Chapter 28: Two Halves of The Same Soul Torn Apart

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I swallow the lump in my throat and knock on her door. Andy's been inconsolable after the ball - hardly eating, never leaving her room, staring at that darned letter like it was the one that killed Caelum. There's no reply, but there hardly ever is these days. I push the door open, and she's gone. No Andy, no letter, and no journal either. I scan the room desperately, and close the door, heading outside to search for her.

I finally find her, perched on the roof, and walk over to her cautiously.

"I'm not going to jump Tina, I've just come out here to think, and read." she says, holding the journal out so I can see over her still-turned away back. I sit down beside her quietly, and surprisingly she hands me her letter. I didn't tell her, but I got one too from Caelum. It told me to take care of Andy no matter what, it also mentioned that he was a spy but who cares anymore. The mans dead, its not like he can sell secrets from beyond the grave.

I skim the letter, and hand it back to her. So that was why Andy's been so upset, two big secrets hidden from her from the person she thought she knew the best. I hand the letter back and she carefully tucks it inside the journal. Me being me probably would've ripped it up and regretted it 0.2 seconds later, but Andy is ever in control.

"You know, my mom used to tell me that one day, somebody would love me so much, and I would never know, and it would be up to me to decide to love them back," Andy says, eyes shining with tears, "and I don't think I would've loved him back Tina."

"Love doesn't happen only once Andy, no matter what they say, you both could have been happy, even if you didn't love him back," I say gently, placing a hand on her back. I mean, if she wanted, I could always push her off and she could go join Caelum. Not the time for jokes Christina!

"I just feel like.. Like i've let him down again, and this time I can't fix it for him," she whispers, leaning into me. I pull her into me, and let her be weak.

"That man looked at you like you were the sky after he'd been living underground his whole life. I don't think you could've ever let him down," I chide gently, and she smiles a bit.

"Thanks Tina, I just... normally Caelum is who I would run to if something like this happened, but this time it happened to him. He wasn't around the first time something happened like this, and he cursed himself for years after. Maybe its a blessing that hes not here to pick up the pieces, I have to do it myself," she says, head vibrating against my side.

"Oh, but I'm here to pick up the pieces, so you aren't really by yourself." I say, and she squeezes me a bit tighter. This is it, I'm officially adopting Andy, she better be happy with having Rosa Maria as her sister.

We stay on the roof, breathing in the fresh air, and taking in the magnificent view. I eventually drag Andy back to my room so she can sleep in clean sheets and pajamas after staying in her room for so long. I make a mental note to clean her room, and put her stuff in the laundry. I take my mothering duties seriously.

While I'm tucking Andy into bed, despite her protests, an idea comes to me. I kiss Andy on the head, and go outside, running to Diana's makeshift office.

"DIANA!" I shout, as I knock on the door. She opens the door faster than I would've thought possible, holding two swords with curlers in her hair and a robe over her pajamas. I stifle a laugh at her appearance, and quickly reassured her that no there wasn't another attack, yes I was aware I shouldn't scare her like that, and please can I come in?

She lets me in with a sigh, closing the door behind me, and flicking the lights on.

"So what brings you knocking and yelling on my door at.... 1 AM?" she asks, yawning.

"I have a plan to fix everything." I say, and she leans forward listening. I quickly outline my plan, going over how we need Sebastian's team and how I think they'll do it. I also describe my suspicions about the government, and how we might be able to pin some stuff on General Claude and his lackey Ms. Samantha Penner. We go over it for what seems like hours, and eventually we find a plan that might just work.

Diana ushers me off to bed, promising to talk with the council and present my idea. I'm hopeful that with the right resources and just a bit of luck we can pull it off.

I go back to Andy's room, reminiscing of the little time when we were roommates, and slide into bed beside her.

"Hey Tina," she murmurs, rolling over, yawning.

"We have a plan Andy, everythings going to work out. Now go back to sleep," I say, brushing a stray hair off her face and pulling the covers over myself. She gives a sleepy smile and nod, and drifts back to sleep. I follow not long after, dreams of a peaceful world drifting through my brain happily.

Raise your hand if you love Christina! 🙌🙌🙌🙌
What do you think Christinas plan is? If it doesnt say
LOVEE! -Alexandra Waterwings

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