Packing To Callifornia

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• Sage's POV •
"Hailey come on move faster damnit we're late!!" I shouted unpaciently. Hey, I'm Sage, also known as Xylo. And today we had a flight to California today at 5:00 and it was already 3:00. We wanted to get some a snacks before we left which is why I am rushing.

"I'm coming I'm coming jeez!" My cousin shouted back from upstairs. "I'm heading to the car if you're not iut in less than 2 minutes I'm telling my mom to drive off without you!" I yelled back while running out to my mom's car. Our cars were already being brought to California on a ship so we had to drive with my mom. I practically jumped into the car and quickly got comfortable while waiting for my lame ass cousin.

"Big day huh?" My mom hummed from the front of the car hoping to start a conversation. Teddy my GSP was growling inpaciently in the back waiting for the car to love. "Huh? Oh yeah, it is. Kind of nervous though. i mean it's California, new land." I shook my head nervously while my leg bounced. "Aww you'll be okay call me if you will ever need something." My mom tried reassuring when the car door swung open and a short pink haired girl jumped in. I nodded with a sigh as the car started taking off. Eventually we got to Walmart and we both practically tripped down. "I'll be back here in this same spot in an hour so you're not late for your trip." My mom told while checking her watch on her wrist. "Alright thanks mom!" I shouted as we put on our face masks and ran into the store.

"Where to first?" I thought out loud as I watched a couple of people walking by. "Takis." She exclaimed and started running towards the food. Shouldn't be Suprized. I ran up behind her while she took two big party sized bags filled with Takis. "Now what?" I asked as I walked through the isles with Hailey not far behind me. "Blankets." She said as she grabbed my hand and practically dragged me towards the blanket and room isle. "Found them!" I exclaimed and took a cute fluffy grey blanket. I looked down to check the price when my nose wrinkled at the number. "$30?!? God damn bro." I sighed sarcastically with an eye roll.

When we got that we went to get some treats for the dogs for after we arrived. After that we just bought some random stuff we found for example this rubber frog we found. Hailey named it Coral. Awhile later I took out my phone as it buzzed just to notice the time as well. A loud screech left my mouth in panic. "Shit it's 4:20!!" I yelled rushing over and grabbing Hailey. "What!? How did you not notice?" "I always have my phone muted it's not my problem! You should have been looking too you dumb fuck." I shook my head and went over to a cashier. We quickly paid and ran outside to see my mom talking to a security guard. Honestly she was probably asking him to come find us and drag us back to the car.

"My bad we're here lost track of time." I explained while getting into the car. "Oh my god there they are, thank you kind sir, we have to go now though, bye!" My mom said eagerly and started driving to the airport. I turned to look behind me and saw Scarlet and Teddy freaking out in there cages. Silence was sleeping and so was everyone else. About twenty minutes later we arrived at the airport. How exactly? My mom was going over the speed limit. How great is that?

"Alright go go go or you'll be late!" My mom said as we got out quickly grabbing out suitcases from the back. "Bye mom! I'll call you when we land!" I yelled back with no time as we leashed all the dogs and ran inside.

"Hi we're here for a trip to California leaving at 5:00!" (Sorry I don't really know how this stuff works.) "Ahh yes the plane was just about to leave. I'll take your bags and the dogs you girls get along." The lady smiled kindly as she took our suitcases. We thanked her and ran towards the entrance of the plane making it in a split millisecond. When we got inside the plane we got sent to our seats on the plane. We got seated next to some random guys who all watched us sit down.

"Alright I'm taking a nap. Wake me when we land." Hailey said out of no where. I silently laughed and just got comfortable. I put in my AirPods and listened to some music while leaning back. Eventually I ended up falling asleep comfortably.

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