Chapter 5: Stop Missing World History

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"Everyone out," orders one of the boys, according to Cae his name is Alexander. Like my favourite gay boy from Shadowhunters!

"I was hoping you would say that," I whisper, a device amplifies my voice, making them think I'm right next to them. We jump into the fight, each of us picking a target, and incapacitating them as quickly as possible.

Lyra attacks the strong boy, Topher, and knocks him out quickly with her singing. Vela goes for the arctic girl, Elizabeth. Leo and Saura provide cover, covering us in darkness and hiding us from the security cameras. Cae and Vela for the first boy, Alexander. Leaving me the leader, Sebastian. Out of the corner of my eye I see a boy run away, but we don't have a record of him, so he must not be apart of their team.

"Merlin to Joker. Joker is down." Sebastian says, a hint of worry creeping into his voice.

"They all have nicknames, how cute," I say, and smile, climbing the jeep, and preparing myself to launch off it.

"Jealous?" He asks, his voice taunting as he turns, trying to find me.
"Me? Never. Boo!" I pop up behind him, and aim a kick at the middle of his back, knocking him to the ground.

"That was rude," he grumbles from the ground and I chuckle.

"All's fair in love and war," I reply, keeping control of my breathing. He grabs my ankle, and pulls me down, using me as leverage to pull himself up. Neat trick.

"I guess so," he says, and I wipe the blood trickling out of my nose. I didn't need to but it makes the whole thing more dramatic, and more intimidating. Also it was warm and sticky which was gross.

"So this is the girl they sent to clean up her friends remains," he smirks. Who the heck does he think he is? The only men that could talk like that and live are Leonardo DiCaprio or Louis Partridge. Also the last team weren't my 'friends', they were on the same side as me. There's a difference.

"You'll find the cleaning to be a little more on your side sweetheart." I feel a tug inside my stomach, and let it take over, let it drain his bravery.

His face slackens, and goes pale. Sweat beads on his forehead and his arms shake. I almost feel bad for him. The worst part is coming up.

He screams as it happens, and he is left with his worst thoughts, his worst memories, and his worst nightmares. He doesn't have the strength to tell himself they aren't real. That they can't hurt him. So he doesn't. He collapses instead, curling into a little ball, covering his head, dropping his axe next to him. It clangs, an ugly sound, that reverberates. It seems to make his fear worse.

I don't even wince as I bend down next to him and whisper, "Nighty-night," I cover his mouth with a cloth doused in drugs, and he passes out. I've done this enough times to know he will be fine.

I stop what I am doing almost immediately, leaving him with peaceful dreams. I straighten up, gazing down on his sleeping form. I might be cruel, but I know the best how it feels to have only your worst fears left.

I was trained first using my powers on myself, then on other people.

If you do not know the pain you cause, you will know no mercy.

The council, yes the one I ran into, reiterated that sentence so many times I could say it backwards and forwards. Speaking of the council, thank the gods they let me come on this mission after I sort of knocked three of them over.

It wasn't my fault, ok! I was distracted and running fast.

Leo sure got a kick out of it. Before they pointed out that he had missed the last world history classes, and if he kept it up he would have to miss the desert portion of dinner to make up the credit.

Let's just say he shut up fast. Before Caelum, Vela, and Vega found us. Then we started sweet-talking the heck out of them. They forgave us, eventually.

Alright Babes! Another chapter done!
I feel like these keep getting shorter.... well I hope the qualities getting better. Probably not.
It seems longer on google docs.
Alexandra Waterwings

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