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Two weeks later and Bradley visited Alex everyday before and after work for the much needed support. Alex is able to speak normal, but it hurts and she is still laying in bed because of her head and rips. Bradley opens the door.
,,Hi. How do you feel." Bradley asks while closing the door behind herself quietly. ,,To be honest. I don't know. I really don't." Alex answers closing her eyes for a second. ,,What's wrong?" ,,It all feels so surreal. I haven't been working for 3 weeks and there are still at least 5 to go if I don't get better." Alex sighs. ,,If it helps. Chip and Allison really miss you." Bradley says sitting down on the chair next to her. ,,Why are you doing this to yourself?" Alex asks. „What?" „ Spending all your free time sitting next to me while I'm laying my bed and can't even turn my head." ,,By the way. The ceiling doesn't get more interesting if you look at it for 2 weeks straight." Alex says sarcastically. ,,Because I love you and I wouldn't feel better knowing, that you lay here alone all day with pain in your whole body." she answers and kisses Alex on her forehead. ,,You think you are married for 25 years and the person cares when you almost die, but no obviously not." she rolls her eyes. ,,Still hasn't called or texted?" Bradley asks knowing Alex would like to at least hear a 'I'm sorry' from Jason. ,,Can you look at my phone? See if I have new messages. I'm still not allowed to look at screens." ,,Yes. What's your passcode?" ,,0508" ,,Wait, that's my birthday." ,,Yes, I needed something I could easily remember." ,,That's so cute." Bradley smiles. ,,Ok, so the news are going crazy about you and we should think about maybe giving a statement about you so they can stop going crazy. And" Bradley gets interrupted by Alex. ,,We are better." ,,What are you talking about?"
,,We are a better team than you and Allison." ,,Yeah, that's so true. I'm really happy when you're gonna come back." ,,Me too." Alex sighs and closes her eyes. Bradley stays with her til the end of visiting time and comes back at the start every morning. This goes on for 5 more weeks. Alex can sit in bed now and eat normal food again, because her rips are fully healed. Her head is good too and she can be happy, that she remembers everything. ,,You really had luck Ms. Levy." Dr. While says while examining her head. Bradley still sitting next to Alex holding her hand. ,,The fracture didn't hurt your memories and brain which could have followed to possible death." ,,Well I guess I really was. By the way are there any other survivors?" Alex asks. ,,No. You really are gonna be a part of history. It's a true miracle, that you survived. We are gonna give you a physiotherapist and you're gonna learn how to walk again so at least 8 days more. But I'm positive, that you can go home then."
,,That sounds good, doesn't it?" Bradley says squeezing Alex's hand. ,,Yes. That's good, but when am I gonna be able to work again?" Alex asks. ,,From what I've seen you mostly sit at work which is good. You would need a little help from someone walking, but I think we have already found someone for that." he says smiling at Bradley. ,,Yes we have." the pad of her thumb stroking over Alex's finger. ,,So I can start working again next week?" Alex asks excited. ,,Yes you can."

Alex did a great job and trained very hard a whole week, while Bradley was always by her side. Finally the day came that Alex could leave. ,,Ok. I packed everything and I'm just gonna go bring it to the car and then I'm gonna grab you." she said while Alex was in the bathroom. Alex left leg was healed completely, but for her right leg she still needed crutches. After Bradley came back up Alex was done dressing herself and came out looking pretty great for a person who had a plane crash 3 months ago. Dressed in a blue a little ripped mom jeans and a blue blouse. ,,Can you help me here real quick?" Alex asks while trying to put a shoe on her left foot. ,,Yes, of course." Bradley said laughing and helping her. Then Alex started walking with the crutches and Bradley slowly going behind her, ready to catch her if she falls. But Alex is a fighter and everyone including Bradley knows that, so she won't be stopped by a broken leg after she survived a plane crash. When they're back at Alex's place Lizzy is there waiting for them. They sit Alex down on the sofa and cooked dinner. Alex loved seeing her two girls getting along that great. Even though Lizzy didn't even know about them yet. They talked and later Lizzy got picked up by Jason who didn't even come up and just waited down in the car. After Lizzy was gone Alex told Bradley how pissed she was about him and Bradley got Alex into bed with the argument that she takes more time for everything in the morning so she should go to sleep earlier. When they got out of the car parked in front of the UBA building the next morning Bradley helped Alex out of the car and they got into the elevator. As soon as the door opened Alex felt satisfied. Satisfied to be able to work again. The first person that came up to them was Chip he hugged them both and they walked into Alex dressing room. ,,Is that okay?" Chip asks after telling them the schedule. ,,No Alex got therapy at 3." Bradley said. ,,Therapy? For what do you need therapy?" Chip asked confused. ,,For all I know you never crashed with a plane into a mountain, the plane got cut in half and you hit multiple walls. And I can tell you It's pretty traumatizing sitting next to a dead person." Alex said back with her old attitude. 'God I have missed that' Bradley thinks to herself. Then they all get ready for taping. As Alex's makeup is done Bradley helps her sit down in the studio and a staff member puts her crutches away. Alex feels good it's great sitting back in that anchor chair, but something has changed. The way the people look at her it's pitty. Alex hates it, because she's strong and powerful and a fighter she doesn't need all that Pity. Bradley knows what's going on inside Alex's head and lays her hand on her wrist and gives her a reassuring look.
The show goes great and they go back to Alex's place. Alex lays on the couch and has her phone on her hand whilst Bradley is in the kitchen grabbing a glass of water for her. ,,Look at all these reactions." Alex says while she's scrolling through Twitter. ,,Yeah, the people really missed you. Not to Allison's happiness but who cares." Bradley says while sitting down next to Alex putting her feet on her lap. ,,But it's so dumb how all these people looked at me today. With that gross pity face. Ugh I hate it." ,,Hey Alex you survived a freaking plane crash and even if you don't agree with me it's traumatizing and you are traumatized. By the way how was therapy." ,,What do you expect me to tell you? It was great. I loved it. Talking about people dying isn't great and like I said I don't need this therapy thing. I'm only going there, because you made me." ,,Alex it really is better for you.". Bradley says with her soft voice. ,,If you say so." Alex rolls her eyes. ,,Ok I'm gonna order some food now. What do you want?" Bradley asks. ,,Nothing." Alex mumbles. ,,Hey Alex. You layed in that stupid hospital bed for 2 months and never really ate. You lost 22 freakin pounds and to get better you need to eat. I'm gonna order Italian now and you're gonna eat everything, ok?" ,,Ok" Alex says giving up. ,,Do I look that skinny?" Alex asked. ,,Honey. It's just not normal. I don't care how you look, but you need to have the average weight for your height." Bradley says getting up and kissing Alex on the forehead. When the food comes Alex really ate everything, to Bradleys delight. ,,Has Jason called?" Bradley asks as they're done eating and cuddling up against each other on the couch. ,,No he wrote a mail which said, that Lizzy's gonna be 18 soon so the custody really isn't important and that he will send me the papers, so I just had to sign them." Alex sighs. ,,We just got married too soon. And everyone told us but we didn't listen to them." Later the two got into bed and cuddled up against each other and fell asleep pretty fast.

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