Chapter 15: Some Unexpected Complications

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As soon as we get back to the common room I flop onto the couch. "Can someone call in a favour to Raziel and get him to smite me please?" I mumble, my face buried into the cushions. I feel someone sitting next to me heavily, and began stroking my hair.

"Aw muffin, cry me a river, and then build a bridge and get over it." Caelum says, his hand smoothing my hair down.

I don't even bother to lift my head to respond, instead I flip him off, and lazily rest my hand on his leg. He grabs me under my armpits and flips me into a half-sitting position on his lap, leaning against him and the arm of the couch. He grabs the remote and flips some house reno show on.

"My hero," I say, and bury the side of my face into his chest, letting myself be distracted by the show.

"Everyone ready?" I say, adjusting my gear, and making sure all my various knives and swords are properly sheathed and strapped in.

Topher and Leo are comparing weapons by the door, both of them already suspiciously warmed up to each other. The last guy Leo liked turned out to be straight, and I don't want it to happen again. A small chorus of "yes's" sound back, from various spots around the room. 2 Advil pills, toast, and a couple of glasses of orange juice later and my hangover is basically gone.

"This way everyone!" Cae announces, leading the way out of the common room, through the building, and finally out into the garage. A van is already waiting for us.

Most of the patrol is on foot, through buildings and through back streets, looking for possible recruits, and White Wings that might be giving us trouble. Tonight's patrol is a simple one, just going through Sector 4, which is mostly abandoned buildings.

I purse my lips in thought, surveying our rather large team. For now, Sebastians team has been added to ours, and we're all going on this mission because they're still in training.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Sebastian stare at Caelum, who sits facing me on the right side of the van. Caelum doesn't seem to notice, instead he's staring at.... Me?

I'm jolted from my thoughts as the van abruptly pulls to a stop. I unbuckle my seatbelt, and stand up, my head brushing the ceiling. I hear a bang and a high pitched "owwww!" as someone, Topher I'm assuming, hits their head.

"After you madam." Agent Daniel says, opening the back doors and helping me down. Dannie's been here since the start of time, and his main job is a driver, because he's nearing 60 and too old for field work. He used to help me study when I got to the compound, and he's the closest thing to an uncle I have. I kiss his cheek, and pat his arm, before running to join the group in the building.

"This is one of my favourite buildings in Sector 4," I say, standing next to Liz, who's marveling at the tall ceiling, and grand dusty chandelier. She nods, sending a small smile in my direction. I don't envy her, having to be on a team with 4 dudes.

We all jog up the stairs, checking each floor carefully. There's no sign of anyone in this building, so we head up to the roof, and jump the 3 feet to the second building's roof. I suck in a breath of cold air, before descending the rickety stairs.
Halfway through our search of the building, we see signs of someone living there. Two someones by the amount of supplies and food.

I crack the door open, and enter cautiously. The second I'm fully in, the door slams shut and I'm attacked with water. Lots of it.

The girl, a tall spanish girl, controls the swirling water, choking me with a large bubble around my face. Theres a smaller girl behind her, 6 maybe 7, cowering in fear. I raise my hands in surrender, and drop my swords.

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