Chapter 37: jfjzjwhdjsjd SMILE YOUR ON CAMERA

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As I watch Andy run away from her problems, quite literally might I add, Im pissed at myself.

I had finally started to get a little trust and a little respect from her after everything, and I go and throw it away because I what, thought I was falling in love with her before all this.

God forbid what would have happened had I told her that Im still in love with her. That Im more in love with her everyday. That every time I see her I just want to hold her and know that shes mine.

I stayed after everybody left and then she broke down, and I thought it was the perfect bloody chance to talk to her on an emotional level.

Alright internal romantic that apparently lives in me, pack it up buddy, I have things to do that don't include pining over Andy.

I notice a hidden exit in the hedges, and head through it. This way I hopefully won't run into Andy at least. Its a fairly straight passage, and ends up by a small pond outside the maze.

Theres an older man sitting on a dark wooden bench, holding a cane, and looking at the water. He looks around 76, with closely cropped grey hair, and too many wrinkles to count. I approach him cautiously. As I get closer I see his cane has birds flying over the ocean carved into it, and the initials: AA + SD. Cute.

"Sit, sit my boy. We have much to talk about you and I," he says kindly, his voice much stronger and deeper than his appearance. I sit down next to him, leaving a comfortable space between us.

"So, Sebastian. You've been stirring up trouble, eh my boy?" He says, still not looking at me.

"Yes sir," I clear my throat, "but, do I know you?"

"No my boy, you dont know me. But I know you. Now, tell me about your family," he replies.

"They died-" I start to say, but he interrupts, "I know. Before that. Tell me about your siblings."

"I was the oldest. There was 4 of us, in total. 2 boys, me and Freddie, the baby. And 2 girls, Annie and Kaia. For age it was me first, then Annie and Kaia, who were twins, and finally Freddie. I was 5 turning 6, the girls were 3, and Freddie was 1 and a half," I tell him quietly. Its been a long time since Ive told someone about my brother and sisters.

"Go on boy," he prods me, "what happened at the end."

"The day of the," I wave my hand vaguely in the air, the man seems to understand, "we were going to pick out my first weapon. We had all these big plans, pick out a weapon, go get ice cream, have a picnic, maybe go swimming. It was a big deal for us back then, with mom and dad always working."

I pause, before continuing, "our babysitter Fi was with us. She was more like family then a babysitter to us, and Fi was her nickname. I cant remember her real name and whenever I tried to ask I was told off. Then the alarm sounded. There was an attack. Mom and Dad rushed off to help, Fi was watching us. Then the second explosion went off. Fi knew that people were coming to find us, people who wanted everyone of us dead. She pushed me into a hidden alcove, and told me to keep quiet, even if someone called for help. I was only to get out once she knocked a special knock on the door. I thought I was so important, being the only one hiding there. Fi was scared. I could see it. She took the kids and ran. After that, I was told they ran straight into a group who ran them through and hung them up outside to show just how serious they were. I was the only one in that entire complex of kids and families who made it out."

"There was a reason for it, as there is a reason for all good and bad things that happen." He says, finally looking at me. His eyes are a milky blue, but they still pierce into me, cutting me apart with his gaze.

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