Chapter 10: PARTY TIME!!

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"So there's a party tonight to welcome you guys, who's excited?" I ask, curled up next to Caelum on the couch, there's a rerun of Friends on, and everyone's half-watching.

"A party?" Liz asks.

"Yes, a party," I say and grin, "it'll be fun! And it's in your guys honour so you all have to come."

"I'm in," Sebastian says, and I'm surprised, who would have guessed Mr. Goody-two shoes would want to come to a party.

"So am I," Alex says, and Topher and Liz quickly agree.

"It's at nine. Be ready for some fun."
I slip into a pair of wide legged white pants, and a silk black cropped top, before checking my makeup and hair in the mirror. Vela, standing next to me, does the same, tucking her cute emerald green knit sweater into her white jeans. Vega and Saura, who have been ready for an hour already, are struggling to put makeup on Liz, while Lyra does her hair.

I laugh at them, and slip my heels on - the only reason I wear them is because I love the clickty sounds when I walk.

We meet the boys at the door, and walk down to the party. Caelum, grabbing my arm and pretending to escort me. It's dark out, and there's lights streaming from under the door. Everyone shouts: "WELCOME!!!'' once we enter, and we split up immediately. Vega and Vela can't drink because they're fasting and it's against their religion, so they're perfect for manning the keg station. Leo leads Alex and Topher away to some corner for bad booze, and Cae follows to make sure they don't get into any trouble. Lyra and Saura go to play beer pong. I grab Sebastian's arm, and take him to a game of truth and dare happening in one of the rooms.

"Rules: everytime you pass you drink, you can only pass 3 times, and there's no limit on dares - only that they have to be things we can do right now," I explain quickly to Sebastian as we walk over, "in the words of the great Tate Mcrae: 'you're drunk at a party'"

Once we get there, a quick rock paper scissors decides that Sebastian gets to ask first.

"Andy: Truth or Dare?" Sebastian asks me.

"Truth," I reply. Not my normal answer, but I haven't played with him before, and have no idea what crazy shit he'd make me do. Not that telling everyone a secret is much better.

"Why do you always use quotes?" Sebastian asks. Not what I was expecting.

"I'm not really sure. Maybe because other people are so much better at summing up my thoughts and emotions than me. It also makes me look smart," I finally reply, having taken a minute to think about it. He seems pleased with that answer.

"Kayla: Truth or Dare?" I ask her, she's small and crazy and picks dare every time, so I get to think up some wack thing for her.

"Dare!" she shouts and giggles, already a little tipsy.

"I dare you to switch clothes with Mick," I say. Mick is a 6 foot guy, and currently Kayla's wearing a small bodycon dress, and he's wearing joggers and a t-shirt. They come back out quickly, and I laugh when I see Mick in Kayla's tight dress, he looks like he's struggling to breath, and it barely covers him. Kayla however is swimming in micks clothes, with his sweats pulled up to her chest, and still pooling at the bottom, and his shirt reaching her knees.

The game doesn't go on for much longer, because Kayla dares Pablo to play beer pong against her, and we all decide to take turns playing. Sebastian and Pablo team, and Kayla and I team.

"WHOOOO!" Kayla yells, sinking her ball, she's already super drunk, because for every one she sinks, she misses three. I'm not as bad, but still we suck. Sebastian and Pablo however still look sober. How annoying. Sebastian sinks his ball into the last cup on our side and him and Pablo high-five.

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