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The next morning they set everything up for the show and it goes great, because they stay in a nice neighborhood Bradley, Alex and Mia decide to go out and drink something. Alex gets recognized a lot, but they have fun. They sit in the corner of a small bar. ,,When do you plan on telling?" Mia asks looking at Alex and Bradley who sit next to each other. ,,What?" Alex asks confused. ,,Telling the public about you two." ,,Well until now you and Lizzy are the only two people that know about us." Bradley answers. ,,Lizzy?" Mia asks. ,,Yes, my daughter." Alex says. ,,Right. So when you had that plane crash. Bradley was in the hospital all the time, because you already were a thing?" ,,Yes." ,,I must say you hid that very well." Mia says laughing. They spend the rest of the evening drinking and talking. Bradley later decides to stay at Alex's hotel room and she falls asleep in Alex's arms. The next evening they are back at Alex's apartment and because the flight made her really tired, Alex decided to go to bed early whilst Bradley still sits in the living room as she hears a knock on the door. Bradley goes to open it and in front of her stands Mitch. ,,What do you want?" Bradley says. ,,I was actually not expecting to see you here. I need to talk to Alex." Mitch says. ,,I'm sorry she's not feeling well and sleeping." Bradley says with a cold voice. ,,Well could you tell her to call me? And what are you even doing here? Why are you in her apartment at 1am?" ,,I'm her friend and help her." then Bradley hears Alex throwing up and runs to the bathroom after she slammed the front door right into Mitch's face. She holds Alex's hair back and ties it into a messy bun while rubbing her back. When she's done Alex collapses into her arms and Bradley carries her back into bed while she cleans up and gets ready for bed herself. This night was long with Alex throwing up 5 more times and luckily they don't have to work tomorrow. Bradley is cleaning the bathroom for the 6th time right now and she hates seeing Alex feeling this bad. She looks wasted and has almost no power to stand up. These anxiety attacks keep happening and get worse everytime. Bradley decides to stay up all night in case Alex throws up again, but luckily she doesn't have to. Instead her whole body is shaking and Alex wakes up covered in sweat. ,,Hey honey. Please calm down, ok? I'm gonna get you a glass of water." As Bradley comes back in she hands Alex the glass and makes her sit up a little more. ,,We really need to take a look at these panic attacks though. Your whole body was just shaking." Bradley says looking worried. ,,I feel like a piece of shit." Alex tries to say, but out of her mouth just comes a quiet and raspy sound. ,,I know honey and I wish there was something I could do to help you. You know I maybe think about sending you to therapy, but this time for a week straight. You know how we don't have to work next week. Maybe you should use this situation and try to get that trauma behind you."
A week later and Bradley just dropped Alex off at the therapy clinic. ,,I'm gonna miss you." Alex says. ,,Me too." Bradley answers and pulls Alex in for a long passionate kiss. ,,Ok, bye." and with that Alex gets out of the car. It's a long and hard week for these two, because they are separated. On a thursday night, Bradley is in Alex's apartment, because she also lives there and she hears a knock on the door. She opens and in front of her stands Chip. ,,Hey." Bradley says. ,,Hi. is Alex there? I need to talk to her." ,,No she's not here I'm just picking something up for her. Can I give her a message from you?" If Bradley knew, that Chip wanted to tell Alex how much he loves her she wouldn't have asked, but how would she know? ,,No. Can you tell her to call me please?" ,,Yeah, of course." ,,Bye." ,,Bye." with that he leaves. Bradley is a little confused, but decides to just go to bed. She sleeps well, because she knows, that tomorrow she is gonna have her baby back next to her. The next day Bradley has to attend some meetings, but when she sits in the car on the way to the clinic she's happier than ever. She can't run up to Alex or kiss her, because they're in public, but as soon as they're in the car there is a long kiss. A kiss that shows how their lips have been craving each other all these days. ,,I'm so happy you're back." Bradley says with the biggest smile on her face. A smile Alex loves. ,,Yeah me too. I'm not a baby, but that sure was intense." They talk about everything that happened and Alex had to keep going to therapy every week. ,,Btw Chip was at your place and wanted to talk to you. He said you should call him." ,,Did he say what he wanted?" Alex asks. ,,No he was really weird."
Later in Alex's living room...
,,I called him and he said we should have dinner tomorrow, because what he wants to say is important." Alex says and sits down on the couch next to Bradley, leaning on her chest. ,,I'm so happy to have you back." Alex says and hugs Bradley while Bradley strokes her hair. And with that they fall asleep right there.

,,So what did you want to talk about?" Alex says after they're done eating. ,,You know how we've worked together for a really long time?" ,,Yeah." Alex says confused. ,,And we are best friends and love each other. And over all these years I realized." he takes a deep breath. ,,I realized, that I maybe feel love for you in another way than friends." he says and rests his head on his hands. ,,Wow, okay." Alex says a little overwhelmed. ,,Honey I'm so, so sorry, but I am in a relationship." ,,Omg I just embarrassed myself and I ruined it, didn't I?" Chip asks. ,,Honey Look at me." Alex says and grabs his hands. ,,You didn't ruin anything. You can't control your feelings. I still love you so so much. Maybe not the way you love me, but that's ok." Alex says reassuringly. ,,Is it?" ,,Yes it is. Shit! I have to go she's waiting for me." Alex says gets up and throws her coat on in a hurry. ,,She's?" ,,Yes. Can I explain another time?"

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