Visiting time

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"Bradley!" Alex is standing in the hall, looking at the mail she got. "What?" Bradley walks up to her. "I got a letter from my mom." Alex shows her the envelope and opens it.
Dear Alex,
I hope you're doing okay with your divorce and everything. I'm writing this letter without your sisters knowing, so don't tell them. I just wanted to tell you how unbelievably proud I am of you and how much I love you. You've come so, so far and it broke my heart seeing you cry on the TV a year ago. I just hope you're not forgetting me and told my grandchild about her grandma. I know we haven't talked in a way too long time which is completely my fault and its the biggest regret in my life. I think about you everyday and if I'm honest with you I see my young self reflected in you. You are unbelievably strong and if I could turn back time I'd do so many things completely different. Stay strong. Not just for you, do it for me. What you have accomplished is unbelievable. Don't you ever feel bad about us, because we made a mistake. It breaks my heart, that I'm not able to be there for you and that I haven't been there for you for 25 years. I feel horrible, that I don't even know the name of my grandchild. I feel horrible, that I didn't come to your wedding or spent a Christmas with you and your family before it broke apart. So the only thing I can do is to hope, that you'll always remember, that I'll always have your back no matter what. I'm your mom and I was supposed to be there for you and be present, help you with your grandchild, give you tips about giving birth. Stay who you are, because that's the person the people love and the person that I love. Your nieces and nephews would have loved to meet you, because I always tell them story's about you and they are amazed every single time. Like when you saved that kid from getting hit by a car or protected your sister from getting beat up or the little dog you saved from the shelter. I'm sure these story's are only a tiny bit of the amazing, caring person you are. Maybe one day you'll come back to Nashville and if not nobody's gonna be mad at you. Just feel hugged by me. I love you.
Your mom

Tears roll down Alex's cheeks whilst reading it, the paper is almost completely soaked. Bradley just smiles at her, because her Alex is happy. She's happy, because her Alex finally knows, that her mom still cares about her. Her Alex is crying because she's happy. A thing that didn't happen for a long time. After reading it Alex puts the letter aside and sits down. "I need to go home." she says.


"And you're gonna be able to do this alone?" Bradley asks as she drives Alex to the airport. "I don't know, but what am I supposed to do?" "I packed your anxiety pills in your bag and if it gets too bad just text me, ok?" "I will." Alex kisses Bradley and hops out of the car. She rushes into the airport, chased by a few paparazzi.


As the cab drives down her street all the memories from her childhood come crawling back. The fun she had with her sisters and friends, running around all day without any worries. Then the driver stops in front of a typical American family house. Alex paid the driver, grabbed her purse and got out of the cab. Whilst walking up the stairs to the front door she almost trips, because of the rain. As she stands at the end of the stairs she takes a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. Silence- should she turn around and leave? Should she just run away and forget this stupid idea? Then she hears steps and lightly sees a person through the glass. She's a little smaller than Alex and a little rounder, but not fat. Just a little chubby. The key turns one time and another time. Alex knows she has to stay right now. Then the door opens and the woman gasps. "Alexandra-" but Alex can't say anything. All she can do is wrap her arms around the woman and hug her tightly. The woman is crying happy tears. "You're back." She sniffs as they pull away. "Hi mom." Alex smiles at her. "Oh come in. You're completely wet." Alex walks into the hall. "I can't believe it's you." "Well, it is me." Alex says while taking her coat off. "Do you want anything to drink?" "No, I'm fine." She sits down on the sofa. "You haven't moved anything." Alex determines while she looks around the room. "No, still looks like 25 years ago. So how's my grandchild?" "Lizzy is great, she's in Harvard now." "Harvard?! Well she has it in her blood." "I guess she does." "Your sisters are coming over later." "They are?" "Yes and Lis really missed you." "And Kathy?" "You know your sister. She's a little stubborn." "Yeah, not like I am not." "You both are." Then the door opens and two women walk in. "And then we-Alex!" Lis says and goes up to Alex. "Hi." They hug each other and Kathy just runs out onto the terasse. "Oh god." Their mom sighs. "It's so great to have you back. I really missed you." Lis looks at her. "I missed you too, baby sis. I'm gonna look after Kathy." Alex says and leaves the room.
"I don't get you!" Alex walks outside on the terasse. "Ok, then what is so hard to get? I thought you were the smartest!" "How can YOU still be mad at me? We all wanted to do something with our life's and if my way of doing that was leaving for New York, then so it is! I always thought sisters should support each other and be there for each other but you did the opposite. You took my other sister away along with you. So what's your fucking problem?!" "I don't have one! Mom always had one. You were always the smart daughter that made something out of herself and the beautiful one. And Lis was the small one that everybody loved, but what was I? I wasn't smart or beautiful in moms eyes, I wasn't cute in moms eyes. Mom always worshipped you and loved you more, so I am sick of that, sick of you." "You're sick of me?" "Yeah." "But you made something of yourself too. You have the practice and the kids and you're married." "No!" "What?!" "I had to give up the practice a year ago and I've been divorced for five fucking years now! My kids already have their own life's. So I am left with nothing! Nothing but Lis and Mom." "So the only perfect one is Lis?" Alex asks. "I guess so." "We're both messed up." Alex sighs. "No! Because you still have your career and your perfect daughter." "Ok, you are gonna listen to me now. Do you know what shit I've been going through my whole fucking life?! I got abused for over 15 fucking years until I had to get a fucking abortion with 44. I never had anyone to tell my shit to. I survived a plane crash a year ago and I have a trauma, which lets me feel pain every single fucking day. So if you wanna keep thinking my life is perfect, I just want you to know, that it's not!" Alex walks away, a tear of anger and pain in her eye. "Alex!" Kathy runs after her. "No please. I'm just gonna go to bed." Alex says and walks up the stairs. Kathy comes back into the living room. "I'm gonna go to bed now, girls. Take your time down here, but remember to lock the door when you leave. Good Night." Their mom walks out of the room. "Night mom." "What happened?" Lis turns to Kathy. "I-I don't know, but I think Alex isn't okay." Kathy stammers.

Meanwhile upstairs...
Alex is talking to Bradley on the phone. "And then I got too angry again and I fucking told her." Alex sighs. "You get too heated up too fast." "I know." "And what happened then?" "I told her I was tired and now I'm sitting here in my bedroom." "I wish I could be there with you now." "I know. I really miss you." Then there is a little silence, both of them thinking. "You should go down and tell them. Waiting any longer won't make it better." Bradley suddenly says. "You think?" "Yes, do it." "Ok, bye honey I love you." "I love you too. Good night." Alex hangs up and quietly walks down the stairs and stops when she hears talking in the living room. "I don't know. She said something about abuse and plane crashes it was crazy." Kathy says. "But she didn't tell you more?" Lis looks concerned. "No. But I think we need to help her." Alex slowly opens the door and they both turn to her. "Hi." She quietly says and walks over to the armchair in front of the sofa where the other two are sitting. "Hey, look I'm sorry I overreacted." Kathy apologizes. "No it's okay I wasn't great either." Alex says and that is followed by a long silence...

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