Start of the Long Run

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It was a few days after the big gathering. Striker was all healed up and was now just sitting in her bunk. She was looking down and reading a datapad when Xvan made a sudden noise and got up quickly. He rushed toward the desk on the other side of the room, which left his roommate confused.

"Xvan, what is all of this rushing around about?" She asked as she moved the datapad out of the way, placing it next to her. The young girl slid down the ladder for the top bunk and landed on her feet.

He said nothing as he tossed some cloths at her. The 15 year old mando started to change and Striker took note and started to as well. They both were in form fitting clothes. Easy to move and fight in.

"Now will you tell me what is happening?" She asked as her arms folded. She was confused and wanted answers. The young girl cocked a hip slightly looking at her roommate or should she say vod which meant brother or sister as she just learned.

"We have 3 minutes to get to the training room." He said as he quickly handed Striker a belt. It had like 2 pouches and a holster coming off of it. A dark grey Westar-35 placed in it. The roommates look identical other than the gender and hair.

"Xvan, did you just remember this?!" She yelled as she was concerned that she was gonna be late to her first training session because of Xvan. Suddenly, there was a buzz over the intercom and there was a stern voice that sounded annoyed and male.

The two young mando's rushed out of there shared quarters and toward the training room. They were going as fast as they could but the training room was across the HQ. Striker was cursing quietly as she ran. Her feet weren't bothered by the sharp turns and the quick pace. For some reason, running this much seemed normal to her.


The two arrived at the hanger with maybe 30 seconds to spare. They got in a line while Xvan stood at attention. Striker didn't know what to do meaning that this was her first training session with the clan.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. A newbie to train in our ways." The supervisor said as he walked over to Striker. The young girl had her hands neatly behind her and her back straight. Her feet here too spread out which could make her fall over easier. The supervisor reached over touched the side of her face. Striker tried to keep her cool as her jaw clench tighter.

The door slid open and his hand has probably never moved away so quickly. Emar and Zyrnn walked into the door and he backed up and stood at attention. The two leaders nodded to the supervisor and Emar slightly glanced at Striker.

"Did everyone arrive on time Thraz?" Zyrnn asked as he stood in front of the group of trainees. His helmet scanned the room and 15 trainees that stood infront of him. The supervisor shifted slightly in his spot to the left of the two leaders.

"Yes sir. Two of them though came in with only 30 seconds to spare. Those two would be Xvan Tran and the new member, Striker Sol'ar." He stated pointing to Striker and Xvan who stood next to each other in the back line. Under the helmet, Thraz was glaring at Striker. Meaning that she was new to the clan and had only been there for about a week and a half, he didn't trust her. He saw her as an outsider compared to everyone else. "I will make sure that it won't happen again."

"No need. Those two are fine. They still came without being late." Emar stated as she turned and looked toward Thraz who was to her left. The female knew that some members were still getting used to Striker as she was new. Emar couldn't just leave her out there to die though. Zyrnn looked over his shoulder and nodded.

"Yes ma'am." He said as he looked away from the two and faced forward toward the trainees. The male noticed how Emar sounded and it did sound slightly off. Did she go soft for some outsider? Hopefully not. Those are the types of thoughts going through his head at the very moment. Emar was always one that was seen as tough and very sturn. But, ever since she found Striker and brought her back to the HQ she has been different.

'Females. Always going soft before the males. Their weak.' Thrax thought to himself as his eyes glanced at Emar once more. His helmet didn't move, just his eyes. The supervisor was being very cautious and was also tense.

"Students, you know the drill. Stand straight, feet spread, and hands flat ontop of one another behind your back." Zyrnn stated as he crossed his arms. There was a shift that seemed to have everyone in sink. Striker took a moment before figuring out the feet spacing. "Thraz, take it away. We will be watching this training session." The clan leader stated as he nodded to the trainer and turned in his heel. Emar did the same knowing that giving space is for the best.

"Right. Trainees! Today we will be doing target practice. Seeing how fast you can hit a target without rushing to long. Making sure that you can hit said target as well." He said as he stood infront of the group of 15. His tone of voice sturn and clear. There was no response from the group as there usally wasn't. This trainer wasn't like the others. He was more sturn and more tough on his group's. Most of them became the best in the clan.

'Well, this is just one small step for a long road ahead of me.' Striker thought to herself as she stood here at attention. Jaw clenched and some muscles tense. She was correct with her thoughts though. Typically, training Mando's to the full extent takes around 4.5 to 5 years. Hopefully these next few years will go by swiftly.

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