after me. I may look powerful and okay to the outside, but inside I'm broken. I'm broken, empowered and hurt. And I really don't want you to become like me. So please think about everything, ok?" Alex asks, wiping her tears away and trying to hide her feelings. While Bradley sits there in shock. ,,What?!" Alex asks still sobbing. ,,Uhmm wow. I didn't know you ummm-„ Bradley doesn't know what to say. ,,It's ok. Please just..." Alex gets up and leaves, because she can't face anyone right now.

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