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!!TW: This chapter contains concepts of derealization and trauma!!

-:-:-:-Dream POV-:-:-:-

We are finally close enough to hear the meeting. Y/N looks nervous for some reason. I wonder what else she told them. She already told them that she was living with me, so now they know that I'm still out there. Tommy probably had a panic attack. Tommy hates me the most, but he's also terrified of me.

He's terrified that I'll hurt him, or hurt his friends. He's terrified I'll destroy L'manberg again. He's terrified that I'll make any of his friends turn against him. He's afraid of being alone.

I don't blame him. I'm scared of being alone too. Before Eret and Y/N, I barely had any human contact, and it drove me insane(literally). Eret can be a pain in the ass, but he's also smart. I needed him on my side, especially since he used to be on L'manberg, he'll know their strategies.

At first, I didn't trust Eret. He had been on L'manberg's side for a while, for all I know, he could just betray me and go back to them. Or worse, he could give them my location. He also goes out by himself a lot, so that made me a little suspicious. But lately I've been thinking, Eret is completely different than he used to be when he was with L'manberg. Something definitely happened to him while he was missing, and I can't help but be curious as to what did happen.

Y/N placed her ear to the wall, listening intently.

"She's escaped! She's escaped! What the FUCK are we supposed to do now?" Tommy yelled. Everyone else seemed chill, but Tommy was losing his shit.

"Tommy, calm down. Maybe we can find her." Tubbo suggested. As usual, Tubbo is the one to try and calm Tommy down.

"Find her? FIND HER?! She's probably with Dream as we SPEAK! To find Y/N, we have to find Dream!" Tommy yelled once more.

They weren't wrong. I almost giggled when they said that Y/N is "probably" with me. Y/N saw my smirk, and slapped my shoulder lightly, and she went back to listening.

"Exactly. Tommy, I don't know if you know this, but Dream isn't just going to wait around for us to be ready." Wilbur chuckled. Tommy grunted at Wilbur's lack of seriousness.

"What are you saying?" Tommy questioned.

"I'm saying, maybe it's time that we attack first, instead of waiting around for him to get us first."

Tommy was silent for a moment. He was either in shock that Wilbur would suggest such a thing, or he was thinking if it would exactly work or not.

Y/N looked at me, almost gasping. I just shrugged my shoulders. At this point, I don't even know what we are fighting about. Of course, many wars have started already, but they were always over stupid things. Like the battle for the discs, why would Tommy care so much about a disc that just played music? He could always just find another one.

To be honest, I don't know why I even stole the discs. I guess I just wanted to have something that someone else wanted. In that case, it was Tommy's discs. I don't know, a part of me regrets starting anything. Maybe they're all right, I'm a monster.

Y/N could tell I was thinking about something, and she gave me a concerned look. I smiled, and looked away. Maybe they're right.

Maybe they're right...

All of a sudden, I want to go home. I want to lay down and sleep, to stop thinking about everything, to stop wishing for things to change even when I know they never will. A part of me wants someone. Someone to share everything with, someone who will see the good in me even when I don't see it in myself. I want so many things,

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