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-:-:-:-:-Y/N POV-:-:-:-:-

I ran.

I ran faster than I thought I ever could. A lot happened. I was making my way back to my base, in the dark. Then all of a sudden, I saw Dream. He was just walking.
Then he fell into a ravine.

Not gonna lie, I was trying to hold back laughter. I ducked down, making sure he didn't spot me. I watched him. It took him a while to get up. He hit his head pretty hard. I would say I felt sorry for the guy.
But I didn't.

I thought he would have just made a tower back up and continued to wherever he was going. But he actually went down further, to mine. So I followed him. I made sure to stay as quiet as possible, as I watched him scrounge for different ore, and I was started to get bored. So I moved closer.

That was a bad decision on my part.

As I snuck up on him to get a closer look, he must've heard my footsteps, because he turned around so quickly I'm surprised he didn't see me. But I ducked my head behind a pile of cobblestone, deciding what to do next. I could hear him coming in my direction, so I did the only thing that made sense at that point.
I ran.
And now well, here I am. Running from the best person in this goddamn SMP.

"Come out! You know I'll catch you anyway! I'm the best speedrunner ever!" he yelled. I rolled my eyes as I ran for my life.

He's such a Leo.

There was a part of me that just wanted to go back there and prove him wrong. That he isn't the best around. But I didn't. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready to face him, I still need to train. Knowing mental weaknesses might help against the members of L'manberg, but Dream is smart. Dream will know how to fight me, even if I point out his weaknesses. If anything it'll just make him even more angry. I couldn't see anymore, which I could use to my advantage. I took a different path in the cave tunnel, and I hid behind more cobblestone. I'll admit, I'm nervous. As he grows closer, I hold my breath, not wanting to make any noise at all.

"Oh, using the dark to your advantage now are you?" Dream snickered. Of course he knew, he knows all the strategies. He practically invented them all. My heart stopped when it got dead quiet. Complete silence was never good in a manhunt, which is what this felt like right now.
I covered my mouth to prevent my breath from making noise. He could be in the same tunnel I'm in right now, and I would never know.


I was about ready to just get up and leave, because it had been quiet for at least an hour. But I didn't have a clock, so I'm not sure.

-:-:-:-:-Dream POV-:-:-:-:-

I had waited for hours.

I had waited for hours but they never showed. I figured after a while they would think I left and they would come out. But no. Their smart. But I still have so many questions. Who was it? Why were they following me? Was it someone from L'manberg? Or...maybe it was Techno. I hadn't seen him since the last war with the discs. But that wouldn't explain why he ran away from me. Techno and I are friends, or at least we were. I'm not sure anymore, it's been so long since I've had human contact.

Maybe I was just chasing them to be able to interact with someone.

It was mid day, and I was getting bored waiting around for them to come out. So I decided to trick them. I would tower out of the ravine, to make it look like I left, then I would hide in a tree until they come out. I'll only stay until it gets dark though. If I don't get to them by then, then the mobs will.

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