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           The trainer stared down at the young female. His eyes slightly narrowed under his helmet at her. "Correct. Go to the range. Double time!" He yelled as he saw her tense before she quickly turned and then started to run at a steady pace toward the range with the trainer following behind her.

        From the middle of the room where they were once standing to the range was a medium distance. If she was asked how far she would probably say 15-25 feet. It was shorter than the training armory, which lay on the other side of the training room, the hand-to-hand arena, and the explosive tests. She could hear her heart rate echo in her ears. It seemed louder in her helmet. It seems way louder when she stopped in front of one of the booths for the range. her eyes staring forward. Not even wanting to look behind her or to either side of her unless she was directed to.

         "Alright. Good. You can move quickly." He said this as he came up behind her and then moved to her side. He scanned her body with his eyes. "Ready position!" Thraz yelled as the young female moved swiftly. Switched the rifle off safely and then pointing it downrange. Her finger was on the trigger and her eye looking down the sight. "3...2....1...FIRE!" He said this as the familiar ring of a blaster was heard. She had hit the target that she was aiming for. But not directly in the center. 

        "Good try Sol'ar. Again." The trainer would say sternly as he looked downrange at the targets as two more had popped up. Striker tried her best to act quickly and aim. She looked through the sights and did her best to shoot both. Both shots were closer to the center but not at the same time. Probably a few centimeters off. 

         Thraz sighed as he then grabbed her gun and lowered it. "You need to breathe a focus. Four laps go!" The trainer said this as he grabbed her rifle and then pushed her away.

        The young female regained her balance and then turned and started to run. She kept a good breathing pattern. She once again passed the CQC arena, explosives, training armory, punching bags, weights, dummies, and then lastly the range. This was always the way that they were thrown. From what she read, the trainers did a lot of things. What her group was learning was a baby level. She knew what they would learn in the end.

         Three more laps later she came back to the range. She heard her heartbeat in her helmet as she stood there. She faced him with her hands behind her back. She did her best to control her breathing.

        "Good. Took you shorter than before. Your getting faster." He said this as she looked down at her. He noticed her looking straight forward and nodded. He held out her training rifle and then dropped it. He wanted to see how fast her reflexes were.

         Striker gasped slightly before she grabbed the rifle. It was an inch off the ground. She stood back up and held the rifle against her chest. Her heart rate definitely increased. She didn't know what the punishment would be and didn't wanna risk it.

        Thraz clapped slightly and then chuckled. "You were close Rookie!" He said this as he looked at her eyes. Striker looked at his chest instead of the eye slit for his t-visor. "End for today. Dismissed!" He yelled as he then stood up straight once more.

       Striker nodded and then turned to her right and jogged toward the door. As soon as she walked out and heard the door close she took off her helmet.  She took a deep breath as she looked down at the floor. Her head popped back up when she heard footsteps. The young girl walked toward her and Xvan's shared room.

         It was now dark outside and most of the trainees were asleep. There were very few awake right now. She saw a few walk around on a patrol but not many. Her pace was kept steady but quick. Before she knew it she was back at the room door. She yawned as she pushed a button on the keypad. She jumped slightly as she saw Xvan waiting at the desk.

          "Took you long enough." He said this as he came over and instinctively hugged her. He brought her into the room seeing how tired she was.

         "Striker-" All that was heard was a masculine voice before everything in the room went black.


Thank you for reading! I know it has been a HOT minute since I did a chapter but here we go. More to come eventually.

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