XVI - Light

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Hii hi
New chapter!!!!
I'm not sure how many of you saw my announcement but I'm just gonna say that again.

Marie is not continuing this story on tiktok but that doesn't mean that it will stop on here.
I will continue this story on here. My plan is to connect this story line with the actual mcu. That means that I will rewrite Infiniti war, Endgame, Wanda Vision, etc and put Alya in it.
I'm so thankful for all the support and this story really helped me to improve my writing style!! Thank you!!!


Tony's pov:

"Alya," I screamed and picked her up.
All the agents were dead because of the shock wave she sends off.

"What the fuck happened?" Natasha asked when I walked inside.
"She got shot," I said and laid her down on a table.
"WHAT," Loki screamed and ran up to us.
"She was saying something about bulletproof and titanium but I don't know what she meant," I said.
"What the fuck!" Vision whispered.
"Language!" Steve shouted from the corner of the room.
"What did she mean?" Wanda asked.
"I don't know but she is still breathing," I replied.
"But how is that even possible? She got shot right into her stomach and chest." Bruce analyzed her wounds.
"I have no idea," I said and looked at Thor and Loki.
"Do you know anything?" I asked the two.
"No," Loki shook his head and sat down on a chair next to him.
"I'm not sure but I believe, father told us about Helas powers. She was bulletproof around her heart. Nobody could shot her into the heart and maybe that is what happened here" Thor speculated.
"But she got shot into the stomach too," Bruce looked up.
"True," Thor said and sat down next to his brother.
"What if she is bulletproof on her whole body?" Wanda said.
"What?" I asked confused.
"What if one of her powers is that she is bulletproof? What if she can't be shot? What if she is immortal?" Wanda explained to all of us.
"But why didn't she notice sooner?" Steve asked.
"I don't know," Sam, Bruce, Thor, and I said at the same time.

After a while, we placed her on the couch and sat down in the kitchen.
"We have to take her to Asgard, Loki," Thor said to his brother.
"What, why?" Loki looked certainly confused.
"Because she hasn't figured out her powers and someone can help her there " Thor raised his eyebrows and looked at Loki.
"Yeah, right!" He said and looked back at Peter and Alya.
"What are you two talking about?" I interrupted their talking.
"We're gonna take Alya to Asgard," Thor said again.
"What?" I said shocked.
"We're gonna take Alya to..." he said but got interrupted.
"Yeah, yeah I got that but why?" I asked.
"Someone there can help us," Loki explained as well as Loki could explain something.

"We're gonna bring her to Hela," Thor said.
"But... wasn't she your dead sister?"
"Stepsister" Loki corrected me.
"Fine sister or stepsister!" I groaned.
"Hela is alive and I think she could even help us with Peter," Thor clarified.
"What do you mean?" Nat asked him.
"I think that she can bring him back to life," Loki smirked and looked at Peter.
"And that sister of yours is in Asgard?" I asked.
"Yeah, she lives in our castle while we are gone. When our dad died she wanted to take everything from us. And she especially wanted the tesseract. But now she lives in Asgard." Thor said.
"That must be in the family" I laughed out.

"Guys?" We heard Alya's voice from the living room.
I stood up and walked up to her.
"Alya," I said and hugged her tightly.
"What happened?" she asked confused.
"You got shot but we think that you are bulletproof," I whispered.
"What?!" She shouted and backed up.
"See," I pointed to her chest and stomach where you could still see the wounds.
"Oh my god," she gasped and looked down.
"B- But how?" She stuttered and looked at me and the others.
"We don't know but we might know how we could..." I started but suddenly she stood up and turned around.
"Peter," she screamed and fell on the floor next to him.
She started crying and laid her head on his chest.
"This is all my fault," she whispered between the tears.
"There must be a way to bring him back. We can't let him die. He is supposed to live. I am supposed to be dead not him. We can- We have to do something," she stood up and walked up and down.
"Alya," Loki screamed to get her out of her thoughts.
"Listen to me! And calm down" he laid his hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes.
"We figured something out!" He said slowly.
"What?! Tell me," Alya shouted.
"Sit down and I'll explain everything," Loki calmed her down.
Alya sat down on the floor and leaned against Peter.
Loki sat down on the couch and showed everyone except me and Thor to leave.
They all walked outside and closed the door.
"There maybe is a way to bring him back," Loki started.
"What now?" She looked up.
"Thor and I know someone who could do that and help you with your powers," he leaned forward and took one of her hands in his.
"Who?" She asked.
"Your mother," Thor said behind me.
Alya let go of Loki's hand and looked up to Thor. More tears started to fall down her cheeks and she gasped.
I could see that her pulls was really high and she couldn't stop crying.
I sat down next to her and she put her head on my chest.
"But... I thought that she is dead," Alya whispered after a while.
"She isn't," Thor replied.
"But where is she?" Alya sat up.
"She is in Asgard," Loki told her.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go," she stood up and stormed outside.

"Alya wait!" Loki screamed after her.
"W- why?" She asked confused.
"There is just a little chance that this will work." He told her slowly.
"And I will take that chance," she said and stormed out again.
"Ok," Loki said and walked after her.
"You go with them," I said to Thor and gave him my 'you better look out for them or I'll kill you' look.
"And I want you to take Bruce too because he can help you with all that medical stuff" I added.
"You're not coming, genius?" He asked me.
"No, I have to stay here!" I said annoyed and walked after Alya and Loki.

Alya's pov:

We walked onto the big grass area and waited for Thor to get Peter.
"You ok?" Loki asked me.
"I'm a little nervous" I admitted and he nodded.
"I'm here. I'm here!" Thor shouted and walked to where we were standing.
In his left arm, he held Peter, and with the other arm, he held his hammer.
"Are you ready?" He smiled at me and I nodded.
"Take Loki's and Banners hand and hold on to me," he said and twirled his hammer.
Suddenly a bright light came out of the sky and within seconds we got lifted off of the ground.

My stomach jumped a little when the speed of light shot us through the universe.
I could see a lot of stars, galaxies, and plants around us. It felt like a dream. Everything around us was glowing and the stars had so many different colors.
I wish Peter could see this. I thought to myself.
Suddenly we stopped and I fell onto my face.
"Oh, are you ok?" Thor asked and helped me up.
I stood up and looked around. We landed in some sort of entrance room. Everything was golden and round. In the middle of the room, I saw a person in a golden uniform.
"Welcome to Asgard," the man said with a deep voice and smiled at me.
I smiled back and saw that Loki and Thor were already walking away.
"Where are we going?" I asked when Bruce and I got up to them.
"To see your mother," Loki said quietly.


If you don't want to miss my announcements again just klick the follow button and let me know what you think.

Thank you so much!!

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