Alex Levy mental health foundation

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"I'm home!" Bradley walks into the apartment. But no answer. "Alex?" Then Bradley sees a note on the counter...
I decided to end the fight today. It's eating me alive and even if you couldn't make me any happier when I'm with you, I think it's time for me. I wanted to let you know how deeply I love you and that I'll never forget you. Thanks for making the last year so much more comfortable.
I love you,

She gulps. Her throat tightens and her body is like stone. She takes a deep breath and feels a hot tear rolling down her cheek. She's not able to say anything, but she knows, that she has to prevent Alex from doing this. He thinks, her brain working hardcore. She's shaking and goosebumps are all over her body. If Alex is gonna do this what will happen to her? How is she supposed to live without her? Supposed to live without her attitude and sarcastic jokes and comments, supposed to live without her presence. At this point Bradley has fallen onto the floor, sobbing. Then Lizzy comes into her mind. Lizzy, the person that could save Alex. "H-hey honey" Bradley sobs. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?" "Lizzy, you need to help me prevent your mom from doing something terribly wrong. And in order to do that you're gonna find out where she is. No matter how, but fast." "She told me she was going to Hudson." "She did?" "Yeah, but what is she doing so, so wrong?" "Oh fuck. Look, I need to go find her, don't worry." Bradley hangs up, leaving Lizzy with a million questions. She grabs her purse and rushes down the stairs, tears all over her face. "Please drive me to Hudson." She tells the driver and fastens her seatbelt. With her other hand, she's dialing 911. "911 what's your emergency?" a women's voice asks. "My, my friend is trying to jump off the bridge over Hudson River." Bradley sobs hardly.  "Ok, we're gonna send someone." The woman hangs up and Bradley tries to contain her pain, anxiety, emotions and tears. The car stops and Bradley immediately jumps out. A few meters away she sees a person standing, leaned over the railing. A woman about 1.64m, long hair, and a breathtaking body. Not in a hundred years could Bradley forget this silhouette, how she is standing right there. She hears sirens wailing. "Alex!" Bradley runs up to her. "No, Bradley! Please just go, you're not making this easier." Bradley starts to cry and tears dwell up in Alex's eyes too. "Hey Ma'am! Step down there!" A policeman is coming from behind them. "You called the police?" Alex asks shocked. "I told you I wanted this, you knew this was gonna happen sooner or later and if you love me you're just gonna accept that, step away now and get these people away." "No Alex! You don't want this! You need to live, for me, for Lizzy." "That's it, Bradley!" Alex lets all her muscles go and she slowly falls over the railing. It feels like slow motion to Bradley. "We need an ambulance!" Bradley gets ready to jump after Alex and save her, but the policeman grabs her wrist. "Please don't go. We have special people for this." "But until they arrive she could be dead! She could drown!" Bradley's tears are unstoppable now, but the policeman keeps holding her back. "No! No!" She tries to fight him. Bradley falls onto the floor, sobbing. An ambulance arrives and from down the water a team of divers runs up with a stretcher and a covered person. The stretcher gets loaded into the ambulance and the doctors immediately reanimate, massage hearts and put her on cables and machines. The doors close and they drive away with sirens. "What- what's happening?" Bradley isn't able to speak. "They're bringing her to the hospital for surgery. I can drive you there if you want." The policeman offers. Bradley just nods and he puts her in the car. "Wait!" Bradley turns around and sees Lizzy standing behind the car. "Did you prevent her?" She asks tears in her eyes. "No, honey I couldn't. But I swear I tried, I tried for the last two years. But the only people that can save her right now are these doctors." Lizzy falls into Bradley's arms. "Hey, it's okay honey." She strokes her hair. They get back into the car and drive to the hospital.

"Where is she?" Bradley asks the nurse at the reception. "She's still in the O.R. but there is someone who wants to talk to you. "Hi, I'm Dr. Hasel, I scrubbed in on your-" "Friend" Bradley declares. "I scrubbed in on your friends' surgery and they tried to revive her 6 times already. 7th right now." "But she's gonna live, right?" "I am just supposed to warn and prepare you." She says and walks away. "So my mom just killed herself?" Lizzy asks, sitting down. "No, they are still trying. They wouldn't if there wasn't a chance." "But mom tried to kill herself or why would she jump off a bridge?" "Your mom had a really hard life until now and she tried to get better, she really did, but she isn't who she was back then." "Then who is she?" "The only one who should know is she and even she doesn't." "Ms. Jackson?" A nurse comes into the waiting room. "Yes?" "Ms. Levy is waking up." They walk into the room. Alex's eyes are open, but she only looks at Lizzy and ignores Bradley like she is a wall. "Hi, honey." Lizzy bends down to her mom. "Hi, mom." "Can I talk to Bradley alone for a second?" "Sure." Lizzy smiles and leaves the room. Alex sighs. "You had no right to try and save me." "No, Alex in fact I did. I had the right. And you wanna know why I did this? I didn't do it for you or me, I did it for Lizzy. Because Lizzy deserves to have a mom, she deserves you." "You knew I wanted this, you knew it for two years and I was finally ready to be happy, really happy and with saving me you destroyed my happiness. And if you really love me you would've let me go, because now I'm lying here, suffering!" Alex breaks out in tears and her breaths shorten. "Alex calm down!" Bradley tries to calm her. "No!" Alex screams and pulls all of the cables out of her body, blood everywhere and barely breathing she's lying there. "I need some help in here!" Bradley shouts and 3 nurses come running in. "Page Dr. Hasel!" "No! We need to get her into an O.R right now or she's gonna bleed out and die!" They roll the bed out of the room and Alex has passed out from all the blood she has lost.

An hour later Lizzy and Bradley are sitting in the room. "I need to talk to you." Dr. Hasel sits down next to Bradley. "We now have two options. We can just sew Ms Levy back up and she's gonna live. The problem is that Ms Levy tried to kill herself two times and we won't know if she'd stop. I could offer you a psych consult, but with that the other option would be, that we just put her off oxygen and let her sleep peacefully." Bradley rests her forehead in her hands. "You know, that this is a huge decision. You're saying, that I decide if she's gonna live  or not?" "Practically," "Can I see her?" "Sure, but she isn't awake right now." "Yeah." Dr, Hasel shows Bradley the way to the room. "Oh my god." Bradley grabs her hand. "I want you to be happy and if you-" A tear rolls down Bradley's cheek. "And if you really want this I won't stop you another time." "So we're allowed to put her off oxygen?" Dr. Hasel asks. "Yes." Bradley smiles and her tears drop on Alex's arm. "Ok, oxygen off." Bradley is holding Alex's hand, crying but smiling at the same time. She slowly feels Alex's body colden. And the nurses and doctors have already left. "I'm gonna come and follow you and I know you'll be waiting for me. I love you." Bradley kisses her hand and leaves. Lizzy is looking at Bradley hopefully. "I'm so sorry." She just says and Lizzy falls into her arms. "Shhh, it's gonna be fine."

Bradley has recovered from Alex's death and left the show. She opened a clinic for people with mental health problems in Virginia and is happy to help them. And this is the story of Bradley Jackson and The Alex Levy health care foundation...

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