The Anouncment

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(Outfits on top)
~* Karla's POV *~
"When will we tell them?" I said to Micheal the day after we became official. "Today?" He suggested. We were currently in the living room of my house while Hailey was buying groceries. Usually she never goes without me but I told her I was planning a music video. Haha. "Sure let's tell Hailey first because she's coming back soon." I said as I adjusted myself in my seat. "Alright." He said hugging me. We were currently in a couples position if you would call it. Suddenly I heard the door open and I jumped up and got out of the position. It's not that I didn't like it it was just we wanted to tell her. Not have her find out lol. "What'd I miss?" She asked raising a brow at me. "Sit your ass down and find out." I said smiling as she sat down. "So what's up?" She questioned. "SO, you know about the considered date yesterday?" I said crossing my arms getting comfortable. "Mhm." She hummed and I started getting nervous so I spat it out quickly. "We went on the Ferris wheel and Micheal asked me to be his girlfriend and I kissed him instead and now we're a couple." I said the quickest I could. Before I even got to breathe out I heard Hailey scream. "YESSS!!" Someone help- "I KNEW IT!" Oh lord- "WHEN U GETTING MARRIED?!" She said sarcastically but I still choked on air because of that. "I'm fine-" I said literally dying on air. "I uhh- were not?" I said more of like a question. "Not yet at least." Micheal flirted. I started blushing intensely and just hide my face in a pillow.

The night passed and Micheal stayed over for the night. He slept with me because well he was my boyfriend. I ended up falling asleep in his chest.

The next morning we went to Micheal's house and we were ready to tell them we were dating. We each sat down on the couch and chatted for a bit until I decided it was time and cleared my throat. "So guys on yesterday's date with me and Micheal- he uhh-" "Basically there a couple now." Hailey chimed in the background. As soon as she said that every started clapping and being happy for us. Micheal and I thanked everyone and gave them all a hug. "I'm also planning on writing a song about what happened at the bar to spread awareness. Would you guys like to be in it?" I asked smiling at them hopefully. "Of course I will babe." Micheal said to me and hugged me while placing a kiss on my forehead. Everyone started Aweing. I could feel the heat rise up to my cheeks and make me blush. "Sure we'll be in it." Mike said speaking up. "Oh and babe tonight we're doing a 3:00AM challenge want to join in?" "Of course I will that's my favorite." I said smiling while being sarcastic.

Nighttime came by and we were getting ready for the ritual. We were ordering Uber Eats at three AM and I honestly did not mind. Micheal turned on the camera and started filming. I was waiting him on my phone when I looked up the camera was right in my face. "We're you talking to me?" I said laughing. "Yeah-" this made me laugh harder. "Sorry, hi" I said and got comfortable again. Micheal started explaining everything that was about to go down. "Alright! What are we ordering?" Micheal yelled while he threw himself next to me. I put my phone down and payed attention to everyone. "I'm getting a hamburger and some fries. And a coke" Jesse said additionally. The camera then pointed to Nick and he said the most amazing order I wish I ordered it first. "I'll take a Mc' Flurry, some fries, and a coke 😎" I love that order haha. Micheal then pointed the camera towards Hailey and she said "A large fries and  McChickens." She so basic. Next thing I knew I had the camera towards me. "I just gotta Large Fries, some nuggets and a MrPepper." I said smiling. Micheal came over to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "We'll see you in a bit now!" He said and covered the camera.

"What now?" I asked. "We have a lot of time to kill." Hailey said. Eventually Nick made a dramatic face. "What?" Jesse asked. "Let's play 7 Minutes In Heaven." Said Nick smirking. Ah hell naw. "Sure." I heard Micheal say. Oh sh!t. "Circle everyone!" I got into a circle and Nick took out his camera and started filming what was going down. "We better make this quick cus we only have 45 minutes." I said and Nick nodded. We were using an empty water bottle."Who's spinning first?" Nick asked. Everyone said not it besides me. "Fineeeee" I said and spun the bottle. It started slowly down until it landed on Micheal. At least I know him. I smirked and grabbed him and basically dragged him into the room. We're using a room yes. He locked the door and immediately pinned me down to the wall. Oh please don't tell me he's hinting towards that. He started kissing me harder I kissed back but not as hard. He bit my lip asking for entrance and I granted him just that. Might as well do something while waiting. Micheal started trying to take off my shirt but I pulled away. "The times too poor." I said and that's when the door swung open. It was Jesse probably wanting to find out if something was happening. "Times u-p" he said up in between popping the P. He also sounded kind of disappointed that nothing really happened.

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