Chapter 35: General Claudes No Good Very Bad Day

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"After we got here, I parked my motorcycle in the alley beside the coffeeshop. Its easy enough to sneak away from. I went inside with everyone else and waited until Diana was introducing Sebastians team to sneak away," I say. As I talk I remeber just exactly what I had to do to sneak in and kill General Claude.

Diana is busy introducing the spies to Sebastians team, now is my time to duck out. Nate and Christina were watching the coffeeshop exits and entrances, but by now they're probably 'distracted' so I can sneak past them. If I activate the motion lights behind Saura, Leo, and Lyra that'll draw their attention away long enough for me to drive away on the motorcycle. The motorcycle is silent, thank the gods, so I can get to the edge of The White Wing compound perimeter without being heard. From there its a quick crawl through the tunnels under the building (gross) into the maintenance room. Then all I have to do is go up the hallway, 3 floors up, and its the second door on the left.

I think, as I strap my helmet on. 3,2,1, the lights flick on behind Saura, Leo, and Lyra and they all jump. Saura plunges them into darkness while Leo unplugs them. I soar down the street, the hum of my motorcycle lightly buzzing in my ears. Its a short, fast ride to the compound.

I pull up, and hide my bike behind some bushes. Theres no patrol on this side for another 5 or so minutes. Perfect. I pry off one of the faux-stone slabs and unlock the entrance behind it. Its a tight squeeze, only a little bigger than an air vent, but only for a little while before the tunnels open up. I stand, hurrying through the tunnels. The tunnels are only used as escape routes for emergencies, so no one patrols them.

I squeeze through the last bit of the tunnel, unlocking it and pushing the faux-stone out of the way. It clangs to the ground, but thank the gods no ones around to hear it. And that no one bothers to put security cameras in maintenance rooms. I pull out an extra uniform from the laundry bag in the room, sliding it on over my gear. I switch my hair from a pony to a bun, and pull a cap over it. No one ever pays attention to the help.

I open the door, and head up the stairs. 1 floor, 2 floors, 3 floors. I let out a sigh of relief when nobody stops me, or questions me. 2nd door to the left, I knock.

Let him think its just a janitor or cleaner asking a simple question. Let him think hes doing a good deed lending them a moment of his time.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of the help interuppting my night?" He sneers at me, and I play the person he wants to see: meek, afraid of him, worshipping him.

"I just had a question about something I found in one of the White Wing dorm rooms, er, sir," I say quickly, stumbling over some of my words purposefully.

"Why of course my dear, come in, come in," he says, opening the door wider. I walk in hesitantly, and he puts his hand on the small of my back, leading me to a chair. He swings the door shut behind him, and I hear the lock click automatically. Foolish bastard.

"What is it you found honey?" He asks, sitting across from me in his desk. I stiffle a gag at his words. He deserves whats coming to him, and everything after.

"It was just this you see..." I lean forward, seemingly pulling something out of my pocket. Instead, I slip my knife from my sleeve, holding it up to his throat. My other hand is over his mouth, stopping him from calling out.

"Scream, yell, even think about it and this knife goes straight through you like butter." I threaten, "do you understand?" He nods, I pull my hand back from over his mouth.

"Good, now heres how this is going to work, you tell me everything you know about Caelum James Proditeur and maybe Ill let you live," I say, and he nods again. Its a lie, hes dying tonight, in this room, even if I have to fight everybody in this damn compound to do it.

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