IV - Shower

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As we were walking through the hallway everyone was staring at us.
I saw Flash walking towards us with an intimidating face.
"How does it feel to be an orphan?" he asked with an sarcastic grin on his face.
"I'm not an orphan anymore!" I replied smiling sofly.
I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and looked so my right.
"She is a Stark now" Peter stepped next to me and smiled at Flash. Flash gasped and opened his mouth.
I smiled at Flash again and we walked past him. Peter and I could hear them gasping and whispering behind us but we didn't care. We felt like we were in a cool movie scene.
We walked around the corner and leaned against the wall.
"That was so cool!" Peter said excitingly.
"Yeah, I felt like a movie star in one of these slow-motion scenes!" I said happily.
We laughed and made fun of Flash's face as we walked into the classroom.

"Good morning Class!" Mister Clark said as he entered the classroom.
"I divided you into groups of four. Please go sit together and then I come to you and give you a task."

I wasn't really paying attention. My thoughts were running around my new family and Peter.
They are the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I'm so glad I sat next to peter and he wanted to talk to me at the first place.
"Are you coming?" I heard Peter saying.
"Wait- Where?" I asked confused.
"We are in a group with Emma and Flash" he laughed out.
"Oh ok" I stood up. I wasn't happy that Mister Clark put me into a group with Flash.

"Hey, Alya. Are you really a Stark now?!" Flash asked me the second I sat down.
"I am. But what is up with that?" I asked them confused.
"But you know that Tony Stark..." Flash started but then Mister Clark interrupted him.
"You four have a special task. You need to go shopping for our experiments. Here is a list of what you have to buy. Please split-up and go to different stores."
"So we are doing experiments?" Peter asked Mister Clark.
"Our Class is making a big project. All the groups have different tasks and when we all are done we have a lot of info on the topic we are going to write the next exam about." He explained us excitingly.
On our way to the shop, we had a lot of fun. We talked about Wanda and Vision because we both think that they are together but they won't admit it.

We bought a lot of stuff. Food, water, gloves, and some things we couldn't even pronounce.

Peter's pov:

After Physics and Math, we walked back to the Headquarter.
Suddenly I could feel someone watching us and I got goosebumps.
I just ignored it and kept walking.
"Are you ok?" Alya asked me worried.
"Uhhh, yeah I'm fine." I said looking around.


We continued walking as suddenly a man grabbed Alya and tried to take her with him. She tried to punch him but he held her hands so she couldn't do anything.
"PETER" she screamed.
"Let her go or you will regret it!" I told him.
"Aww, what are you gonna do?" He laughed at me.
I smirked and punched him in the face. He lets go of Alya and blacks out Immediately.
I caught her and helped her stand up. She hugged me and cried. Her body was shaking and her breath was heavy.
"Thank you" she whispered into my ear. Thos made me smile and my stomach felt like it would explode but in a good way.
She pulled away and I saw that the man slowly was waking up again.
"Alya, quick! Put your arms around me!" I said hectic.
"Why? What are you doing?" She looked really confused.
"Please just trust me!" I begged her.
She stepped closer and warped her arms around me. We hugged a lot of times the last few days but this felt kind of right. She was close to me and her head was resting on my shoulder.
I smiled and shot my web onto the next building. We swung over the city to the Headquarter. The first minute she screamed and clung to me but after a while, she was calm and enjoyed the view over the City.

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