Chapter 39: 🎶I wanna scream and shout and let it all out🎶

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"Hey Diana," I sigh tiredly. Too much emotional drama for me. After I basically sprinted away from Sebastians love confession (she a runner she a track star), I came right to Diana, without even meaning to.

"Hey love," Is her reply, coupled with open arms and a soft smile. She's sitting on her chair in her office. I immediately start crying.

"What brings you here?" She asks me as I sit on her lap, gently stroking my hair.

"Sebastian just told me that he loves me," I tell her.

"Oh baby," she murmurs into my hair. Diana has been basically my only mother figure for over a decade - shes closer to me than my own mother by now.

"Im sorry," I tell her. I am sorry.

Im sorry that I couldn't keep my team together. Im sorry that I didn't know Caelum was selling Icarus Guard Secrets. Im sorry that I killed General Claude and created so many problems. Im sorry that Sebastian is in love with me. Im sorry for making Dianas life so much harder.

"You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. Its not your fault any of this is happening - its none of our faults. You couldn't possibly have known that Caelum was selling secrets, and your team will push through this. And maybe you killing General Claude was a blessing in disguise, we have something your mom wants. We have opportunities now," she reassures me.

"What about Sebastian?" I ask her quietly.

"Ill take care of him hon," she tells me.

"But what if I love him back?" I ask her.

"Do you?"

"I don't know. All of this happening so fast. First Caelum dies, then all his secrets come out, then Sebastian rejoins my team, then he tells me he loves me. Its too messy," I say, and she just continues stroking my hair.

"I once told you that our lives were balanced on the constant war between chaos and order, a war that can be tipped to the side with a single breath. Your war is between loving the past, and loving the future. You get to choose who wins, even if the outcome isnt what you were expecting," Diana tells me, ever the wise mentor.

"Thank you," I say. Thats always my answer: Thank you. Even if I don't understand it at the moment, I will later.

"Anytime love," she says as I stand up, brushing the tears off my face, and walk towards the door.

"Oh, and one more final piece of advice. I did not raise you as a wolf just for you to howl over a man," she tells me, and I slip through the open door, running through the building and up a ladder onto the roof.

I take a deep breath in and look around. The roof is what I would have pictured the roof of an old castle to look like - crumbling red brick, waist high sides to stop people from falling, a gorgeous view.

Its peaceful. But peaceful isnt what I need right now.

I sit in a cross-legged position on the gravel. In. Out. In. Out. I channel everything I'm feeling and feel a rush of power through me. I close my eyes and a rush of blackness overtakes me. I surface in the misty white area that, by now, is familiar to me.

"Alright Caelum, where are you hiding," I mutter, and flex my fingers. A little photo reel of memories scroll by in front of me, and I select one with Caelum.

I resurface in our original common room in the old Icarus Guard facility. Caelum is sitting on the couch lazily scrolling through channels on the TV.

"Caelum," I say, and he looks up at me.

"Hey Andy," he replies easily, the old Cae who sees me everyday and isnt worried about our immediate future. I stop myself from becoming a puddle of tears on the floor, and sit next to him.

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