The Range

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The supervisor stood in front of the group of the fifteen trainees. They all stood at attention as their faces were stern and blank. They all wore the same uniform. A Light grey base color and a navy blue around the collar and shoulders. The clan logo placed on their left shoulder. They all had training helmets that were in the armory as well as weaponry.

"Listen up trainees! Your training starts now. Hopefully, most of you know how to fire a blaster. If you know how to at least pull a trigger, your gonna be fine." Thraz -as Striker just recently learned- started to circle the group. He looked at all of the trainees to see if he could get at any of them. Mainly one trainee in particular. But, he did have to watch what he did. The Alor'ads son and daughter were in the group.

Striker's arms tense up as she heard his footsteps come closer. She had to keep her composer so that nothing bad would happen to her or the rest of the group. That's what she is worried about. Doing something wrong and the whole group suffers.

"If any of you don't know how to use a pistol or rifle at all, well, it is gonna be a difficult time for you." His feet stopped behind the two bunkmates of Xvan Tran and Striker Sol'ar. He wanted to strike some fear into the trainee's hearts. Thraz was going to punish the two for being almost late. Yes, it was 30 seconds to spare but it still was too close. "Make sure your ready for this training. You all with form three lines of five trainees. You will jog to the armory and grab a training helmet and a Westar-35 Carbine. That is all you need from that room. Grab and go. You will await further instructions at the range. Am I understood?" His tone was one with purpose as he took great pride in the ones he trained because on multiple occasions his trainees were the ones that became some of the best fighters in the clan.

"Sir yes sir!" The trainees yelled out in acknowledgment. They all hurried and got into three lines with five trainees each. One line at a time left and jogged off toward the storage rooms. If Striker remembered correctly, the storage rooms were at the far end of the training room. Looking at the schematics that were given to her by Emar helped a lot. She could find where she was going and make sure that all the trainees were going in the correct directing. The doors were going to be easy to spot so if a trainee group did miss it, it would be surprising. The doors were a light grey base color with dark grey or navy blue accents. There also happened to be a light above it as well.

As the young girl jogged along with the group, her eyes were darting every which way. Her head was still forward but not her eyes. She wanted to take note of her surroundings so that it will be easier to get around as time goes on. She noticed there were three main training areas separated for different things. There was a hand to hand combat arena, shooting range, and explosives test arena. She noticed that two Mandalorians were fighting each other before the stopped, They looked over to the passing trainees. They were fully armored but had no blasters in the holsters. Those were outside the arena in a pile.

The two Mandos were probably thinking of when they too were in that position. When they had to jog to grab things from the storage rooms or to go to different areas. Or maybe they were just saying stuff about the youngsters. That is something that will never be revealed or known because who knows if Striker would even see those two again.

The lines stopped in front of the armory. There had to be two different storage rooms. One for different types of explosives and the other for different types of blasters and or melee weapons. They only had to go into one room for the time being. Striker was hoping that they could get to use explosives eventually. She had been stuck in her own thoughts that she didn't even notice that she was the next person to go in. She didn't even notice who went in with her either. The young girl with dishwater blonde hair did as her supervisor told. She went in, grabbed a Westar-35 Carbine and training helmet, and walked out. She slid the bucket over her head the visor lit up slightly. The rifle sat in her hands and close to her chest.

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