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!!TW: Talk of trauma, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts!!

-:-:-:-Y/N POV-:-:-:-

I woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach, I wanted to puke. Even though I'm awake, I keep my eyes closed because a part of me hoped that I was dead. I mean, what even happens when you die? I don't know, but I sure as hell know that I am not dead, I feel like I am though.

I finally decide to open my eyes, and my vision is blurry at first. I had hoped to sit up and see Dream, but sadly, he was nowhere in sight. I'm back in my bed, the one I have gotten so used to.

"Well, you're awake." a voice greeted. It was Eret.

"Eret, what do you want?" I whispered, not wanting to piss him off while I am in such a vulnerable state.

"Just coming to check up on you." he claimed, although I didn't believe him.

"I highly doubt that Eret." I sassed.

"What? We used to be best friends, why don't you believe I'd want to see how you're doing?" he questioned, his voice calmer than usual.

"Because you don't care about how I'm doing."  I said sternly.

Eret seemed hurt that I would say something like that. His face was something that I couldn't read. He had a lot on his mind, he just refused to show it. I remember when he used to tell me what he thinks about, and I'll admit, it scared me a bit. I even thought he was a psychopath for a while.

"Right. I'll leave you be, Y/N." is all he says before he turns for the door.

"Wait!" I yelled.


"Where's Dream?"

"Oh, of course! You need to see your little lover man." Eret says sarcastically, "He's out, he'll be back soon, don't worry sweetheart." and then he walks out.

Lover man? Sure, I felt safe with Dream, but that doesn't mean I'm in love with him. I just simply enjoy his company. I mean, who wouldn't? He's really funny, and smart, and sweet, and...
I want to get up, but my body tells me I shouldn't by activating a couple of sharp pains in my wounded leg, which hasn't seem to get any better.

Then, I remembered the memories.

I remembered everything that happened before I passed out, before my whole world went black. I remember Cara and so many other people and places that I don't recall knowing. Dream carried me, he carried me home.

There's one place that I remember better than the others, it's a sort of public place. There are people everywhere, and it looked as though everybody there were friends. The place is surrounded by trees, and there are houses and buildings everywhere you look. The same image of Cara and I laughing by a fire plays in my mind, over and over.

A tight feeling forms in my stomach. For the first time in a while, I don't want to keep pushing, I don't want to keep fighting. I just want to sleep and never wake up, to dream about a better life for all of eternity.

How did my life come to this? If all these things I'm remembering are my memories, then why didn't I go back to that place? I seemed much happier there, with Cara. I guess that when she died, I made sure that I'd make them pay, make Tommy pay.

I don't care how young he is, we make mistakes, but some of those mistakes aren't forgivable. Some of those mistakes will cost you your life, and that's Tommy's case. He's been through hell, and maybe killing him would be putting him out of his misery.

The door opens.

"Y/N? You're awake, thank god, I was so worried!" Dream panicked. He ran over to me and practically tackled me as he wrapped me in a hug. Shocked, I hugged him back, trying not to let any tears come out. Like I said, he makes me feel safe.

"Yeah." I sighed, burying my face into his shoulder.

"Don't ever do that to me again. Please, I lo-" he stuttered, not finished his sentence. He wrapped his arms around me tighter, and he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed. I couldn't help it, he made me feel like I could let go. That I could be vulnerable around him, even though I know that's a bad idea.

"It's not your fault, shh, shh." he whispered, still holding me close.

As I cried, he rocked back and forth with me in his arms. I felt sleep pushing to get through again, and this time, I didn't fight it. I let sleep come, knowing I'd be safe as long as Dream was here.
So I slept, hoping to dream of happy places, places where people are brought together, not torn apart. I hoped to dream of Cara, wishing that I could savor the few memories I have of her. I slept, wishing that Dream would hold me,

And never let me go.

-:-:-:-Tommy POV-:-:-:-

She got away, she got away, and for all we know, she could be telling Dream about us right now. It made me feel even more uneasy than I had been lately. She's out there, and so is Dream, and whether I like it or not, Wilbur is right; we need to strike first, before Dream has the chance to.

I don't know why the thought of going to him makes me feel so afraid. Maybe I'm scared I'll die, maybe I'm scared that I'll watch all of my friends die, maybe I'm scared of being alone,

Or maybe it's all of the above.

Even though a lot of them have betrayed me, if I lost anyone, I'd break. I'd break into millions of tiny pieces, and no one would be able to put me back together. On the outside, I'm angry and aggressive, but on the inside, I'm trapped; trapped in my head; trapped in my own hatred and fear. It takes hold of me, and never lets go.

So I agreed. I agreed to Wilbur's dumb, but smart plan. We might get ourselves killed, but it's worth it if we even have the slightest chance to take Dream down. That's when we heard the bang.

At first, I thought something had fell, causing such a loud noise, but then when a subtle "ow" followed the bang, I knew there was someone here. I automatically thought it might have been Dream, as I couldn't hear the voice good enough to tell if it was a boy or girl. I gave Wilbur a look, and he already knew what I was thinking.

Now we're here, in my home, trying to come up with a further plan.

"I say we leave now. If that was Dream, it'll be easy to find him." Wilbur suggested.

It was really only Wilbur and I that were talking. Quackity would occasionally butt in, but the others were silent, obviously debating whether they think this is right or not. But knowing Ranboo, he's just being silent because he hates war in general.

"Why don't we just choose people?" he had said.

Oh Ranboo, if only you knew that in a cruel world like this, choosing people would be worse than picking a side. You choose a side, and you have something to fight for. You choose people, and then they take advantage of you and throw you away when they don't need you anymore. Just ask Technoblade, he'll tell you all about that.

"Alright then, if there're no problems-" I paused, taking a deep breath.

"We leave now."

(1285 words)
(A/N: Sorry for the short chapters lately, I have finals coming up and I've been studying)

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