The Medbay & The Recruits

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      Emar and Striker were walking side by side toward the medbay.  It was protocol to have all new members to get checked out by a medic.  In Striker's situation, she's gonna need to be treated for her wounds from the crash as well.  And wherever she was before the pod crashed.   Emar looked at Striker and suddenly got curious.  

      "Little one, what planet did you come from?" she asked as she wanted to know.  Maybe if she knew she could do a little research and learn something.

      "I don't know where I come from.  I can't remember anything." She responded as she looked at Emar.  She moved closer when she saw a Mando walking past.  She didn't know anyone yet.  

      "Well, I was hoping you would at least remember something." She said as they walked into the Medbay.  The room was different than the other ones.  It was a very light grey and had maybe four windows.  Striker had moved closer to Emar and moved kinda behind her as well.  She was kinda scared of her surroundings.  Emar saw a Medic and walked toward them.

      "Su cuy'gar Emar. Cuyir ibic te ad ibac Ni was told at utrel'a? (Hello Emar. Is this the child I was told to clear?)" They said and Emar nodded.

      "Elek.  She cuyir shupur'yc bal linibar at cuyir treated. Kaysh jahaal cuyir baatir. (Yes. She is injured and needs to be treated. Her health is worrying.)" Emar said as she motioned to Striker.  She moved her out from behind her and moved her toward a medical bed.  The young girl didn't trust the medic.  She trusted Emar but had no intent on trusting the medic either. 

                                    ----------------An hour and a half later of struggling----------------

        Emar thanked the medic for taking care of Striker's wounds and getting her into the database. They walked out of the medical wing and then headed toward another part of the clan house.  The recruit rooms.  She planned on bunking her with Xvan who she also took in when he was young.  The two walked side by side.  Striker needed new clothes.  She couldn't wear these rags that she has on forever.

       "Emar, am I gonna get new clothes as well?" The 13-year old said as they walked.  Emar continued walking and chuckled.  

      "Indeed little one.  They should fit." She said as she glanced down.  She turned the corner and saw something happening.  A big group of recruits were in the middle of the hall. Emar told Striker to stay out and the walked over.

      "Evaar'la solus,  meg cuyir ibic an about?! (Young one, what is this all about?!)" She asked as she broke through the crowd.  What she saw she reacted with a deep sigh of disappointment.  There had been a fight and Xvan was just about to knock the other out when he heard Emar and froze.  "Xvan Tran, follow me to your quarters.  Rigg Shar, take this recruit to the medbay." The recruit did as told and Emar's had was firmly on Xvan's shoulder.  All the other recruits dispersed back to their rooms as Emar walked back over to where she had left Striker.  

      "Xvan, Meet your bunkmate.  Striker Sol'ar." She said as she smiled slightly under her helmet. She saw the two recruits just stare at each other.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Thanks for reading! Sorry for the long wait.  I have been busy lately.  SO from now on there is gonna be a warning for slow updates ---------

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