Clear for Training

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           A few days had passed since the last encounter with Thraz in the training room. The medics continued to do checks every day up until today. Striker had been sitting in the mess hall with Xvan and Rigg. Just relaxing and eating a slightly later lunch. 

         "So S, now that you're cleared for training what are you gonna work on the most?" Rigg asked calmed as he took a bite of his food. He looked at her and waited for an answer. The older boy saw her shoulders rise and fall knowing what that meant.

        The youngest of the three sighed before she looked at the boy. "Rigg for the last time, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me S? You know that the next chance I get I will knock your ass on the ground." Striker spoke calmly before she smirked and chuckled softly. "But to answer your question, probably hand to hand and pistols. When I watched you all do that, I was quite intrigued by hand-to-hand combat and knife training." She took a sip of her water before she heard her brother struggle to hide a laugh.

        Rigg's eyes widened slightly as he looked away and took a sip of his water. "Someone is gonna be deadly when training is done." He spoke softly but then felt something hit his shoulder. "Ow! OK see I didn't deserve that."

        Xvan looked at the two and was glad that he didn't choose the middle seat. He chuckled and then looked at his sister in the middle of the two. He said her look before quickly shutting up. "I already know and yes I do find that funny."

       The girl chuckled before shaking her head. "Alright, you two. Let's clean up and then head out. I know that Thraz is gonna be glad to have the full team back. But, don't blame me if we have to run extra laps alright?" She stood up and grabbed her tray. She started to walk away to put it away before looking over her shoulder. "Blame it on Rigg!" She managed to put her stuff away before she heard footsteps close behind her.

      "Hey!" The boy yelled before he grabbed his tray and ran after her. She was smaller and faster than he was. He kinda lazily tossed his tray on top of hers before the two bolted out the door.

       "Those two are gonna so get in trouble." Xvan stood as he was the last out. He didn't run after the two as he knew that they would be fine.


        The three teenagers soon arrived in the training room. It was a little later than normal but it was something that Thraz was doing more often. Staggered times so that it wasn't predictable when they were gonna have class until an hour before.

       Speaking of Thraz, he walked down the hall and saw Striker and Rigg running into the training room. He stopped at the door before seeing Xvan not far behind them. Under his helmet, he raised a brow before he walked in. The three trainees were the first ones there. "Good afternoon you three. Better early than late."

       The three stood next to each other before Striker spoke. "Yes sir." It was simple but it got the point across. Thraz stopped in front of Striker. Analyzing her from head to toe. "Is there something wrong sir?"

      "Are you ready for today Sol'ar? Because today, you will be training with Rigg hand-to-hand. Because of your medical leave, you will be expected to hold your ground to the best of your ability. Do I make myself clear, trainee?" He spoke calmly as he looked down at the girl. Under her helmet was a straight face with little emotion.

       "Sir yes sir." Her poster adjusted as she stood there. She saw him turn and walk away before she moved and looked at her friends. Striker then turned and looked at Rigg. Not to her surprise, he was already looking at her.

       "Well, this is gonna be interesting. If you get hurt don't blame me." The young girl smirked and then chuckled softly. She then felt a hit on her shoulder and she grabbed it. "OK, I did not deserve that."

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