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Edit: Sorry, the format was wrong

-:-:-:-Y/N POV-:-:-:-

I woke up in a bed in an empty room. My leg hurts like hell. When I planned to get into L'manberg, I didn't plan to get shot. But either way, it makes this more interesting.

I look down at my leg. They hadn't taken out the arrow yet, so it was still sticking out of my leg. There are bandages wrapped around the arrow, stopping blood from gushing out. I laid my head back down. I'm going to fucking kill Eret. He hasn't ratted me out yet, and I want to know why. Dream will find out eventually, he always does. Dream will start to get suspicious, and the truth will come out. The day that it does, I'll be out of here.

I grunted in pain from the arrow, and suddenly someone aggressively opened the door. It was Tommy. He didn't seem very happy. In fact, he seemed to be on edge.

"That arrow hurts, doesn't it?" Tommy said, as if he was shoving the fact that I had an arrow in my leg in my face.

"Yeah, no shit sherlock." I replied.

'I'd watch your tone! We didn't have to save you!" Tommy shouted. The thing with Tommy is he gets angry easily. It's the easiest thing to use against him.

"Tommy! Leave it." a woman's voice ordered. Tommy rolled his eyes, then exited the building. Then the woman entered, a kind smile on her face.

"I'm going to get that arrow out for you, okay?" she said. I nodded. I've seen her before, but not very often. I forget her name, but I know she's one of the sweetest people in L'manberg, unlike Tommy.

"What's your name?" she asked, trying to make conversation to distract me from the pain.

"Y/N." I replied. She smiled. Her smile was so contagious, and I couldn't help but smile back at her.

"Pretty name. I'm Niki." she said.

Right. Niki was her name. I didn't see her around that often, probably because she didn't like violence. She wasn't around for a lot of the wars, and if she was, it was to heal people.

"Yours is pretty too." I simply responded.

She gripped the bandages surrounding the arrow and got ready to pull the arrow out. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the pain. Then she pulled it out. I could already feel the excruciating pain that went up my whole leg. My nerves were on fire. Blood gushed out of my leg. I let out a cry of pain, and Niki cringed. I could tell she felt bad.

"Oi shut up in there!" Tommy yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"He's not too bad once you get to know him. He just- he has a hard time trusting people." Niki informed.

Little does she know I already know that. I know a lot more than I should about Tommy. Tommy is constantly used and pushed around. First, he lost Wilbur, then he lost Technoblade, then he lost Dream. Tommy now knows that if he trusts someone, it never ends well for him. So now, he doesn't trust anyone. I don't blame the kid. He's young, it sucks to go through that much at such a young age.

"I see that." I replied.

Niki quickly replaced the current bloody bandages with clean ones. She wrapped it tightly around my leg, trying not to hurt me too bad.

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