Finding New Love

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~*10 Years Later*~

Its now been 10 years and Mirla is now 9 years old and in school and her tenth birthday is coming up soon and I cant wait. Micheal and I still aren't together and I'm not planning on getting back with him any time sooner. Sadly Carlos and Hailey broke up actually not to long ago. Hailey has already recovered from it but I know that Carlos hasn't. I feel bad for him. But anywho I'm going to work at the singing studios I'm working on a new song and also I heard a new guy had joined to become a singer so I will also be helping him and I cant wait to meet him. I also heard he's my age-.

~*A Monday Morning*~

"momma im ready to go to school!!" I heard Mirla yelling from upstairs "well good morning to you too sweetie" I replied back to her "oopsie good morning momma" Mirla said "Sweetie can please go wake up your auntie she's gonna be late for work" I said as I was packing Mirla's lunch "okie" she said running towards Hailey's room. "Auntie Hailey!! Momma said to wake up or you'll be late for work!!" Mirla said knocking on Hailey's door. The door squeaked open and Mirla went inside Hailey's room "Auntie Hailey?" Mirla took a few more steps inside her room. "BOO" "AHHH" Hailey had scared Mirla and she yelled "Thats not funny Auntie Hailey" Mirla whined "haha im sorry peanut" Hailey apologized "ready for school?" Hailey asked "are u ready for work?" Mirla talked back "you little.." then Hailey proceeded to tickle Mirla.

"haha ok peanut lets go back downstairs to your mom" Hailey said "okie" Mirla replied "Momma I woke up Auntie Hailey then she tackled me and tickled me" Mirla said running down the stairs, "hey why are u telling on me you little tattle tale" Hailey said tickling Mirla again. I laughed "Mirla sweetie get in the car ima drop you off at school today" I told Mirla handing her backpack and lunch "ok momma" and she got into the car. "buh bye hoomanz" "buh bye" we said to each other.

~*At The Singing Studios*~

I just arrived to work after dropping off Mirla at school. I met the new guy and his name was Dexter...he's not bad looking tbh but I have more things to worry about. "Hi, nice to meet you I'm Sage" I said with a soft chuckle "Hi Sage I'm Dexter nice to meet you too" He replied back. I was teaching him a bit with his vocals then another teacher took him in for another lesson and I was working on my new song. He was very nice and was pretty good at singing already and he already has lyrics for his song he just doesn't exactly know how to put it in song form-if that even makes sense but whatever. Finally it was the end of the day and time to go back home and...oh- Hailey just texted me she picked up Mirla..welp I guess I don't have to anymore. "hey Sage" I heard a soft voice say, I looked up and saw Dexter almost running into him. "oh hey Dex whats up" I said "I was just gonna ask if you wanna hang out friday and I know I just met you but I want to get to know you more" He said "oh yeah ofc what time?" I asked "hmm does 8:30 work for you?" he asked me "yeah it does" "ok great ill pick you up at your house?" "yeah here's my address" I gave him my address and said goodbye and went home.

~*Afternoon At Home*~

"hey I'm home" I said walking through the door. "Momma!!" Mirla said running to me "Welcome back hoomanz" Hailey said "thanks" I said laughing a bit wondering why we still call each other that. "oh hey peanut you should show the surprise to your mom" Hailey said talking to Mirla "oh yeah momma look I got a 100 on my test!!" Mirla said yelling in excitement as I picked her up "Wow good for you sweetie very proud of you keep it up!" I told her. "thanks momma also please put me down I still have homework to do" Mirla told me "ok sweetie go do your homework" I said while putting her back down.

"anywho hoomanz whats for dinner?" Hailey asked me "hmm steak" I replied "Ooo yes I cant wait then" Hailey said laughing "GOD DAMNIT" She yells right after "I-what just happened-?" I asked "THIS STUPID MOTHER FUCKER JUST KILLED ME-" Hailey replied " hey Auntie Hailey no more swearing I told you that already" Mirla said with a attitude "I'm sorry peanut I'm just really mad at this one person right now" Hailey replied back. "Mirla sweetie are you done with your homework yet?" I asked "almost momma I'm just stuck on this one question" "hm let me see 12 x 12 divided by 2... so you multiply these two then you can do long division for whatever answer u get so whats 12 x 12?" (yes I'm making you guys do math what about it) I asked Mirla "uhhh OH 144!!" she yelled "yep so then 144 divided by two so now you see how many times 2 goes into 144 so first lets do how many times does 2 go into 14?" "uh 7" "yes so then how many times does 2 go into 4?" "twice" "good so whats your answer?" "72" "yes you did it good job sweetie" I said happily "Yay! now I'm done with my homework ima go put this back upstairs" she said going to her room "HOOMANZ DINNER IS READY" she was in the shower so I had to yell "ooo whats for dinner momma" I heard Mirla say "steak" I said "oo yay steak" Mirla said Hailey came down the stairs with an old fashioned night gown "you and old fashioned doll stuff but yet satans daughter-" I said laughing "whatever I want some steak" she said sounding tired I gave Mirla cut up pieces of steak and Hailey her plate of steak. "Mirla when you're done eating go take a shower and go to bed" I said to Mirla "yes momma". Mirla finished eating and went upstairs to take a shower, Hailey went upstairs and sat on her swinging chair reading a book waiting for Mirla. (they always read at least a few pages of a book before bed in Hailey's room)

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