The End

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Heyy guyssss. I cant believe that this is the last chapter of this fanfiction!!!

Enjoy and I see you after ;)


I looked at Peter with fear. I thought that this would be easy, that I would be strong enough to destroy the stone but now the powers were tearing me apart. 

My body was trembling with the energy of the stone and the intense pain draining every bit of strength I had left in me.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered, just loud enough so that he could hear me. The tears in my eyes blurred my sight so I could only see the silhouette of him standing on the path.

His head was tilted down and he looked completely broken.

"No... don't do it! We will find another way! I promise" he shouted and I knew he was crying. My hand was hurting and I felt my powers slowly failing. It felt as though ice was rushing through my body freezing all the blood in my veins and slowing all my movements.

I felt the tears on my face and looked up at the sky. The rings moved faster and faster towards each other and i knew that with every second that I hesitated the force would become more powerful and that I wouldn't have much more time to stop this.

Looking back down I realized I was glad that I died protecting my family and the love if my life.

Peter stood just a few meters away, looking into my eyes. His body was trembling and there were so many tears rolling down his face that he probably couldn't see me either. 

*play song now*
(As the world caves in - Cover from Sarah Cothran)
--> you can use the original one too if this one isn't on your music streaming app/device

"Peter..." I whispered and looked down at my arm. It was now completely black and there was only a dim purple light between the stone and my hand.

"No...please" he sobbed and took a step towards me.
"Don't come closer! I will hurt you" I said and stepped back.
"Alya! You can't leave me! You can't leave this" he whispered and pointed around the garden. As I looked around, my eyes fell on one of the windows. There were two small shadows in it. My children. I didn't want them to see this. I didn't want to leave them. I didn't want to leave anyone. Something like this wasn't supposed to happen, but I guess it doesn't always work out that way, does it?

"I have to!" I sobbed and held up my other hand to stop the stone from speeding up, causing the darkness to spread to my other arm as well. I cried out again in pain and released everything I still had inside of me.

"No, we will find a way! This is not an option" he bawled. I squinted and looked up at the rings of the sky again. There were probably only seconds left.
"It is our only option," I cried out as I looked back down at the people in front of me. They were filled with different emotions, but mostly sadness. I could even see Loki shedding a tear.

"I'm so sorry Peter!" I whispered as I stopped to hold back the stones powers. I screamed as a sharp pain paralyzed my whole body as the ice reached my heart.

"No!" Peter went to grab my arm but Loki pulled him back.

"Thank you for everything! You saved my life so many times and now it's my turn..." I cried out and let out a scream, holding my body.

"Loki, please promise me to help him ok? Peter! I know you can do it! You are the most incredible father! Promise you will stay strong for me ok?" I pressed out. My body went numb and I fell on my knees. I concentrated the rest of my powers on the stone.

Right before it could explode Doctor Strange stood in front of Peter, Wanda, and Loki and made a shield to protect them. I gave him a weak thankful smile and with that, I closed my eyes.

I felt a cold wave washing over me and I heard shouting and crying. I wanted to open my eyes, look at the ones I love for the last time but I couldn't. With every millisecond that passed the noises around me seemed to move further away and I felt myself being pulled into the darkness.

I tried to muster every ounce of energy I still had left in me to open my eyes.
In front of me were some of the people I loved the most in this universe.

Peter, the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Who saved me in my darkest times and was there for me when I needed him most.
He taught me to trust and love.
If you told me a few years back that I could ever see him again, let alone be the mother of his children I wouldn't have believed it.

The person I loved so very much that I would do anything for him. I knew that he would be able to raise our children with the help of our wonderful friends and family. I could only hope he would be able to move on and live his life the way he taught me to.

I was sorry my kids had to see me like this. They were the last thing I wanted to leave on this earth. It broke my heart that I couldn't watch them grow up and achieve everything they wanted in life.

All these people in front of me helped me to be the person I was today and I would be forever grateful for everything they did for me.

My brain was flooded with all kinds of emotions but regret wasn't one of them.
It was my duty to protect the people I love.

The force pulling me into the darkness started to gain the upper hand and I knew I couldn't fight it any longer.

With everything I had left, I looked at Peter and mouthed the words 'I love you'.

At that moment my heart was separated from the ones I loved.


I hope you are not too mad at me but this was the best ending I could have imagined tbh!

Thank you to everyone who supported this fanfiction and commented/voted every time. Your comments and excitement always made me so happy and I enjoyed writing this!

 A BIG thank you to Marie because without her this story would not exist! 

Thank you to my best friend Vicky for reading over this chapter so it would be perfect <3

I love you 3000 <3

( Don't forget to check out my next fanfiction this summer ;) )

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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